Abbey Quotes

Quotes tagged as "abbey" Showing 1-29 of 29
Jessica Verday
“I felt my cheeks turn red, and she laughed out loud. But I didn't mind too much, because the last thing she saw was my middle finger aimed in her direction as I stepped outside”
Jessica Verday, The Hollow

Jessica Verday
“Anyway." I cleared my throat loudly. "Thank you again for the beautiful necklace. It's perfect, and I love it. Where did you find it? I've never seen anything like it before."

It was his turn to look embarrassed and he ducked his head. "That's because I made it." He peeked up at me, and my heart melted. Am I dreaming? This has to be a dream.

"You made it?" Something wet hit my cheek and I brushed it away, impatiently waiting for his answer.

"Yeah," he said shyly. "I did.”
Jessica Verday, The Hollow

Jessica Verday
“He didn't want me to get hurt? Wow. Just wow. I might actually be close to a swoon here”
Jessica Verday, The Hollow

Jessica Verday
“Do you know what the name Astrid means?" He switched gears again and I was helpless to follow.
It means 'star'. That's what I think of you as, Abbey. One day I looked up, and there you were. A fiery spot of light surrounded by darkness. You make me feel like anything is possible.”
Jessica Verday, The Hollow

Jessica Verday
“My name is Abbey. And I'm in love with a ghost.”
Jessica Verday, The Hidden

Jessica Verday
“Obviously this was one of those stupid guy moments and he didn't understand what I wanted. I was going to explain it to him very, very soon.
Jessica Verday, The Hollow

Umberto Eco
“It's hopeless," he went on. "We no longer have the learning of the ancients, the age of giants is past!"

"We are dwarfs," William admitted, "but dwarfs who stand on the shoulders of those giants, and small though we are, we sometimes manage to see farther on the horizon than they.”
Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose

Jessica Verday
“I don't say this to hurt you, love." The endearment slipped out without me even thinking about it.


"Say it again," he said. "Call me your love.”
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

Jessica Verday
“I'm your other half. (...) I'll carry your heartbeat in mine.”
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

Jessica Verday
“I got a head start and ws already hanging upside down when he caught up. All the blood was rushing to my head, making me feel dizzy. "I can't stay like this much longer," I told him."Head rush."
He leaned down and stuck his face next to mine, gifting me with a beautiful smile."I know the feeling," he said. "You give me a head rush all the time.”
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

Jessica Verday
“Funyuns make you fart," Caspian said, and I exploded in laughter.
"What's so funny?" Ben asked.
I tried to stop laughing, but Caspian was leaning forward now, his face stck right in between us. "Funyuns give you bad breath, too. Not very attractive to the ladies." He paused. "ON second thought... enjoy your Funyuns, Ben!"
I had to bite the side of my cheek to keep from giggling. The fact that Ben had no clue what was going on made it even harder to stop.”
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

Jessica Verday
“I guess I'm the perfect match, then, for a girl who likes to visit a cemetery." He drew out every syllable so that it sounded like a love song.

I closed my eyes, savoring those words. "A perfect match," I murmured. "My other half.”
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

Jessica Verday
“Careful, Abbey," Caspian warned. "Don't get too close."
"He killed her, Caspian! He was the reason she was at the bridge that night."
"I know but--"
Vincent suddenly turned to face Caspian. "Could you just shut up? All this back and forht is really confusing. I'll get to you in a minute."
Caspian's jaw dropped.
So did mine.
"You can see him?" I asked. "Who are you?"
"Not who," Vincent said, a tone of sheer entitlement in his voice. "What.
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

Jessica Verday
“He didn't answer me, but held my gaze intently as he stood and slowly started to reach for the bottom of his sweater. He turned around and lifted it up over his shoulders, and I forgot how to breath. The sweater slid off of him in one long smooth motion and messed up his hair, leaving it tousled and sexy-looking. An interlooking chain of small black circles and triangles was etched onto each shoulder blde, ending halfway down his back... He turned back around to face me, and his green eyes stared right through me... I gulped again and tried very hard not to drool”
Jessica Verday, The Hollow

Jessica Verday
“Bye Caspian!' I called out. He stopped, and threw me a big grin over his shoulder. I grinned back like the Cheshire cat. What was it about him that made me feel so ridiculously happy?”
Jessica Verday, The Hollow

Jessica Verday
“Since you can't touch me, you made something that could, didn't you?" I said.
My world slowed and I closed my eyes. "I am going yo give you my heart noe," I whispered. "Please don't break it again.”
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

Jessica Verday
“Caspian looked angry. “Did you ever think that things might have changed? We don’t live and die by the sword anymore. I may not have a lifetime of darkness to atone for. Maybe I just need her to be the star in my night sky. To hold back the darkness and to let me see the light.” He looked at me then, and my throat went dry. “Or maybe it really is as simple as something in her fills the hollow in me. The black void disappears when we are together.”
Jessica Verday, The Haunted

“Creation is always an act of affirmation, a lust for life or activity, a restlessness accompanied by art. That art is what pleases and invigorates and mystifies me.”
Jean Moreau, Abbey of Kervennec, France

Shawn Keenan
“It sounds like you aren't used to having something so powerful between your legs," Abbey said. "Maybe you should let me drive.”
Shawn Keenan, The Intern's Tale

Shawn Keenan
“You're going to be too busy being at my beck and call to worry about doing any driving.”
Shawn Keenan, The Intern's Tale

Shawn Keenan
“I can't believe this heat," Abbey said, taking her tunic and pulling it over her head. Underneath was a form-fitting top that showed a figure unaccustomed to idleness or excess. Kip stared at her the way he had at the shiney curves of the steel horse back in the garage. "Can you imagine what it must have been like hundreds of years ago, when weather changed just a few times a year?" she said, wiping sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. "Yeah, it must have looked great," Kip said. "What do you mean looked great?" Abbey said, turning her eye on Kip. "Must have been great, like you said," he corrected.”
Shawn Keenan, The Intern's Tale

Shawn Keenan
“Don't mind her," Kip said to Nicki. "She's just crabby from the long ride." "Yeah, I've been riding with...I mean on...a horse's ass all day," Abbey quipped.”
Shawn Keenan, The Intern's Tale

“Freedom of will is our birthright.”
Jean Moreau, Abbey of Kervennec, France

Edward Abbey
“Any meal is a good meal when you're on a good river.”
Edward Abbey, Abbey's Road

Elizabeth Hoyt
“On the night that she'd been brought here she'd had the idea that the abbey was closed in by trees. Now she could see that a little green stood on the other side of the gravel drive. Yellow flowers were in bloom here as well- a veritable carpet of them.
She walked across the drive, heading toward the flowers.
Daffodils. They were daffodils, thousands of them. Iris knelt in the grass and inhaled the faint perfume. A breeze passed by and all the bright-yellow trumpets nodded as one. How could this be? Had someone patiently planted each bulb?
But no. The daffodils weren't in soldierly rows. They bloomed in drifts and clumps. They must be wild.
She drew in her breath in wonder. How amazing that such beautiful ephemeral things could bloom here in this house of death and decay.
But perhaps she was wrong. Perhaps the abbey wasn't dying.
Perhaps it merely waited, sleeping, for joy and life to return to it.”
Elizabeth Hoyt, Duke of Desire

Jennifer Weiner
“Finally, Diana had worked her way down to the Abbey, an upscale restaurant with a small but lush courtyard that featured a tinkling fountain, a pair of wooden benches, flowering bushes and stands of tall grasses, and a statue resembling Rodin's The Thinker (one of the few things she did remember from the art history class she'd taken). She'd never eaten there, but she remembered Dr. Levy mentioning it as one of the places she and her husband visited for date night at least once every summer. She sat on the bench for a minute to rest her feet and peruse the menu. Tuna sushi tempura (eighteen dollars for an appetizer). Almond-crusted cod with a mandarin-citrus beurre blanc (twenty-eight dollars) and butter-poached lobster (market price). The list of cocktails and special martinis ran two pages, and when she walked up the curved stone steps and stepped into the dining room, the views of the bay were gorgeous.”
Jennifer Weiner, That Summer

Mislav Gleich
“Vjerovala ili ne, mnogi su se odlučili na samoubojstvo. Neki su skočili s tornjeva, neki su popili otrov. Naš način života nije za svakoga. A samostan Craven Hill... djeluje na ljude. On živi. Srce u njegovim zidovima kuca. Možda si to već osjetila. Samostan je poseban.”
Mislav Gleich, Samostan Craven Hill

Mislav Gleich
“Ne vjeruj im, djevojko! Ovaj je samostan proklet! Znam što sam vidio...!”
Mislav Gleich, Samostan Craven Hill

Mislav Gleich
“Živio Đavao!”
Mislav Gleich, Samostan Craven Hill