Christian Living Quotes

Quotes tagged as "christian-living" Showing 241-270 of 1,572
C.S. Lewis
“Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one- the gentle slope, soft under foot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Morgan McCarver
“I love to envision God as the Master Potter. Even though we mess up, He tells us that He is not giving up on us.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Just like the glazes, everyone is created for a purpose. Just because someone else has different talents than us does not make either of us more important.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Just like the artist chooses the clay, God chose you specifically to do the purpose He has in mind for you.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“As God's creation, my job is to point back to Him. I should praise Him for making me instead of complaining to Him about how He chose to make me.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Like the clay on the wheel, we must be willing to change, sometimes drastically, in order to remain centered in Christ.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Similar to the clay on the wheel, if we are not centered in God's truth, we will be "off-centered" Christians.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“The potter must do the work, but the clay must be at a soft enough state to be receptive to it.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Centering is not just for the wheel! We must also center our spiritual lives with the ways of the Lord.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“God has given us such a unique relationship with Him that can be better understood through clay.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Just as how making something for someone else blesses both the giver and receiver, so does praising God.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Ever since living things have existed, they have acknowledged God's might, because He created them.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“He gave us these gifts on earth so that we could bless others and spread the Gospel in our own effective ways.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Using your imagination allows your freedom from this world and gives you the ability to enjoy a glimpse of heaven.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“God created His first human being-Adam-from clay! We are made from the earth and connected to it.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“Like the clay that has been recycled and reclaimed, our lives have the capacity for change spiritually.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Morgan McCarver
“I want to guide you on this creative journey to see how our creativity is Spiritually rooted in God. It is a God-given skill that we all can use to praise and glorify Him.”
Morgan McCarver, God the Artist: Revealing God’s Creative Side Through Pottery

Roseanna M. White
“Then your next step must be to repent of it. And I don’t mean the cursory ‘I’m sorry’ that we let children get away with. You have to mean it, dear one. You have to regret not only the consequences but the sin itself. You must regret not just your own pain, but the grief you’ve caused.”
Roseanna M. White, To Treasure an Heiress

Roseanna M. White
“And after the repentance, dearover, comes the truly hard part—you must learn how to let the shame go. It has its purpose, a right and needful one. It can take us to life and repentance and return us to God. But if we’re not careful, it can just as easily carry us away and drown us.… Guard against that. But only after you are once again clean.” Mam dipped her head down to catch Senara’s gaze. “Aye? You must take it to the Lord, Senara. And then let Him truly take it from you.”
Roseanna M. White, To Treasure an Heiress

“God invites us to a river to drink, it's a pause, a break from the busyness that drains us of grace. You cannot drink from a river while on the go or on the run. Dryness is so common because people fail to stop, bend and drink. If you are too busy to stop, bend and drink, it will be too easy for you to burn out.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“God's will is enforced on the earth when we pray God's Word”
Dr Rex al Opusunju