Age Quotes

Quotes tagged as "age" Showing 121-150 of 1,450
Julian Barnes
“When you’re young you prefer the vulgar months, the fullness of the seasons. As you grow older you learn to like the in-between times, the months that can’t make up their minds. Perhaps it’s a way of admitting that things can’t ever bear the same certainty again.”
Julian Barnes, Flaubert's Parrot

Robert Musil
“…. by the time they have reached the middle of their life’s journey, few people remember how they have managed to arrive at themselves, at their amusements, their point of view, their wife, character, occupation and successes, but they cannot help feeling that not much is likely to change anymore. It might even be asserted that they have been cheated, for one can nowhere discover any sufficient reason for everything’s coming about as it has. It might just have well as turned out differently. The events of people’s lives have, after all, only to the last degree originated in them, having generally depended on all sorts of circumstances such as the moods, the life or death of quite different people, and have, as it were, only at the given point of time come hurrying towards them”
Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities: Volume I

Criss Jami
“In the age of technology there is constant access to vast amounts of information. The basket overflows; people get overwhelmed; the eye of the storm is not so much what goes on in the world, it is the confusion of how to think, feel, digest, and react to what goes on.”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Shelley Winters
“I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic, and a progressive religious experience.”
Shelley Winters

George Sand
“It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The
reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides.”
George Sand
tags: age

L.M. Montgomery
“That's one of the things we learn as we grow older -- how to forgive. It comes easier at forty than it did at twenty.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

“The error of youth is to believe that intelligence is a substitute for experience, while the error of age is to believe experience is a substitute for intelligence.”
Lyman Bryson

C.S. Lewis
“Those of us who are blamed when old for reading childish books were blamed when children for reading books too old for us.”
C.S. Lewis
tags: age, books

Zora Neale Hurston
“Grown people know that they do not always know the way of things, and even if they think they know, they do not know where and how they got the proof.”
Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road

Carolyn Turgeon
“Tous mes anciens amours vont me revenir.'
- All my old loves will be returned to me”
Carolyn Turgeon, Godmother: The Secret Cinderella Story

André Aciman
“Oh, but we do age. We don’t grow up.”
André Aciman, Find Me
tags: age

Suman Pokhrel
“Every moment age is creeping up stealthily,
but life, life is melting down
like a candle that is flickering around.”
Suman Pokhrel, मलाई जिन्दगी नै दुख्दछ [Malai Zindagi Nai Dukhdachha]

Katherine Dunn
“The child, screaming for refuge, senses how feeble a shelter the twig hut of grown-up awareness is. They claim strength, these parents, and complete sanctuary. The weeping earth itself knows how desperate is the child's need for exactly that sanctuary. How deep and sticky is the darkness of childhood, how rigid the blades of infant evil, which is unadulterated, unrestrained by the convenient cushions of age and its civilizing anesthesia.
Grownups can deal with scraped knees, dropped ice-cream cones, and lost dollies, but if they suspected the real reasons we cry they would fling us out of their arms in horrified revulsion. Yet we are small and as terrified as we are terrifying in our ferocious appetites.”
Katherine Dunn

George MacDonald
“The boy should enclose and keep, as his life, the old child at the heart of him, and never let it go. He must still, to be a right man, be his mother's darling, and more, his father's pride, and more. The child is not meant to die, but to be forever fresh born.”
George MacDonald, The Princess and Curdie

David Gemmell
“Old age is not as honorable as death, but most people seek it.”
David Gemmell, Fall of Kings
tags: age, death

Robert Browning
“What Youth deemed crystal, Age finds out was dew”
Robert Browning, Jocoseria

“One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name.”
Thomas Osbert Mordaunt
tags: age, life

Neil Gaiman
“I was not so old that I would deny my own senses.”
Neil Gaiman, Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders
tags: age

Craig Ferguson
“People talk to old people like they're children.'Oh you're very old aren't you?' Yeah I'm old. I'm not stupid.”
craig ferguson

Chris Rock
“If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve. If she tells you she's twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she's damn near forty.”
Chris Rock
tags: age, women

“It's funny, I don't feel any older than I did when I was twenty. But I know I am, because recently some twenty-year-old called me 'sir.' Sometimes the only way you know you are getting older is by the way others treat you.”
John Van Epp, How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk
tags: age, time

Santosh Kalwar
“I am older than your age and younger than your body.”
Santosh Kalwar
tags: age, body

Jodi Picoult
“Cara: I used to believe everything my brother told me, because he was older and I figured he knew more about the world. But as it turns out, being a grown-up doesn't mean you're fearless. It just means you fear different things.”
Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

Abhysheq Shukla
“Life is too short to be anything but happy. So kiss slowly. Love deeply. Forgive quickly. Take chances and never have regrets. Forget the past but remember what it taught you.”
Abhishek Shukla, KISS Life "Life is what you make it"

Billie Burke
“Age is of no importance unless you’re a cheese.”
Billie Burke

Núria Añó
“The land of easy mathematics where he who works adds up and he who retires subtracts.”
Núria Añó

Joan Didion
“The death of a parent, he wrote, 'despite our preparation, indeed, despite our age, dislodges things deep in us, sets off reactions that surprise us and that may cut free memories and feelings that we had thought gone to ground long ago...”
Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking

Hedy Lamarr
“I'm fifty-one years old, but I'm not through yet. I have lived a full life, and intend packing in quite a lot more.”
Hedy Lamarr

W.B. Yeats
The Scholars
"Bald heads forgetful of their sins,
Old, learned, respectable bald heads
Edit and annotate the lines
That young men, tossing on their beds,
Rhymed out in love’s despair
To flatter beauty’s ignorant ear.

They’ll cough in the ink to the world’s end;
Wear out the carpet with their shoes
Earning respect; have no strange friend;
If they have sinned nobody knows.
Lord, what would they say
Should their Catullus walk that way?”
W.B. Yeats, The Wild Swans At Coole

Christopher Hitchens
“[O]ne has to have endured a few decades before wanting, let alone needing, to embark on the project of recovering lost life. And I think it may be possible to review 'the chronicles of wasted time.' William Morris wrote in The Dream of John Ball that men fight for things and then lose the battle, only to win it again in a shape and form that they had not expected, and then be compelled again to defend it under another name. We are all of us very good at self-persuasion and I strive to be alert to its traps, but a version of what Hegel called 'the cunning of history' is a parallel commentary that I fight to keep alive in my mind.”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir