Body Autonomy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "body-autonomy" Showing 1-6 of 6
bell hooks
“Many of us were the unplanned children of talented, creative women whose lives had been changed by unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. We witnessed their bitterness, their rage, their disappointment with their lot in life and we were clear that there could be no genuine sexual liberation for women and men without better, safer contraceptives, without the right to a safe, legal abortion.”
bell hooks, Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics

Megan Abbott
“This sensible, sensible girl. A girl who knew how to protect herself. Never a daredevil, never stunting without a safety mat, without spotters. A girl for whom instability was the ultimate enemy. Who’d never known divorce or slamming doors or slamming fists. A girl whose home was a peaceful sanctum, even the basement padded. A life that had to be made safe because of the risks she put her body through. She was the most dangerous thing in her own life. Her body, the only dangerous thing.”
Megan Abbott, You Will Know Me

“Then, what is your reason?'
'I don't know!' Pei rubbed her face in frustration. 'There is no reason why I don't want to do this! I'm healthy! I'm clearly capable! Everybody I know who's ever gone to a Kresh comes back saying it's a fantastic time. I'd have ten-days to just lie around and have sex and be catered to. I like kids. I like being around kids. I imagine visiting my own would be nice. I have a partner who understands and friends who would be thrilled, and...there's no reason not to.'
Speaker looked at her for a moment. 'Of course, there is. You don't want to.'...'And when it comes to a person's body, that is all the reason there ever needs to be. It doesn't matter if it's a decision about a new pair of legs, or how you like to trim your claws, or...what to do about an egg. You don't want to. That's it. That is all it ever needs to be.”
Becky Chambers, The Galaxy, and the Ground Within

Natasha Pulley
“Christ, Minna, it's yours until it makes an appearance in the world. Its yours in the same way your liver is; you wouldn't catch me telling you what to do or not do about that.”
Natasha Pulley, The Bedlam Stacks

Gertrude Beasley
“I guess I'll have a baby when Jack gets ready for me to,' she informed me as though to scorn my idea that women should determine when and under what conditions they would bear children.”
Gertrude Beasley, My First Thirty Years

“Then, what is your reason?'
'I don't know!' Pei rubbed her face in frustration. 'There is no reason why I don't want to do this! I'm healthy! I'm clearly capable! Everybody I know who's ever gone to a Kresh comes back saying it's a fantastic time. I'd have ten-days to just lie around and have sex and be catered to. I like kids. I like being around kids. I imagine visiting my own would be nice. I have a partner who understands and friends who would be thrilled, and...there's no reason not to.'
Speaker looked at her for a moment. 'Of course, there is. You don't want to.'...'And when it comes to a person's body, that is all the reason there ever needs to be. It doesn't matter if it's a decision about a new pair of legs, or how you like to trim our claws, or...what to do about an egg. You don't want to. That's it. That is all it ever needs to be.”
Becky Chambers