Cancer Journey Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cancer-journey" Showing 1-30 of 141
“Cassie, if you’d known back then that this is where our paths would lead us... that I would get sick... would you have still chosen to be with me?”
Did he seriously not know the answer? How much I loved him? “Xuan, I do choose this path, every night, in my dreams. I cannot imagine my life any differently.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

“Xuan’s movements were fluid and effortless, and I followed his lead with ease. The world around us faded away, and for a few precious moments, it was just the two of us, lost in the music in a peaceful quiet. I prayed that God would look down on us and see the beauty of our existence, and the trueness of our love. I prayed that He would decide to spare Xuan and leave us alone for many years. I prayed for a miracle.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

“Cassie, you need to understand that he only agreed to undergo treatment because of you. He made this choice solely for you, and no one else. Despite being aware of the limited time he has left and the financial burden the treatment will impose on his family, he chose to stay by your side.”
I knew, had known the moment he’d agree to undergo the treatment. I hated myself for being the cause of his pain.
He continued to push. “Xuan is doing the cancer therapy stuff even though he didn’t want to. He loves you that much. And because you asked him to do this, he is. And one day, because of love, you will stand by Xuan until the end and you’ll have to watch him die. And because he loved you, you will eventually have to let him go, because that’s what he would want.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Kayla  Cunningham
“Cassie, if I do treatment, I’m most likely going to be too sick to want to do any of those things. It may only prolong my life for a short time. And leaving my parents with an enormous amount of debt because of medical bills is not what I want. How can I do that to them?”

“They love you, Xuan. There’s no price tag on your life.”

“What would you do if you were me?”

“I would fight!” I shouted.

“I’ve been trying to accept my fate, and I think you need to as well.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Kayla  Cunningham
“Treatment was not what Xuan wanted, and his answer only made me feel small and guilty. His words should have comforted me. That he would try, for me. But they didn’t. Xuan did love me enough to get treatment. But maybe I should have loved him enough to respect and accept his decision.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Audre Lorde
“But I believe that socially sanctioned prosthesis is merely another way of keeping women with breast cancer silent and separate from each other. For instance, what would happen if an army of one-breasted women descended upon Congress and demanded that the use of carcinogenic, fat-stored hormones in beef-feed be outlawed?”
Audre Lorde, The Cancer Journals

Brett M. Cordes
“Depression set in. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate at work. I didn't want to get out of bed.”
Brett M. Cordes, Cancer Is for Older People: How Young Minds Beat an Old Disease

Lisa Manyon
“Courage often means change, and this is where things can get really uncomfortable.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“Facing mortality is not for the faint of heart.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“In the context of healing with L♥VE, it’s important to know that L♥VE is said to be the highest vibration and energy that moves through your heart, your mind, and your soul.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“I refused and refuse to let cancer define me. I never referred to it as “mine” and treated it as a separate entity that simply had to go.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“Here’s what I want YOU to know. Cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“Two years prior to the cancer diagnosis, while sitting in my office, I received a Divine download that told me I would write a book about healing with love and it would be called Spiritual Sugar.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“Spiritual Sugar is all about healing with L♥VE, and I for one, know the world needs more healing.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“Focus on life. When you push against anything, it creates more of what you don’t want.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“It’s important to focus on healing, not fighting, battling, or conquering. The language we use creates our reality”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“I was initially misdiagnosed with an abscessed tooth. When in reality, I had a rapidly growing aggressive cancerous tumor in my throat. Had I listened and trusted this misdiagnosis, I wouldn’t be writing this today. #truth”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“People don’t know how to deal with cancer. So, when people do show up, it means a lot. More than you will ever know. When people don’t show up, it hurts. More than you will ever know.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“Cancer is becoming “normal.” Let that sink in. There is nothing normal about this.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“It’s important to know that every cancer is different, every person is different, and that means that what I did worked for me. It’s not a guarantee for anyone else.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“It's important to gain some deep inner clarity and connection to your Higher Power so you're guided to surround yourself with people, places, and things that nourish and uplift your soul.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“When you feel something is off or you’re experiencing less than optimal encounters on any level, that’s a telltale sign that it's time to course-correct and align with the Divine.”
Lisa Manyon, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon
“The healing with L♥VE journey has taken me places I never wanted to go and that I hope you never end up.”
Lisa Manyon

“Cancer Research Anti-Cancer Activity PHPC Compound”
Dr.Dinesh Kacha

“Since becoming ‘Badass-Ballerini’, when someone tells me I can’t do something, I tell them “JUST WATCH ME!”
Laura Ballerini, The Green Velvet Chair: Heartfelt stories of art and design in everyday life

Kayla  Cunningham
“Xuan pulled out his phone and searched Google. He had to ask for the correct spelling of the drug. He wanted more real information about how much of a financial burden he would be to his parents. Money was a big concern. Possibly a deal breaker.

“Several sites—it’s around five hundred dollars a day! That’s fifteen thousand a month! How could I let my parents pay that much for me?”

Fifteen thousand dollars. I gasped, appalled. I staggered to the chair and collapsed into it. He’ll never agree to that.

Xuan opened his mouth and closed it again, in shock. The atmosphere in the room plunged from friendly and informative to frigid with mathematical figures and calculations.
I sat with my elbows on my knees, my face buried in my hands. Saints, I knew cancer treatment was expensive, but I never imagined it was that expensive. That was too much. Ironically, I didn’t know if I could live with myself, knowing my parents were working day and night to keep me alive. That would be a huge financial responsibility. I just couldn’t imagine allowing it, month after month. Sadly, I wondered how many people died every year because of the cost of medication in the United States. In a way, it seemed like pharmaceutical companies were getting away with murder.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Kayla  Cunningham
“The mean-spirited, unpredictable cancer beast had changed all of our lives. There were unspoken details of our life before cancer. Now, only the stark reality of life after cancer remained. I was acutely aware that, regardless of the treatment’s outcome, we were bound in a race against time. A relentless clock, damnably ticking away, measured the fleeting seconds of Xuan’s life. Its insistent rhythm served as a re- minder of our finite journey. Though it may have momentarily paused, the clock would invariably resume its steady wind down toward zero.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

“A story told in pieces Skies broken
Biomes created under such pains
The body building unique tumors The turmoil just constantly eats The pain sighs and comes back beats Under this spell, under this pieces I want to live, I want to be bones The cancer, the breast cancer survivor I survived, in the loss of my left I suffered but i survived I lost the right I fought never failed but under such anguish I survived..”
Tapiwanaishe Pamacheche

“While today may seem challenging, it’s not. Some people are visiting cancer hospitals for treatment. Their determination should demonstrate the opportunities you have today, which they pray one day they will have too!” - Chris Geiger”
Chris Geiger, The Cancer Survivors Club: A Collection of Inspirational and Uplifting Stories

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