Charles Spurgeon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "charles-spurgeon" Showing 1-30 of 31
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!”
Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”
Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Give yourself to reading.’... You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works,
especially the Puritanic writers, and expositions of the Bible.”
Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“A sense of the divine presence and indwelling bears the soul towards heaven as upon the wings of eagles.”
Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“WI have all things and abound; not because I have a good store of money in the bank, not because I have skill and wit with which to win my bread, but because the Lord is my shepherd.”
Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“The best praying man is the man who is most believingly familiar with the promises of God. After all, prayer is nothing but taking God’s promises to him, and saying to him, “Do as thou hast said.” Prayer is the promise utilized. A prayer which is not based on a promise has no true foundation.”
Charles Spurgeon, Encouraged to Pray: Classic Sermons on Prayer

Zack Eswine
“Like other issues of mental health, we don't talk about depression. If we do, we either whisper as if the subject is scandalous or rebuke it as if it's a sin. No wonder many of us don't seek help; for when we do, those who try to help only add to the shame of it all”
Zack Eswine, Spurgeon's Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“We do not forget to eat: we do not forget to take the shop shutters down: we do not forget to be diligent in business: we do not forget to go to our beds to rest: but we often do forget to wrestle with God in prayer, and to spend, as we ought to spend, long periods in consecrated fellowship with our Father and our God.”
Charles Spurgeon

Zack Eswine
“These kinds of circumstances and bodily chemistry can steal the gifts of divine love too, as if all of God's love letters and picture albums are burning up in a fire just outside the door, a fire which we are helpless to stop. We sit there, helpless in the dark of divine absence, tied to this chair, present only to ash and wheeze, while all we hold dear seems lost forever. We even wonder if we're brought this all on ourselves. It's our fault. God is against us. We've forfeited God's help.”
Zack Eswine, Spurgeon's Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression

Dave Furman
“While an incredible preacher in London, Charles Spurgeon often battled depression and massive despair. On one occasion he was out of ministry for six months and had to leave the country. He was so depressed he ha difficulty getting out of bed. He said that when depression would come upon him, he felt like a man who was fighting the mist; it was everywhere, and he couldn't hit it.”
Dave Furman, Being There: How to Love Those Who Are Hurting

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“I have looked back to times of trial with a kind of longing, not to have them return, but to feel the strength of God as I have felt it then, to feel the power of faith, as I have felt it then, to hang upon God’s powerful arm as I hung upon it then, and to see God at work as I saw him then.”
Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“I have little confidence in those persons who speak of having received direct revelations from the Lord, as though he appeared otherwise than by and through the gospel. His word is so full, so perfect, that for God to make any fresh revelation to you or me is quite needless. To do so would be to put a dishonour upon the perfection of that word.”
Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Give me great sinners to make great saints; they are glorious raw material for grace to work upon; and when you do get them saved, they will shake the very gates of hell. The ringleaders in Satan’s camp make noble sergeants in the camp of Christ. These bravest of the brave are they.”
Charles Spurgeon

“It is a mercy that our lives are not left for us to plan, but that our Father chooses for us; else might we sometimes turn away from our best blessings, and put from us the choicest and loveliest gifts of His providence.”
Susannah Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Never for a moment try to help yourself out of a difficulty by a lie or by a questionable act. Instead, keep in the middle of the high road of truth and integrity, and you will be following the best possible course. In our lives we must never practice deceit or duplicity. Be just and do not fear.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Faith’s Checkbook: Daily Devotional - Promises for Today

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Is not patient silence the best reply to a resisting world? Calm endurance answers some questions infinitely more conclusively than the greatest eloquence.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning by Morning: Daily Devotional Readings

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Let us never fear. The stars in their courses fight against the enemies of our souls. Often when we march to the conflict, we find no army to contend with.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Faith’s Checkbook: Daily Devotional - Promises for Today

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“We should experience for ourselves the doctrines that we teach to others.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Golden Alphabet: An Exposition of Psalm 119

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“We cannot fight a good fight or finish our course unless we keep the faith.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Golden Alphabet: An Exposition of Psalm 119

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“If we cannot row, we can steer... We need a rod to point out the way as much as a staff to support us in it.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Golden Alphabet: An Exposition of Psalm 119

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Wisdom is the compass by which man is to steer across the trackless ocean of life. Without it he is an abandoned vessel, the sport of winds and waves.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Evening by Evening: Daily Devotional Readings

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“There is no calm more deep than that which follows a storm.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Evening by Evening: Daily Devotional Readings

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“The world is upside down, and therefore the first are last and the last are first.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning by Morning: Daily Devotional Readings

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Our safety lies in sticking close to what is true and right.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“How can I expect to be at home in the enemy’s country, joyful while in exile, or comfortable in a wilderness? This is not my rest. This is the place of the furnace, the forge, and the hammer.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Faith’s Checkbook: Daily Devotional - Promises for Today

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“It is true that we endure trials, but it is just as true that we are delivered out of them.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning by Morning: Daily Devotional Readings

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“If we cannot clear away the fog, it might be better to rise to a higher level and get above it.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“The saint in public may be a devil in private.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning by Morning: Daily Devotional Readings

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“When you see no present advantage, walk by faith and not by sight.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Evening by Evening: Daily Devotional Readings

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