Brokenness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "brokenness" Showing 31-60 of 263
Gene Edwards
“David was caught in a very uncomfortable position; however, he seemed to grasp a deep understanding of the unfolding drama in which he had been caught. He seemed to understand something that few of even the wisest men of his day understood. Something that in our day, when men are wiser still, even fewer understand.

And what was that?

God did not have - but wanted very much to have - men and women who would live in pain.

God wanted a broken vessel.”
Gene Edwards, A Tale of three Kings: A Study in Brokenness

Jalina Mhyana
“He’s always been attracted to broken things. He was the kind of boy who talked the bad girls through their problems, who defended them and didn’t take advantage. He was sensitive to his stuffed animals’ feelings, rotating their position on his bed so that a new plush animal would occupy pride of place at his pillowside every night. Soon I became first and foremost on that pillow; princess of the island of misfit toys.”
Jalina Mhyana, Dreaming in Night Vision: A Story in Vignettes

Denise M. Jones
“Wishes didn't come true when you chased after a star.”
Denise M. Jones, Montgomery's Diary

Chris Hodges
“No particular shape of brokenness is worse or better than any other. When I see the remains of houses still standing after a tornado, I don't compare the broken windows of one house to another and think, Now that one is broken more severely than this other one. No! Shattered windows, like shattered lives, are all simply in need of repair.”
Chris Hodges, Out of the Cave: Stepping into the Light when Depression Darkens What You See

Jeferson Tenório
“Desde o início, nunca foram compatíveis. Talvez eu esteja simplificando as coisas. A verdade é que vocês não se amavam o suficiente para suportarem os seus fantasmas. Vocês eram apenas duas pessoas quebradas. Cada um com seus cacos. Cada um buscando uma escora. O amor como muleta. Naquele momento, a vida já havia tirado tanto, que vocês achavam injusto que o amor não pudesse servir como amparo. Acontece que, em vez de buscarem algo que pudesse reconstituir os afetos, vocês resolveram se cortar com o que restou.”
Jeferson Tenório, O Avesso da Pele

“I felt so isolated, so broken, so lonely. I felt like no one on earth could understand me. I didn’t even give them the chance. I just assumed they would never understand and used that assumption to block them out all the more.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Krista Tibbs
“I see you. I care about you. You are important. You are loved.”
Krista Tibbs, I See You Sincerely

“Bread feeds when broken open.
Soil grows when broken open.
You are not broken.
You are the world's nourishment continually being broken open by design.”
David Ault

L.V. Lane
“Being broken was not the end, it was an opportunity to grow. ~ Omega Awakening (The Controllers, Book #0.5)”
L.V. Lane

L.V. Lane
“Being broken was not the end, it was an opportunity to grow.”
L.V. Lane, The Awakening

Mila Crawford
“know this, my sweet Angel; it’s you who owns me. All my broken fucked up pieces and all my best parts belong to you.”
Mila Crawford, Forbidden Desires

Ashley Lane
“Stop trying to fix his broken pieces. Instead, make a home among them and love his darkness too.”
Ashley Lane, Betrayed By Beauty

“Partnering with God to restore the fallen world
implies working together with Him to repair the damaged world.
We are but mere vessels in His grand design,
to bring hope and healing to all mankind.
With every step we take, with every choice we make,
we have the power to bring light to the darkest of days.
For in our hands lies the potential to create,
a world that's full of beauty, love, and grace.
So let us join hands with the Creator above,
and work tirelessly to spread compassion and love.
For it is only through our partnership with God,
that we can truly heal this broken world.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Abhijit Naskar
“You are never too broken to be fixed, you are never too fixed to be broken.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sapionova: 200 Limericks for Students

Abhijit Naskar
“You are never too broken to be fixed,
You are never too fixed to be broken.
Life is a dance between hurt and heal,
sometimes psycho, sometimes surreal,
To wake up to life you gotta be shaken.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sapionova: 200 Limericks for Students

“In the darkness, every ray that broke through was not only noticeable but absolutely brilliant. Although this cavern surely did nothing to make the sun’s rays more brilliant than they already were, it did serve to elucidate their existing beauty. In the same way, my chronic brokenness and failures didn’t hinder the beauty of what God had done for me. Instead, my mistakes reminded me of the extent He went to in order to forgive me, heal me, and free me.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“With His arms wrapped around me, I knew He was not willing to let me go. Undeserving and stubborn as I was, His love was greater than my rebellion, greater than my brokenness, greater than my hurt or hatred.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Erica Bauermeister
“Tyler shook his head, reached his right hand across his chest and stretched his left arm, feeling the movement in his shoulder, his neck. Felt this body of his, both old and new. Broken and not. His, in any case.
He took a breath, rubbed his hands across his face, and tasted the sea. pg. 144”
Erica Bauermeister, No Two Persons

“So many memories come to mind—the child you were, the adult you’ve become—so much anguish for what happened all those years ago. You never wanted to let anyone down, I know. You feel everything so intensely. Just don’t tell me that you don’t deserve better. You do. Don’t tell me you’re a failure. You’re not. We learn from every mistake. That’s not failing; it’s growing. You are a beautiful, empathetic being of love and light. And don’t say hope will damn you. It won’t always, I promise.”
D.K. Sanz, Grateful to Be Alive: My Road to Recovery from Addiction

Ruth Behar
“Sometimes I wish I could shout to the world, "Tell me, please, wont you tell me? Do you know how to become whole after you've been broken?" Ruthie”
Ruth Behar, Lucky Broken Girl

“God’s training often involves breaking our self-sufficiency and pride. God will use our brokenness that we become vessels fit for His service. As we humble ourselves before God, acknowledging our weaknesses and submitting to His mighty hand, He equips and uses us for His divine purposes (James 4:10, Luke 14:11).”
Prasanth Jonathan

Allene vanOirschot
“Just because you are broken doesn't mean you are forgotten.”
ALLENE VANOIRSCHOT, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

“True strength is not about how much you can handle before you break, it's about how much you can endure after you've been broken”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“We are all crushed grapes, and crushed beautiful rose petals, in the streets of memories, where once youth and hope wandered. Everything has a price in life, and the price we pay is either we are happy or sad, that's the only currency life issues.”
Kenan Hudaverdi, Emotional Rhapsody

Susan May Warren
“God is constantly using broken, messy people to restore the world and bring glory to Himself, to touch other people.”
Susan May Warren, You're the One that I Want

Connilyn Cossette
“I think Yahweh is creating something new from our broken pieces. Perhaps he is writing a new song.”
Connilyn Cossette, Counted with the Stars

Rebecca Serle
“We have to be cracked open sometimes. We have to be cracked open sometimes to let anything good in. What I see now, emerging in the mirror, is this one, simple truth: learning to be broken is learning to be whole.

(Daphne Bell)”
Rebecca Serle, Expiration Dates

E. K. Mosley
“Together these stars gave me the name, Stardog, keeper of stars and protector of dreams. But now I am lost, and my crown broken, so I must find another stardog to help restore it.”
E. K. Mosley, The Last Stardog

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Depression possesses the soul, just the way alcohol possesses the body.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia

“There can be beauty in the brokenness.”
Brian Reese