Cats Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cats" Showing 241-270 of 1,283
Charles Bukowski
our argument tonight
whatever it was
no matter
how unhappy
it made us

remember that
there is a
adjusting to the
space of itself
with a delightful
wonderment of

in other words
magic persists
without us
no matter what
we do
against it.”
Charles Bukowski, On Cats
tags: cats, poem

Charles Baudelaire
Le Chat

Viens, mon beau chat, sur mon coeur amoureux;
Retiens les griffes de ta patte,
Et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux,
Mêlés de métal et d'agate.

Lorsque mes doigts caressent à loisir
Ta tête et ton dos élastique,
Et que ma main s'enivre du plaisir
De palper ton corps électrique,

Je vois ma femme en esprit. Son regard,
Comme le tien, aimable bête,
Profond et froid, coupe et fend comme un dard,

Et, des pieds jusques à la tête,
Un air subtil, un dangereux parfum,
Nagent autour de son corps brun.”
Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal

Lee Wardlaw
“I explained it loud
and clear. What part of "meow"
don't you understand?”
Lee Wardlaw, Won-Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku

Doris Lessing
“The kitten was six weeks old. It was enchanting, a delicate fairy-tale cat, whose Siamese genes showed in the shape of the face, ears, tail, and the subtle lines of its body. [...] She sat, a tiny thing, in the middle of a yellow carpet, surrounded by five worshipppers, not at all afraid of us. Then she stalked around that floor of the house, inspecting every inch of it, climbed up on to my bed, crept under the fold of a sheet, and was at home.”
Doris Lessing, On Cats

Richard Mabey
“Their [cats] effortless passing between the wild and domestic worlds suggests the kind of grace we need as a species to move between nature and culture.”
Richard Mabey, Nature Cure

Maryam Faresh
“You can't be sad when Daisy is around, she won't let you.”
Maryam Faresh, Daisy

Salman Rushdie
“From birds she learned how to sing; from cats she learned a form of dangerous independence.”
Salman Rushdie

Christina Rossetti
“Who shall tell the lady's grief
When her Cat was past relief?
Who shall number the hot tears
Shed o'er her, beloved for years?
Who shall say the dark dismay
Which her dying caused that day?”
Christina Rossetti

Hippolyte Taine
“The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.”
Hippolyte Taine
tags: cats

Rai Aren
“Cats and books are my universe. Both are infinitely fascinating and full of mystery.”
Rai Aren

R. Chetwynd-Hayes
“I mean to say, we all sprang from humble origins. Goodness gracious, who would have thought that a species of monkey would take over the kingdom of the world. … I cannot help but feel that the monkey was not a good choice. Surely one of the cat family would have been much more satisfactory. They have a much less emotional approach to life. ("The Shadmock")”
R. Chetwynd-Hayes

H.P. Lovecraft
“The cool, lithe, cynical, and unconquered lord of the housetops.”
H.P. Lovecraft, Cats and Dogs

Nicholas Dodman
“Cats may walk by themselves, but there are times when they need our support.”
Dr. Nicholas Dodman

H.P. Lovecraft
“Some of them stole off to those cryptical realms which are known only to cats and which villagers say are on the moon's dark side, whither the cats leap from tall housetops; but one small black kitten crept upstairs and sprang in Carter's lap to purr and play, and curled up near his feet when he lay down at last on the little couch whose pillows were stuffed with fragrant drowsy herbs.”
H.P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

Théophile Gautier
“Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes?”
Theophile Gautier
tags: cats

Mark Twain
“That's the way with a cat, you know -- any cat; they don't give a damn for discipline. And they can't help it, they're made so. But it ain't really insubordination, when you come to look at it right and fair -- it's a word that don't apply to a cat. A cat ain't ever anybody's slave or serf or servant, and can't be -- it ain't in him to be. And so, he don't have to obey anybody. He is the only creature in heaven or earth or anywhere that don't have to obey somebody or other, including the angels. It sets him above the whole ruck, it puts him in a class by himself. He is independent. You understand the size of it? He is the only independent person there is. In heaven or anywhere else. There's always somebody a king has to obey -- a trollop, or a priest, or a ring, or a nation, or a deity or what not -- but it ain't so with a cat. A cat ain't servant nor slave to anybody at all. He's got all the independence there is, in Heaven or anywhere else, there ain't any left over for anybody else. He's your friend, if you like, but that's the limit -- equal terms, too, be you king or be you cobbler; you can't play any I'm-better-than-you on a cat -- no, sir! Yes, he's your friend, if you like, but you got to treat him like a gentleman, there ain't any other terms. The minute you don't, he pulls freight.”
Mark Twain
tags: cats

Will Advise
“Once a cat loves you, it loves you till the end.”
Will Advise

Nicholas Dodman
“What would you do if your cat suddenly went psycho and started to attack you for no apparent reason, lying in wait and pouncing or stalking you with a faraway look reminiscent of its predatory cousins and ancestors?”
Dr. Nicholas Dodman

Paul Gallico
“Japanese goldfish,
With your gossamer tail,
You are the loveliest creature
I have ever seen."

"Japanese kitten,
Put your tongue back in where it belongs
And go away.
I know exactly what you are thinking.”
Paul Gallico, Honorable Cat

H. Allen Smith
“Cats are people, and the sooner the world accepts that fact, the better off the world will be.”
H. Allen Smith, Rhubarb
tags: cats

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
“(about cats) They also resist our calls to come, to move, to obey, to present themselves, to do all the things that dogs do so easily. This drives some people crazy. Cats do not even care what drives us crazy!”
Jeffery Masson

Robert A. Heinlein
“Women and cats do what they do; there is nothing a man can do about it”
Robert A. Heinlein, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
tags: cats, women

Aaron Dennis
“Cat herding is simple. Just drag a string behind you.”
Aaron Dennis

Peter Trachtenberg
“She hops expectantly into the sink. I turn on the tap for her; she laps without a glance in my direction, like a duchess so used to being ministered to that she no longer notices the servants and sees only a world where objects dumbly bend to her wishes, doors opening, faucets discharging cool water, delicious things appearing in her dish.”
Peter Trachtenberg, Another Insane Devotion: On The Love of Cats and Persons

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Cats strongly believe that everywhere is designed for their comfort!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Will Advise
“The best about cats is they love cannot feign...”
Will Advise

Pam Johnson-Bennett
“Cats are true carnivores. While you may choose a vegetarian lifestyle, don't assume it's healthier for your cat also. Cats aren't able to convert beta-carotene into vitamin A the way we can. They must get vitamin A from animal tissue (called preformed A). Cats are also unable to convert linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) to arachidonic acid the way dogs can so they must get preformed arachidonic acid from its only source—animal tissue.”
Pam Johnson-Bennett, Twisted Whiskers: Solving Your Cat's Behavior Problems

“A dog is a dog, a bird is a bird, and a cat is a person.”
Mugsy Peabody

Jean Lowe Carlson
“AC/DC is very easy to miao along to!”
Jean Lowe Carlson

Jim Butcher
“He had to give humans credit where it was due - they did seem to have a knack for building interesting places for cats to explore.”
Jim Butcher, The Aeronaut's Windlass
tags: cats