Traits Quotes

Quotes tagged as "traits" Showing 1-30 of 68
Criss Jami
“Everyone has a sense of humor. If you don't laugh at jokes, you probably laugh at opinions.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“The exaggerated dopamine sensitivity of the introvert leads one to believe that when in public, introverts, regardless of its validity, often feel to be the center of (unwanted) attention hence rarely craving attention. Extroverts, on the other hand, seem to never get enough attention. So on the flip side it seems as though the introvert is in a sense very external and the extrovert is in a sense very internal - the introvert constantly feels too much 'outerness' while the extrovert doesn't feel enough 'outerness'.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“To be acceptable is for one to ignore his weakness while knowing his strength, to cover the scar even though it's always there, however, to be impossible is for one to see his weakness as, not an adversary, but the cherry on top of his strength, to rearrange the scar so that it compliments his features.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A thorough inspection of someone you believed to be loveable will send you back into your shell if all you saw in their life was all bullshit.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Salman Rushdie
“At sixteen, you still think you can escape from your father. You aren't listening to his voice speaking through your mouth, you don't see how your gestures already mirror his; you don't see him in the way you hold your body, in the way you sign your name. You don't hear his whisper in your blood.”
Salman Rushdie, East, West

“Attending to your own words and ideas as well as those of others is an admirable trait in any person, but a necessity in a leader.”
Jennifer Frick-Ruppert, Spirit Quest

Alexandra Katehakis
“Reckless. Insatiable. Deceptive. Clingy. Vain. Dismissive. Trivial. Violent. Tactless. Controlling. Impractical. Fearful. Think of one example in your past where you exhibited each of these traits. Whatever memory comes to your mind will usually provide you with a clear illustration. Know that you have the capacity to exhibit all defects.”
Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

Blaise Pascal
“I do not admire the excess of a virtue like courage unless I see at the same time an excess of the opposite virtue, as in Epaminondas, who possessed extreme courage and extreme kindness. Otherwise it is not rising to the heights but falling down. We show greatness, not by being at one extreme, but by touching both at once and occupying all the space in between.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Brad Meltzer
“...there are certain traits that God puts in each of us. There's no escaping them.”
Brad Meltzer, The Inner Circle
tags: traits

John Steinbeck
“And is usually true of a man of one idea, [Charles] became obsessed.”
John Steinbeck

Will Advise
“The best about cats is they love cannot feign...”
Will Advise

Criss Jami
“Excitement is a crossroad which runs in all directions. No man lacks personality; he just never connected with you at the intersection.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Elaine N. Aron
“You and I are learning to see our trait as a neutral thing—useful in some situations, not in others—but our culture definitely does not see it, or any trait as neutral. The anthropologist Margaret Mead explained it well. Although a culture’s newborns will show a broad range of inherited temperaments, only a narrow band of these, a certain type, will be the ideal. The ideal personality is embodied, in Mead's words, in 'every thread of the social fabric—in the care of the young child, the games the children play, the songs the people sing, the political organization, the religious observance, the art and the philosophy.' Other traits are ignored, discouraged, or if all else fails, ridiculed.
What is the ideal in our culture? Movies, advertisements, the design of public spaces, all tell us we should be as tough as the Terminator, as stoic as Clint Eastwood, as outgoing as Goldie Hawn. We should be pleasantly stimulated by bright lights, noise, a gang of cheerful fellows hanging out in a bar. If we are feeling overwhelmed and sensitive, we can always take a painkiller.”
Elaine N. Aron, The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You

Ali Smith
“... across the aeons and the global distances what all the peoples of the world really have in common is so many similar ways of doing humiliating and painful things to each other.”
Ali Smith, Summer

Walter Block
“One cannot help wondering if the day will ever arrive when tailoring clothes for people in accordance with their height and girth will ever be considered discriminatory and therefore prohibited; such a practice must of necessity make (invidious) distinctions between individuals, and this is what the equalitarian philosophy would appear to deem improper.”
Walter Block, The Case for Discrimination

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“They shall possess all the virtues I shall dislike but I shall not possess the trait to hate them”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Ari Gunzburg
“Traits we view as strengths or weaknesses are never only that, but are as we use them.”
Ari Gunzburg, The Little Book of Greatness: A Parable About Unlocking Your Destiny

Ari Gunzburg
“Our greatest strengths are often also our greatest weaknesses. It all depends on how we use them.”
Ari Gunzburg

Peter F. Hamilton
“Traits I can manage, prohibited words I can’t.”
Peter F. Hamilton, Pandora's Star

“We dont know much about gods characteristics. However. We can deduce specific traits by observing gods creation. For starters, creativity. There is also a kind of seriousness, with firm natural laws. Serious or not, god has a special kind of humor. And since the world is filled with drama, god might not care about us to the level that we tell ourselves, either that or god, just like us, search for entertainment. Sadly many other emotions and traits are forever left to our imagination.”

Steven Magee
“It was clear in the 2020 election that half of Americans have the traits of President Trump.”
Steven Magee

“No family, almost no friends, no strong connections to humanity that can't easily be erased. And compatible traits with the Summer Court. Reckless, impulsive, emotional.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Faeries

Ehsan Sehgal
“Your lie, deception, ignorance, stupidity, and ego are such traits that reward the rival as a victor without confrontation.
Ehsan Sehgal”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: traits

Ehsan Sehgal
“Your lie, deception, ignorance, stupidity, and ego are such traits that reward the rival as a victor without confrontation.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: traits

Mark Goulston
“Here are the traits you can list: arrogant, hyper, needy, overly opinionated, impulsive, rigid, nit picking, passive, indecisive, demanding, hostile, stuffy, oversensitive, sly, untrustworthy, melodramatic, rude, shy, pessimistic, abrupt, excessively perky, closed-minded. If you ask three people, you will discover reoccurring themes.”
Mark Goulston, Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone
tags: traits

Garry Fitchett
“Strange how a positive trait in one setting can be so deleterious in another.”
Garry Fitchett

“Mindfulness as a trait refers to the effortless mastery of being anchored in a state of awareness constantly.”
Kathirasan K, Mindfulness-Based Leadership: The Art of Being a Leader - Not Becoming One

Binod Shankar
“Many of us are obsessed with our “identity” and the traits that make up who we think we are. But often those traits, a legacy from your past, can stop you from growing and ruin your future.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

“Be you. The world will adjust.”

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