Worker Quotes

Quotes tagged as "worker" Showing 1-30 of 80
Hasil Paudyal
“If you know that I am genius
Then know that you made me genius
Everyone don't accept me as genius
Because they aren't genius to belief me as genius”
Hasil Paudyal, Blended Words

Voltairine de Cleyre
“But what the working-class can do, when once they grow into a solidified organization, is to show the possessing class, through a sudden cessation of all work, that the whole social structure rests on them; that the possessions of the others are absolutely worthless to them without the workers' activity; that such protests, such strikes, are inherent in the system of property and will continually recur until the whole thing is abolished -- and having shown that effectively, proceed to expropriate. ”
Voltairine de Cleyre

Núria Añó
“The land of easy mathematics where he who works adds up and he who retires subtracts.”
Núria Añó

Criss Jami
“I'm a peasant
I'm the muzhik
A pest you're destined to play the music
And yes it's pleasant to say it's beauty I'm
Indebted to rest respecting it truly”
Criss Jami, Diotima, Battery, Electric Personality

Bertolt Brecht
“Who built the seven gates of Thebes?
The books are filled with names of kings.
Was it the kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?
And Babylon, so many times destroyed.
Who built the city up each time? In which of Lima’s houses,
That city glittering with gold, lived those who built it?
In the evening when the Chinese wall was finished
Where did the masons go? Imperial Rome
Is full of arcs of triumph. Who reared them up? Over whom
Did the Caesars triumph? Byzantium lives in song.
Were all her dwellings palaces? And even in Atlantis of the legend
The night the seas rushed in,
The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves.

Young Alexander conquered India.
He alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls.
Was there not even a cook in his army?
Phillip of Spain wept as his fleet
was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears?
Frederick the Great triumphed in the Seven Years War.
Who triumphed with him?

Each page a victory
At whose expense the victory ball?
Every ten years a great man,
Who paid the piper?

So many particulars.
So many questions.”
Bertolt Brecht

Steven Magee
“The lack of OSHA law enforcement is a threat to national security.”
Steven Magee

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The slave cannot be made to defecate for the master.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“A worker deserves a wage.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“Had I realized how bad the USA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) system of worker protection was, I would never have used it.”
Steven Magee

“A worker deserves a graceful wage.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“What I did not realize when I was reporting worker behavioral problems to the professional astronomy management team was the astronomers probably had comparable health issues.”
Steven Magee

“The worker deserves a wage.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“When a high altitude worker is experiencing hallucinations and visions, they are at serious risk of developing diseases.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I associate the power generation industry with willful incompetence, illegal removal of worker rights and cover-ups.”
Steven Magee

Irmgard Keun
“you have to hate anyone who can dismiss you, even if they're good to you, because you work for them and not with them.”
Irmgard Keun, The Artificial Silk Girl

“Without the worker, how can the work be done?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Without the worker, the work will not be done.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“Does keeping a high altitude worker in a state of central sleep apnea for many years eventually develop into positional sleep apnea?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The second decade in high altitude professional astronomy is a very risky time for the biological functioning of a summit observatory worker.”
Steven Magee

“The worker deserves the wage.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“By the time I left Florida, I had no faith in its systems of worker protection.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was a lone worker at the 235 acre 230,000 volt 90,000 solar module Desoto Solar Farm.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I requested more staff to help me troubleshoot the dangerous Desoto Solar Farm, but I was a lone worker for the duration of my time there.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I personally witnessed one worker at the Desoto Solar Farm having mental health issues around the equipment. I was later to have a similar experience there.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Summit Lag occurs when a summit worker is kept in a permanent state of mal-acclimatization.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

Steven Magee
“Ignoring current and past worker health issues and deaths is facilitating the biologically toxic field of professional astronomy for the foreseeable future.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

Steven Magee
“I came home unexpectedly in the middle of the day and she was dressed up in her best clothes and make-up, like she was on her way out for a date. She told me never to come home in the middle of the day again! I left a few weeks later, as it was the final straw in the toxic relationship. She ended up with a rotating shift worker!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am the master and the internet is my slave.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“There are serious long-term adverse health effects associated with being a high altitude worker.”
Steven Magee

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