Attitudes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "attitudes" Showing 91-120 of 121
“Your habit of avoiding mental and emotional discomfort is your #1 reason for your being stuck where you are in life.”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

James Carlos Blake
“Men tend to remember the best things about the women they've loved and to forget the worst, which is why so many men make the same mistakes with women again and again. Women tend to forget the best things about the men they've loved and to remember the worst, which is why so many women become bitter about men.”
James Carlos Blake

Israelmore Ayivor
“The volume of your impacts is measured by the direction of your movements, the passion with which you inspire and the attitudes by which you make an influence!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“IF we don't start to rethink how we are acting now...We will pay the price later for our "old-stinking-thinking" style”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

Israelmore Ayivor
“The mass of your visions depends on the size of your dreams and distance they can cover within a given period of your life.”
Israelmore Ayivor

“Your mindset controls every result in your life... Mindset matters most if you are above the ground and breathing”
Tony Dovale

“The real problem is that most people fear failure, and thus take no action. They really they should be fearful of their thoughts that cause their failure to take action!”
Tony Dovale

“Entrepreneurs don't fail because they want to, they fail because they don't have the right MINDSET to really succeed in a sustainable manner.”
Tony Dovale

“People who have wellbeing and feel fulfilled, need far less than people who feel unfulfilled, who always seem to need more." By Rethinking Your Mindset you can create SWIFT sustainable success.”
Tony Dovale

“REAL Entrepreneurs will be the one's who change the world for the better.
Governments must become PUBLIC servants to create the best context and mindsets for people to succeed. We need to ReThink Entrepreneurial success and the role of Public Service in supporting that... or we, and our children, will pay the ultimate price.”
Tony Dovale

“If you are not successful yet, the mindset that got you to where you are today, Cannot get you to where you dream to be tomorrow!

You need to Rethink Your Mindset to Ensure Success.”
Tony Dovale

“To create extraordinary results, you must first have or ReThink an extraordinary Mindset to start.”
Tony Dovale

“For long-term true success we mush rethink and change our mindset from only valuing "happiness" to include Well-being as the foundation.”
Tony Dovale

“The hard part of ReThinking, is most people don't usually do much normal REAL thinking anyway. They live their lives on automatic reaction.”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

Bryant McGill
“The authentic human has the might of compassion and the creative power to do any manner of good.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

“Mindset & context are the 2 main ingredients entrepreneurs and leaders must use for creating sustainable real success”
Tony Dovale

“Success Requires a Mindset that sparks and sustains focused SWIFT ACTION.”
Tony Dovale

“Most success oriented mindsets miss out on people becoming more valuable.”
Tony Dovale

“If it is to BE.. it's up to ME. Time for SWIFT ACTION! id your best mindset reset.”
Tony Dovale

“We now live in a time when PEOPLE and profits must become equally valuable in the corporate leaders Mindset.
Rethink your Leadership Culture to become a conscious, high performance organisation”
Tony Dovale

“21st Century Managers must change their thinking because they are now in the business of managing Mindsets & thinking, which impacts actions and behaviors.”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

“Even the best Mindset will become contaminated and eventually blunted in a toxic organisational culture.”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

“IF your mindset does not include a personal life plan, your Life Success Project can NEVER have any chance of real success.”
Tony Dovale

“Teams Triumph When Today's Tribe Leaders Transform Their Mindset.”
Tony Dovale

“Teamwork and trust trump ego and arrogance in building high performance sustainable successful teams. Rethink your team building ideas”
Tony Dovale

“REAL Leaders are experts at bringing out the best in others... Thinking , feelings and actions. They improve their teams' thinking skills and Mindsets.”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

“Performance depends upon our actions an behaviors, which are activated by emotions, which are created when our MINDSET meets reality... Mindsets Matter Most”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

“With the right Mindset...effective thinking is automatic.”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

“With the right MINDSET, you can Survive, Thrive & Grow... Even in the Midst of turbulence and change”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset

“The foundation of all long-term success lies in building a Resilient and Growth oriented MINDSET.”
Tony Dovale - ReThink Your Success Mindset