Catholic History Quotes

Quotes tagged as "catholic-history" Showing 1-4 of 4
Dale Ahlquist
“Every leader-writer who thunders ‘Galileo’ at us assumes that we know even less about Galileo than he does.”
Dale Ahlquist, Common Sense 101: Lessons from Chesterton

Charles A. Coulombe
“American influence in Latin America has been at the disposal of whoever has wished to destroy the heritage of Spain and Portugal (whose daughter Brazil became an independent Empire under a Portuguese Prince in 1822). It has been a long hard struggle, with American-backed forces generally triumphing in the end. But the endurance of the Catholic Iberian tradition may be seen by the fact that the battle is not over yet.”
Charles A. Coulombe, Puritan's Empire

Dale Ahlquist
“long before even Copernicus stated it, it had been suggested in the very middle of the Middle Ages by Cusa: and that the persecuting Church proceeded to persecute him by making him a Cardinal.”
Dale Ahlquist, Common Sense 101: Lessons from Chesterton

Charles A. Coulombe
“But one item was left behind in Kansas, to be discovered in 1886: a Spanish sword from Coronado's expedition, inscribed with the name of its owner, Juan Gallegos, and on the blade these words: "Do not draw me without right. Do not sheath me without honor." Here at once is summed up the essential chivalry of the Conquistadors.”
Charles A. Coulombe, Puritan's Empire