Aly Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aly" Showing 1-7 of 7
Tamora Pierce
“Curiosity killed the cat,” Fesgao remarked, his dark eyes unreadable.
Aly rolled her eyes. Why did everyone say that to her? “People always forget the rest of the saying,” she complained. “‘And satisfaction brought it back.”
Tamora Pierce , Trickster's Choice

Tamora Pierce
“I imbue this place with my essence, every stone and every drop. My visit will do wonders for the flowers."

Aly propped her chin on her hand. "So does manure," she observed.”
Tamora Pierce, Trickster's Queen

Tamora Pierce
“A noble maiden must convey dignity and chastity without appearing to think about either one. Let common-born girls tussle in the hay with their loutish swains. The future of your family's bloodline and your future lord's bloodline should be your greatest concern. Let no man but one of your family embrace you. Let no man but your betrothed kiss any more than your fingertips; let your betrothed kiss you only on fingers, cheek, or forehead, lest he think you unchaste. And never allow yourself to be alone with a man, to safeguard the precious jewel of you reputation. No well-born maiden ever suffered from keeping her suitors at arm's length. Your chastity will make you a prize to you future husband's house and an honor to your own."
- form Advice to a Young Noblewoman, by Lady Fronia of Whitehall (in Maren) given to Ally on her twelfth birthday by her godmother, Queen Thayet”
Tamora Pierce, Trickster's Choice

Tamora Pierce
“Lokeij whistled. “Make the king’s warriors vanish if
they come. . . what a deceitful turtledove you are.”
Aly smiled at the sky. “Oh, don’t,”she replied in the
tones of a flirtatious court lady. “Stop, I insist. Your
flattery makes me blush.”
Tamora Pierce, Trickster's Choice
tags: aly, funny

Tamora Pierce
“My dear, why send Aly to wait on us?” he wanted to know. “I know you were busy with your domestic arrangements, but surely one of the girls with experience waiting on the nobility would have served.”He smiled kindly at Aly. “Though you did a creditable job.”
“Aly isn’t used to Bronau as we are, my dear,” Winnamine explained. “She might see what would be hidden to us. And she has certain useful skills.”
“Useful?”Mequen asked, raising his brows at Aly.“I read lips, Your Grace,” Aly said meekly. “And I can tell you that the prince is telling the truth about why he came.”
“What? How could you possibly know that?” the
startled duke demanded.
“Liars blink more when they lie, or they look away while they answer,” Aly explained. She did not want
anyone to know about her Sight if she could help it.
Only a fool told all of her secrets. “The prince is frightened.” She looked at the duke. “Did you see he was sweating when he talked about the situation at court?”
Mequen raised his eyebrows. “All of us sweat when we think of the royal court,” he said drily. “I am so accustomed to it that I didn’t even notice. Truly, the
god blessed us when he sent you.”
Tamora Pierce, Trickster's Choice
tags: aly, mequen

Kate Canterbary
“I resisted every urge to twine my fingers around the silver necklaces at my throat. It was too early for full-on pearl clutching.”
Kate Canterbary, Preservation

Ella Goode
"Babe, sit your cute ass down while I get my woman some food. Hang with your new friend.”
Then he’d kissed her and strolled off.”
Ella Goode, Deuces Wild
tags: aces, aly, fast, owen