Aspirations Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aspirations" Showing 181-210 of 289
Trevor Noah
“The hood is also a low-stress, comfortable life. All your mental energy goes into getting by, so you don’t have to ask yourself any of the big questions. Who am I? Who am I supposed to be? Am I doing enough? In the hood you can be a forty-year-old man living in your mom’s house asking people for money and it’s not looked down on. You never feel like a failure in the hood, because someone’s always worse off than you, and you don’t feel like you need to do more, because the biggest success isn’t that much higher than you, either. It allows you to exist in a state of suspended animation.”
Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Risk is the clue that our dreams are both real and great.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To look beyond our horizons is to acknowledge that we’ve hemmed ourselves in by creating them in the first place.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most women would each be left with fewer dreams or without a dream, if the institution of marriage were to be abolished.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Bill Bryson
“As humans we are inclined to feel that life must have a point. We have plans and aspirations and desires. We want to take constant advantage of all the intoxicating existence we've been endowed with. But what's life to a cell? Yet it's impulse to exist, to be, is every bit as strong as ours - perhaps even stronger. Life just wants to be.”
Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Any dream that I am absolutely confident I can achieve should immediately be discarded for the simple reason that it is simply too small.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Amit Kalantri
“As a child, I cried because I had no toy until I met a child who had no bread.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“My definition of success is not based on achieving the impossible, but rather surviving the probable. And with a threshold that horribly low, simple survival cannot help but become my highest aspiration.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Saim .A. Cheeda
“What was once thought, so it shall become.”
Saim .A. Cheeda

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Der Erdenkreis ist mir genug bekannt.
Nach drüben ist die Aussicht uns verrannt:
Tor! wer dorthin die Augen blinzelnd richtet,
Sich über Wolken seines gleichen dichtet;
Er stehe fest und sehe hier sich um;
Dem Tüchtigen ist diese Welt nicht stumm”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Although I regularly convince myself otherwise, because I aim at something doesn’t necessarily mean I have a target.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Parul Wadhwa
“It feels like home, far from home, yet homely. I have always been a fan of Delhi's practical life not that i have lived in an aspiration or yearning to make a living here, but delhi has always been on my soapbox.”
Parul Wadhwa, The Masquerade

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I ask, ‘Is the cup half-empty or half-full?’ And when I ask that question, I am amazed at how many people have no cup.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

André Gide
“Je sens en moi, confusément, des aspirations extraordinaires, des sortes de lames de fond, des mouvements, des agitations incompréhensibles, et que je ne veux pas chercher à comprendre, que je ne veux même pas observer, par crainte de les empêcher de se produire.”
André Gide, The Counterfeiters

Saim .A. Cheeda
“I’ve suppressed my aspirations to forget all rationality and let the moment explain everything, for nothing to be said and everything understood. If only I knew how to let these feelings out.”
Saim .A. Cheeda, Here & After

Mimi Novic
“There are some moments in life
That change us forever”
Mimi Novic

Amit Kalantri
“One day incentives may catch up with inflation, but it will never catch up with our aspirations.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Am I on a bold journey of lofty ascents, or am I sitting in a simulator of my own making?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“The insinuation that without a female president women cannot pursue and achieve their dreams is not only false but recalls the ever-condenscending liberal attitude towards women: "We know what women want, even if they do not.”
Alyssa Bornhorst

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Far too often the ‘things’ that men define as success do little more than successfully destroy the lives of the very men who achieve those ‘things.’ And while I must admit that there is an authentic element of success in all of that, it’s the kind of success that I would much prefer to successfully avoid.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel
“كنا نمضي الوقت معاً، فنحتسي أكواب الشاي، وندخن، ونلعب الورق من أجل تمضية الوقت، ذلك الجبار الذي يستعبدنا ويخضعنا جميعاً لسلطانه، كنا نريد أن نقتله بلعب الورق، لكننا كنا نقتل جزءاً من حياتنا بقتلنا له، وفي النهاية سنستنفد ما نمتلكه منه، ونموت، ويبقى هو ليقتل المزيد من الناس، وأحلامهم وآمالهم وطموحاتهم. كنّا نحارب ضد كائنٍ خالد في معركة الانتظار تلك.”
جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel, صراع الأقنعة

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Perfect understanding of the infinite requires limitless intellectual capacity; our undivided attention is better suited for humbler aspirations.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“In the absence of faith, our dreams will move from feasible aspirations to implausible fantasy.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Katy Cannon
“Turns out there's more than one way to achieve your dreams.”
Katy Cannon, And Then We Ran

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Looking back, I now realize that I left home in search of all the things that were right in the very place I left.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Tina Sequeira
“It is important to dream big. What we imagine, we become..we achieve. Even if we don ́t go the yonder, we will reach way much farther than where we currently stand.”
Tina Sequeira, SOUL SOJOURN

Edward Abbey
“Lifting her lovely and longing face towards the inaudible chant of the sun, she drifted through her time, through space, through the concatenate cells of her unfolding self. Where to now, Abbzug? You're twenty-eight and a half years old, Abbzug. ”
Edward Abbey, The Monkey Wrench Gang

Veronica Purcell
“Greater dreams come from failed chances”
Veronica Purcell, In Anwar's Care: Reborn Legacy

“Yesterday I read, today I learn, and tomorrow l lead.”
David Benedict Zumbo