Business Quotes

Quotes tagged as "business" Showing 61-90 of 5,361
Sun Tzu
“If your opponent is of choleric temper,  seek to irritate him.  Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Peter F. Drucker
“The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.”
Peter Drucker

Jane Austen
“Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship hardly ever does.”
Jane Austen, Emma

Criss Jami
“Simply minding one's own business is more offensive than being intrusive. Without ever saying a word one can make a person feel less-than.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

“Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.”
Vince Lombardi

Isaac Asimov
“It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.”
Isaac Asimov

Idowu Koyenikan
“If you are going to be in business, you must learn about money: how it works, how it flows, and how to put it to work for you.”
Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

Jenny Colgan
“I have a head for business and a body for sin. Unfortunately, the sin appears to be gluttony.”
Jenny Colgan, Meet Me at the Cupcake Café

Sun Tzu
“He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Sun Tzu
“Rewards for good service should not be deferred a single day.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Sam Walton
“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it s amazing what they can accomplish.”
Sam Walton

Steve Jobs
“My model for business is The Beatles. They were four guys who kept each other kind of negative tendencies in check. They balanced each other and the total was greater than the sum of the parts. That's how I see business: great things in business are never done by one person, they're done by a team of people.”
Steve Jobs

Sun Tzu
“Conform to the enemy's tactics until a favorable opportunity offers; then come forth and engage in a battle that shall prove decisive.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Ronald Reagan
“You can’t tax business. Business doesn’t pay taxes. It collects taxes.”
Ronald Reagan

Israelmore Ayivor
“Compassion is a lifetime business. You can't say something like, "I will have compassion on Monday, Thursdays and Fridays only. But for the rest, I will be cruel". That is hypocrisy.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Kenneth E. Boulding
“Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.”
Kenneth Boulding

Sun Tzu
“If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak. ”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“To become successful, one must put themselves in the paths of giants!”
Lillian Cauldwell

Devon Rhodes
“Don’t worry, I’m not quitting. I’ve decided I’m going to stay and
make his life a living hell while I run his business into the ground.
--Kim to Abe”
Devon Rhodes, Silver and Gold

Peter F. Drucker
“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship...the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.”
Peter Drucker

Sun Tzu
“Conceal your dispositions, and your condition will remain secret, which leads to victory;  show your dispositions, and your condition will become patent, which leads to defeat.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Sun Tzu
“You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Ted Turner
“Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise”
Ted Turner

Napoleon Hill
“You become what you think about”
Napoleon Hill, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Sun Tzu
“Whether in an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one, the opposite state should be always present to your mind.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Brian Tracy
“To earn more, you must learn more.”
Brian Tracy

Jennifer Egan
“This is the music business. 'Five years is five hundred years' - your words.”
Jennifer Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad

Charles Duhigg
“Companies aren’t families. They’re battlefields in a civil war.”
Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

Seth Godin
“...treasure what it means to do a day's work. It's our one and only chance to do something productive today, and it's certainly not available to someone merely because he is the high bidder. A day's work is your chance to do art, to create a gift, to do something that matters. As your work gets better and your art becomes more important, competition for your gifts will increase and you'll discover that you can be choosier about whom you give them to.”
Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?