Middle Grade Series Quotes

Quotes tagged as "middle-grade-series" Showing 1-30 of 35
“In climbing, there was always a fraction of a second between the security of being locked in and the freedom of an actual rappel.”
Paul Aertker, Brainwashed

“Lucas Benes lay in a sleeping bag on the roof of his father’s hotel, dreaming about a past he couldn’t remember.”
Paul Aertker, Brainwashed

“The sign above the door was written in French. It read: ARRÊTE ! C’EST ICI L’EMPIRE DE LA MORT.
“That means,” he explained to Gini, “‘Stop! It is here the Empire of Death.”
Paul Aertker, Brainwashed

Kailin Gow
“She succeeds because she is loved and respected. - Kailin Gow, Amazon Lee and The Red Jade General Lady Liang of Song”
Kailin Gow

Kailin Gow
“Acts of Kindness Transcends All Languages - Kailin Gow, Amazon Lee Adventures”
Kailin Gow

Steven J. Carroll
“It is good practice to never fault someone for their birth name, being that it is always of far greater importance how men speak of you, than the name by which you are addressed.”
Steven J. Carroll, A Prince of Earth

Steven J. Carroll
“To travel beyond our world is to change this present one forever.”
Steven J. Carroll, A Prince of Earth

Vivian French
“Correct me if I'm wrong," said the bat, "but would the main ingredient of water soup be water?”
Vivian French, The Robe of Skulls

Vivian French
“Truda Hangnail was smiling, and it was not the sort of smile designed to make anyone feel happy.”
Vivian French, The Bag of Bones

Madeleine L'Engle
“Too much Meg”
Madeline L'engle

Vivian French
“This was the kind of woman she understood, a woman after her own cold heart.”
Vivian French, The Robe of Skulls

Sarah  Frank
“I've always loved reading. When I was in first grade I became fascinated by time travel in the Magic Treehouse series. My love for magic continued into the second grade when I was reading Harry Potter, and then the following year I really got interested in history. So in fifth grade I decided to write a book that I would love to read. I decided to combine time travel, magic, and history, and created the Stone of Discedo. It's a time-traveling stone that requires the user to first fix three terrible events in history before they change anything in their own life, and that became the foundation for the story of One Chance.”
Sarah Frank, One Chance

Austin Stack
“Never in a million years did she expect to be doing her first real mission with Agent Ace Knight, the number one spy in history!”
Austin Stack, Kat Doggers: Superspy: Book 1 of the Kat Doggers Series

Vivian French
“Gubble was left standing in a puddle of black ink and blacker confusion.”
Vivian French, The Robe of Skulls

Vivian French
“Marcus was depressingly certain that there wasn't a Dubious Person within a thousand miles.”
Vivian French, The Robe of Skulls

Vivian French
“We've never had kings in Wadingburn, and I don't intend for us to start now.”
Vivian French, The Bag of Bones

Sammy J
“If blending in was an Olympic sport, Justin Monaghetti would have won gold. He took comfort from this. Even at primary school, when kids called him names, they tended to go with ‘Justin Mona-spaghetti’, or other equally idiotic options. They never made fun of his face though – it had, as far as he could tell, no distinguishing features.”
Sammy J, The Long Class Goodnight

“The town of Darkwell hid many things, none of which anyone expected.”
Amber Brambelbush

Amy Makechnie
“Were we destined to have a Dad with ALS or is it all just random? Is this a test? To see how much we love him?
This is how I’d answer:
Ten thousand tries until we’ve mastered the impossible thing? That’s nothing. Nothing compared to how much I love Dad.
We create our own destiny.
ALS doesn’t stand a chance against the Maroni dream team.”
Amy Makechnie, Ten Thousand Tries

Amy Makechnie
“The world is short on finishers. FINISH.”
Amy Makechnie, Ten Thousand Tries

Amy Makechnie
“You think soccer is just a game? Well then, you’ve never played it. -Golden”
Amy Makechnie, Ten Thousand Tries

Amy Makechnie
“Every great athlete has at least one moment that will forever haunt them because of what might have been. After years of literal sweat and tears, a dream can be over in seconds.
This is my moment.”
Amy Makechnie, Ten Thousand Tries

“My dear children, words can heal, and words can hurt. Use them wisely, and you'll find that you can create wonders with them.”
Myra Kaur, An Angel's Calling

J.A. Browne
“I thought you said silver foxes were, like, a good-looking old bloke?
They're rare. Not endangered. Yet.
Blokes or foxes?”
J.A. Browne, Hannah and the Hollow Tree

J.A. Browne
“Hannah's mouth falls open. She looks across to where my resting body lies, then back at me. Her eyes never meet mine. She thinks I'm dead.”
J.A. Browne, Hannah and the Hollow Tree

J.A. Browne
“Gran, seriously, you are one scary old bird.
Er, firebird. Not old bird, if you please.”
J.A. Browne, Hannah and the Hollow Tree

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