Choosing Sides Quotes

Quotes tagged as "choosing-sides" Showing 1-10 of 10
Paula Stokes
“We are not killers,” Gideon says firmly.

“In my experience everyone is a killer.” Baz’s eyes go cold. He leans back against the wall. “Or a victim. Some people just need a little coaxing to choose a side.”
Paula Stokes, Vicarious

Lisi Harrison
"Yes," Candace asked expectantly, eyes fixed on the dark street ahead.
"Have you ever had to chose sides between a friend and a boyfriend?"
Candace nodded.
"Which side are you suppose to pick?"
"The right one."
"What if they're both right?"
"They're not."
"But they are," Melody insisted. "That's the problem."
"No." Candace slowly rolled past a police cruiser. "They both think they're right. But who do you think is right? Which side represents the thing you think is worth fighting for?"
Melody glanced out the window as though she was expecting the answer to be revealed on a neighbor's lawn. Every house except hers had the lights turned off. "I dunno."
"You do," Candace insisted. "You just don't have the courage to be honest with yourself. Because then you'd have to do the thing you don't want to do, and you hate doing anything that's hard. Which is why you gave up singing and why you have no life and why you've always been a -"
"Um okay! Can we get back to the part where you were sounding like Oprah?"
"I'm just saying, Melly, what would you do if you weren't afraid? That's your answer. That's your side." She turned into the circular driveway and put the SUV in PARK. "And if you don't choose it, you're lying to yourself and everyone around you." She opened the door and grabbed her purse. "Oprah out!"
The door slammed behind her.”
Lisi Harrison, Monster High

“He who rides the middle of the road gets hit from both ends.”
Loni Bergqvist

A.J. Darkholme
“The ignorance of the world often makes people believe that life should be black and white – that you must choose sides – and so the world of colourful gradients goes unadmired.”
A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar

Charles Portis
“You cannot carry water on both shoulders.”
Charles Portis, True Grit: A Novel

“Don’t be eager in believing lies by ignoring the truth. Don’t fall for lies when you know the truth, because of your loyalty and support to the person who is telling the lies.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Kelsey Brickl
“Pick a side? You done picked the wrong side.”
Kelsey Brickl, Hardtack: A Civil War Story

“Some just wanted to be on the side of the good cookies.”
Jean Ferris, Twice Upon a Marigold

Dez Schwartz
“We all must choose a side in a coin flip. Even if the coin is covered in blood.”
Dez Schwartz, The Dapper Detective

Dez Schwartz
“He'd always been the black sheep, the outlier; with no reason to choose sides because no side had ever chosen him.”
Dez Schwartz, The Dapper Detective