Bad Guy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bad-guy" Showing 1-18 of 18
Neal Stephenson
“Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, and devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad.”
Neal Stephenson

Lisa Kleypas
“Ah, Evie,” she heard him say softly, “I must have a heart, after all…because right now it aches like the devil.”

“Only your heart?” she asked ingenuously, making him laugh.

He lowered her to the bed, his eyes sparkling wickedly. “Also a few other things,” he conceded. “And as my wife, it’s your duty to ease all my aches.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Winter

Criss Jami
“I'm often painted as the bad guy, and the artistic part of me wants to hand out the brush.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Josephine Angelini
“Haven’t you learned yet? Someone has to be the villain so everyone else can stay alive.”
Josephine Angelini, Firewalker

James Patterson
“Glaring at the Gasman, ter Borcht said, “Your time is coming to an end, you
pathetic failure of an experiment. Vhat you say now is how you vill be
Gazzy’s blue eyes flashed. “Then you can remember me telling you to kiss
“Enough!” ter Borcht said.”
James Patterson, Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Girls, watch out for the bad guys!...there are those capable of showering their resources on you just to dance on top of you, and finally destroy your good image and reputation.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Dennis Sharpe
“This guy sounds like all the bad guys from the last ten years of murder movies all rolled into one. Like he might be the worst of those books you have there. If he was real, and really like that, then I should arrest him, right?” Matthew asked, hoping he could show the boy that he would protect him, and he could tell him the truth now.

“No, Deputy. Because he is real, and he is really like that, and you should run.”
Dennis Sharpe, First Boy

Dean Koontz
“Being a bad guy was easy, being a hero was hard.”
Dean Koontz, 77 Shadow Street

Kate Evangelista
“I thought you were good. That some part of you was good.”

In a blink of an eye, Balthazar stood right in front of her. Arianne yelped. He took her wrist and brought the tip of the knife to the center of his chest. With his other hand, he tilted her chin up so she could look into the white center of his black irises. His silver hair rained over his forehead, covering the crease that marred its usual smoothness.

“You think I’m the good guy?” he whispered. She continued trembling, worse now. He leaned down until his lips touched her ear. “I’m not.”
Kate Evangelista, Unreap My Heart

“It isn't enough that the bad guy is prevented from doing his bad deeds; he must suffer as much as possible. It is as if the existence of evil - or something that can be designated as evil - provides a safe haven for the good to engage in evil. It's a safe space to indulge in inflicting harm, to experience the sublime of suffering.”
M.E. Thomas, Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight

Courtney Nuckels
“He holds his hands up to keep the Reapers from advancing. I forgot Zack's flair for the melodramatic. ~Exposing ELE”
Courtney Nuckels, Exposing ELE

Shay Savage
“I felt like the end of an A-Team episode when everything worked out, and the heroes all got to go home and live happily ever after while the bad guys were put in jail. Except of course, I was the bad guy.
Shay Savage, Otherwise Occupied

Christine Feehan
“Mikhail didn’t flinch away from the blade. His black eyes snapped open, blazing with power. Slovensky fell backward, scrambling away on all fours to crouch against the far wall. Fumbling in his coat, he jerked out the gun and held it pointed at Mikhail.
The ground rolled almost gently, seemed to swell so that the concrete floor bulged, then cracked. Slovensky grabbed for the wall behind him to steady himself and lost the gun in the process. Above his head a rock fell from the wall, bounced dangerously close, and rolled to a halt beside him. A second rock, and a third, fell, so that Slovensky had to cover his head as the rocks rained down in a roaring shower.
Slovensky’s cry of fear was high and thin. He made himself even smaller, peering through his fingers at the Carpathian. Mikhail had not moved to protect himself. He lay exactly as Slovensky had positioned him, those dark eyes, two black holes, windows to hell, staring at him. Swearing, Slovensky tried to lunge for the gun.
The floor bucked and heaved under him, sending the gun skittering out of reach. A second wall swayed precariously, and rocks cascaded down, striking the man about the head and shoulders, driving him to the floor. He watched a curious, frightening pattern form. Not one rock touched the priest’s body. Not one came close to Mikhail. The Carpathian simply watched him with those damn eyes and that faint mocking smile as the rocks buried Slovensky’s legs, then fell on his back. There was an ominous crack, and Slovensky screamed under the heavy load on his spine.
“Damn you to hell,” Slovensky snarled. “My brother will track you down.”
Mikhail said nothing, simply watching the havoc Gregori created. Mikhail would have killed James Slovensky outright, without the drama Gregori had such a flair for, but he was tired, his body in a precarious state. He had no wish to drain his energy further. Raven would be in the vampire’s hands for the time it took Gregori to heal him. He couldn’t allow himself to think of what Andre might do to her. For the first time in centuries of living, Mikhail was forced to rely on another being. Gregori. The dark one. A royal pain in the neck.
I read your thoughts, my friend
Mikhail stirred, pain shafting through him. More rocks fell on Slovensky in retaliation, covering him like a blanket, beginning to form a macabre grave.
As you were meant to.
Gregori moved into the room with his familiar silent glide, grace and power clinging to him as he strode through the wreckage of the wall. “This is becoming a bad habit.”
“Oh, shut up,” Mikhail said without rancor.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince

Shane Arbuthnott
“I did not survive this long by being fragile, and I have found other ways to get what I need.”
Shane Arbuthnott, Terra Nova

Adham T. Fusama
“The good guy yang tahu jalan pikiran di otak the bad guy jelas lebih responsif dalam mengantisipasi tindakan the bad guy. Berbeda dengan the good guy yang clueless sama sekali tentang dunia the bad guy.”
Adham T. Fusama, Dead Smokers Club Part 1

Eric Mrozek
“I sense that you are nearby, son and daughter of the Almari bloodline. I will soon come for you both.”
Eric Mrozek, Destruction

J.R. Ward
“Don’t stop now,” Rehv said. “You’ve already jumped off the building. The landing isn’t getting any softer.”
Montrag frowned. “I fail to view this with your kind of levity.”
“Who’s laughing.”

-Rehv & Montrag”
J.R. Ward, Lover Avenged

“I believed killing the “bad guy” was my right as the “good guy”. I was wrong.”
Josh Tierney