Book Of God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "book-of-god" Showing 1-21 of 21
Gregory Dickow
“Your Heavenly Father’s love elevates you to a place where you can dream big dreams— where you can live with purpose, unafraid.”
Gregory Dickow, Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose

Gregory Dickow
“What you focus on and the way you think will determine the way you live.”
Gregory Dickow, Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose

Spencer C Demetros
“The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly why God wasn’t satisfied with the fruits and veggies Cain offered up. Maybe he kept the juiciest peaches and sweetest mangoes for himself and offered God nothing but brussels sprouts and spinach.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Gregory Dickow
“Christianity is not a religion. it is a relationship with God.”
Gregory Dickow, Soul Cure: How to Heal Your Pain and Discover Your Purpose

Carolyn Cutler Hughes
“When we see a rock wall blocking our way, God sees a barrier to guard us someday.”
Carolyn Cutler Hughes, Through God's Eye

Carolyn Cutler Hughes
“When we see grey clouds and lightning causing a storm; God shows us His rainbow in its most beautiful form.”
Carolyn Cutler Hughes

Carolyn Cutler Hughes
“When we think our countless ideas are great, God knows His ideas are best when we wait.”
Carolyn Cutler Hughes, Through God's Eye

Spencer C Demetros
“As it turns out, Lot’s wife couldn’t sever her ties with Sodom, and God knew that she had left at least a part of her heart in that wicked place. She wasn’t able to move on. In other words, she “looked back.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“Satan to Jesus: Well, I see someone has a bad case of the hangries. You might want to consider using your godly powers to turn these desert rocks into loaves of bread. Maybe if you engage in some serious carb-loading, you’ll regain what little sense of humor you had before you started this ridiculous hunger strike.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“It all comes down to a choice. Either choose a life separate from God, which comes with the worry that things can fall apart at any moment, or follow the Lord and enjoy extraordinary confidence in knowing you can achieve greatness and will have the happiest of endings.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“God must have known that, in the end, Adam and Eve would eat the apple and have to leave the Garden. But he had bigger plans for them and for the rest of humanity that requires a short stint here in our imperfect world. That is the only way for us to experience all of the joys, the sorrows, the failures, and the triumphs that come with being fully human.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“Skin boils! Boils cause serious pain and physical suffering, and you also have to consider the ugliness factor. Even the most powerful zit cream on earth would be no match for the Lord Almighty’s epidermal masterpieces. So this one wins for my pick of the nastiest of the first nine plagues -- a dubious honor indeed.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“Peter’s Diary Entry: But my eyes were opened when I saw a mother who loved her child so much that she would grovel at the feet of a man she had never met [who] … compared her to a common dog. She was willing to do all that just to save her little girl. In her selfless humility, in her willingness to swallow every ounce of pride for the sake of love, I saw a strength and power like I had never seen before. Light poured from her as she looked up at Jesus while slumping on the ground, and her face shone like the sun …”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“God didn’t send his one and only son to earth just to make sure we brush our teeth, say our prayers, and help little old ladies across the street. Jesus came here for a purpose much greater than that. He came to change our hearts and minds, and his message was revolutionary.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“I’m not sure what made me think God would choose to reveal himself to little ol’ me. I think I believed that if I pleaded often and hard enough, he would see how sincere I was and grant my request, kind of like Linus and the Great Pumpkin. My sincerity would win him over so he would choose my pumpkin patch -- or, in this case, my bedroom -- to make a brief personal appearance. Unfortunately, that never happened.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“Joseph couldn’t contain his emotion any longer. He ordered all of the Egyptians out of the room so that he could be alone with his brothers. He then burst into tears and exclaimed: “I am your brother, Joseph!”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“In some ways, we all are a bit like Pharaoh. When we’re riding high and on top of the world, we’re convinced that our good fortune is the result of our birthright or our ingenuity, or our talent, or our hard work. During those times, we refuse to acknowledge that everything good and everything worthwhile comes from the Lord. But God loves us enough to sometimes let life’s adversities smack us in the face as a wake-up call, to remind us that he is the source of our strength, our success, and our hope for the future.”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Spencer C Demetros
“Peter on the Transfiguration: “So, trying to be helpful, I offered to build three tents, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. The minute those words left my mouth, I realized how stupid they were. Seriously, Peter? Build them tents? Like Jesus, Moses, and Elijah were going to spend the weekend on the mountain watching sunsets and sitting around the bonfire making s’mores? What is wrong with me?”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Israelmore Ayivor
“Scripture said that "pride goes before fall". Just let pride go alone. Don't go in its company, else fall pursues both of you!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

“So the hammers of infidels have been pecking away at this book for ages, but the hammers are worn out, and the anvil still endures. If this book had not been the book of God, men would have destroyed it long ago. Emperors and popes, kings and priests, princes and rulers have all tried their hand at it; they die and the book still lives.”
Horace Lorenzo Hastings

“Before the foundation of the world, God inscribed the names of those predestined to believe in Christ in the Book of Life. This sacred register contains the names of all who will spend eternity with Him in heaven. Conversely, those whose names are not written in the Book of Life will face eternal separation from God in the lake of fire. The Book of Life is a testament to God's sovereignty and grace, a reminder that salvation is a gift bestowed upon those He has chosen from the beginning.”
Shaila Touchton