Aspirations Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aspirations" Showing 271-288 of 289
Hans Christian Andersen
“It doesn't matter if you're born in a duck yard, so long as you are hatched from a swan's egg!”
Hans Christian Andersen, The Ugly Duckling

Jessica Brody
“Forgetting who you are is so much more complicated than simply forgetting your name. It's also forgetting your dreams. Your aspirations. What makes you happy. What you pray you'll never have to live without. It's meeting yourself for the first time, and not being sure of your first impression.”
Jessica Brody, Unremembered

Shannon L. Alder
“Try not to be a man or woman of success, but rather a man or woman of inspiration. If you’re successful, they will flock to you for money or fame, but if you’re inspirational, they will flock to you because they love your soul and how you change theirs.”
Shannon L. Alder

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“The land of possibility is a better place to make your home than the realm of expectation will ever be”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

James Robertson
“The wide world was changing, and she wanted a different place in it.

Not just wanted, but felt she deserved. If the world didn't owe her a living, as her mother repeatedly warned her, it owed her a break. She had a strong sense that a better, more exciting, more rewarding life than that which had been the lot of her parents and grandparents was hers by right. In this she was guilty of nothing more serious than the arrogance of youth, from which every generation suffers and by which it distinguishes itself from the preceding one.”
James Robertson, And the Land Lay Still

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Employing your imagination is the first step to the fulfillment of any dream.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, and Grumblings for Every Day of the Year

“Apparently, my hopes, dreams and aspirations were no match against my poor spelling, punctuation and grammar.”
Red Red Rover

Bryant McGill
“Nationalism is a form of cultural self-centeredness, and as a collective thought-form, can only exist because the dominant in-group is itself comprised of self-centered and narcissistic individuals.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Lorii Myers
“People aspire, learn, and grow when they are ready to commit to the process.”
Lorii Myers, No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy Book

Lorii Myers
“Tell yourself often: I am going to tackle my aspirations head on with the passion and dedication necessary to exceed even my expectations.”
Lorii Myers, No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy Book

Lorii Myers
“The promise of aspiration is that it is evolutionary. The human condition is such that we are always aspiring to be something more, something better, something nobler. It starts as a thought, a want, a need, or a desire and then grows and evolves with intention and direction, upward with lust and hunger. The continued drive feeds the rise.”
Lorii Myers, No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy Book

Lorii Myers
“When aspirations are perceived to be achievable, ambition and drive can erase excuses.”
Lorii Myers, No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy Book

Lorii Myers
“An aspirational diet will have you dreaming of success; but it’s the attachment of expectations and tangible goals that feeds the desire, persistence, and fortitude required to make the win.”
Lorii Myers, No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy Book

Lorii Myers
“Aspire to high standards, expect strong results, offer self praise, and stack your confidence.”
Lorii Myers, No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy Book

Brittany Perloff
“when you shoot for the stars, you can't ever look back.”
Brittany Perloff, Starting Over

“It is very difficult to understand man. It is also very difficult to understand what a man does. If he is able to give an explanation, it may be easier. Even then everything can not be understood. Words have their limitation and comprehension, its limits. So if we are able to understand 25% of what is being said, even that should be deemed, as good communication skills are very good. Beyond this one should not even aspire for.”
Aacharya Mahapragya

“Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities.”
Sugar Ray Leonard

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