Caroling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "caroling" Showing 1-2 of 2
Richelle E. Goodrich
Life is the season for loving and caring,
for laughing and caroling, giving and sharing.

Christmas is meant for the same, people say,
which makes life like Christmastime every day.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

Sarah Beth Brazytis
“And there goes that siren again,” grumbled Mr. Clay, putting down his paper. “Just as if we haven’t got Christmas bells, or carolers, or a goose to stuff, we must have an air raid, too!”

This mild tirade was so unlike Mr. Clay that everyone in the room stopped to look at him.

“Oh, get along with you all,” he ordered, waving his hands. “The boys have convinced me to take the night off, and look where it’s going to land me – the Anderson shelter!”

“It’s going to be a tight squeeze,” Jozef admitted with a boyish grin.

“What you call cozy, yes?” put in Jedrick mischievously.

Mr. Clay grunted. “Very cozy.”
Sarah Brazytis, Through the Darkness