Cannibals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cannibals" Showing 1-28 of 28
Nick Cave
“But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals
Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .”
Nick Cave

Maurice Sendak
“Childhood is cannibals and psychotics vomiting in your mouth!”
Maurice Sendak

Nick Harkaway
“No. The moral of the story in so far as it has one is that cannibals can study logic, and that if you are going to leave the path, you better have your wits about you and know better than to trust the first scary old lady who talks to you in public.”
Nick Harkaway, The Gone-Away World

Joyce Cary
“The Professor looked like a Protestant saint when the cannibal offered him the choice of taking six wives or being boiled alive. He wanted to mortify some flesh, but he didn't know which.”
Joyce Cary, The Horse's Mouth

Charles Soule
“He is a liar, a thief, a killer and a cannibal. And he is running for political office! Someone must stop him.”
Charles Soule

Emily R. Austin
“I have to share a room. I am expected to sleep mere meters from a woman whose mental ailment is unknown to me. For all I know she might be a cannibal.”
Emily Austin, Oh Honey

Rawi Hage
“Violence and resistance are the only answer. Empire has to feel pain or it will never stop devouring you. It is only when a gun is put in a person’s face that anything changes. All empires are hungry cannibals...”
Rawi Hage, Carnival

Jack Heath
“So you don't go to church anymore?" she asks.
I don't like the idea of Thistle thinking that I believe in God. I wonder what the Bible says about cannibalism. Eat this, for it is my body.”
Jack Heath, Hangman

Fred Barnett
“It wasn’t kidnapping. She was no kid and she certainly wasn't napping." Shark Fin Soup 2015”
Fred Barnett

Jack Heath
“The illusion lasts only a moment. The man is nothing more than a reflection of me. Both a person and a monster.”
Jack Heath, Hangman

Jack Heath
“Thistle and I had the same start in life - rescued by police from the clutches of our dead parents. But she's become a smart, tough FBI agent who can learn a new song on the viola in only one week or two. I'm a poor, unemployed cannibal. Where did our worlds divide? Where did I go wrong?”
Jack Heath, Hangman

Jack Heath
“In the same library book that taught me about Theia and how the moon was made, I read that Earth travels two hundred million miles around the sun between fall and spring.
Some people die without ever having left their hometown, and yet they could be ninety million miles from where they were born.
We're all just ants, riding a bus on a highway too long to comprehend.”
Jack Heath, Hangman

Jack Heath
“I'm sorry," I say. "I hate feeling like I let you down."
"It's okay," she says. She puts her arm around my neck.
"In fact, I respect it. Celibacy must take a lot of willpower."
I think of all the times I've eaten someone and sworn I'll never do it again.”
Jack Heath, Hangman

Neal Shusterman
“My life as a Morlock,” he says.
“Am I supposed to know what that is?”
“Light-sensitive underground frogmen, often portrayed in bad green-rubber costumes.
Sadly, this is what we've become.
Except for the green-rubber costume part.

...The thing about Morlocks is that they're known to be cannibals.”
Neal Shusterman, Unwind

Shayla Raquel
“The meat hovers right by his lips, so he opens
his mouth, as slowly as a drawbridge. I place the bite of flesh onto his tongue, and seduction overtakes me. His lips clamp down as I pull the utensil away. He chews. Swallows. Licks those lips.”
Shayla Raquel, Savage Indulgence: A Grisly Short Story with a Twist Ending

Fred Barnett
“Muy Peligroso!” Bernie’s choices had become as limited as the Taco Bell menu. Reason and blood had left the building, heading south, faster than reprobates to Florida." — Shark Fin Soup 2015”
Fred Barnett

Fred Barnett
“Dauna marched her tasty 包子 and 餃 (which were far superior to the dumplings served at the Double Chins Cafe) into the waiting room." — Shark Fin Soup 2015”
Fred Barnett

Fred Barnett
“Dauna drew her lush breasts over Bernie’s cold blue lips. “Yeah. The f*cker’s dead all right." — Shark Fin Soup 2015”
Fred Barnett

Fred Barnett
“Dauna inhaled a deep drag from her happy cigarette. (Yes, her cig was happy. Fuck'n euphoric.) Smoke swirled over her tongue." — Shark Fin Soup 2015”
Fred Barnett

Philip Ridley
“We're all as bad as each other. All hungry little cannibals at our own cannibal party. So fuck the milk of human kindness and welcome to the abattoir!”
Philip Ridley, The Fastest Clock in the Universe

“Totally isolated from our own culture for long periods, we became vulnerable to forgotten times and tribes re-awakening within us. Our journeys, we found, were to take us simultaneously to some of the least-charted regions of the planet and to the least-charted regions of our own minds. What began for us as the effort to capture a purely objective record of what we saw gradually dissolved into a quest, an odyssey of self-discovery which actually took place amongst the last of the lands of real living kings and queens, dragons and pirates, cannibals and headhunters, mystics and magicians.”
Lawrence Blair, Ring of Fire: An Indonesia Odyssey

Emory R. Frie
“Can we at least avoid the cannibals? I prefer not to vomit when screaming for my life.”
Emory R. Frie, Enchanted Forest

Jack Heath
“As an adult, Jared Carter shot his wife six times, then ran out of bullets. When the police showed up twenty minutes later, they found him on his knees on the kitchen floor, fist clenched around the barrel of the gun, striking her corpse with the butt over and over. It was as if he'd stored up every punch anyone had ever landed on him, and now he was letting them all out again.”
Jack Heath, Hangman

T. Kingfisher
“She could track the progression of starvation backwards through the layers. They had eaten deer and they had eaten cattle. When the cattle ran out and the deer were gone, they ate the horses, and when the horses were gone, they ate the dogs.

When the dogs were gone, they ate each other.

It was the dogs she wanted. Perhaps she might have built a man out of bones, but she had no great love of men any longer.

Dogs, though... dogs were always true.”
T. Kingfisher, Nettle & Bone

Shayla Raquel
“We became Facebook friends, I later
invited them to dinner, and now here we are.
At my dining table, where I have drugged them.”
Shayla Raquel, Savage Indulgence: A Grisly Short Story with a Twist Ending

Shayla Raquel
“I finally slice into my steak. My first bite is velvety and robust. Melt-in-your-mouth tender. Hardly have to chew. I swallow my morsel of meat. Relish in the taste.”
Shayla Raquel, Savage Indulgence: A Grisly Short Story with a Twist Ending

Shayla Raquel
“The taste of Beth—I salivate thinking about it. I’ll cook her using a reverse sear. Low temp in the oven on a wire rack, then sear both sides in my cast-iron skillet. Drown her in butter. Golden crust, pink center. I slip into slumber, dreaming about her.”
Shayla Raquel, Savage Indulgence: A Grisly Short Story with a Twist Ending

“A cannibal is food to another cannibal.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov