Christian Living Quotes

Quotes tagged as "christian-living" Showing 211-240 of 1,572
Mohamad Jebara
“Rather than retreat inward, the evangelical followers of Jesus focused out- ward, marketing their message to the pagan masses. The appeal of their pitch lay in its simplicity: anyone could become one of God’s chosen people by joining the Brotherhood in Jesus Christ. Harnessing monotheistic energy for mass liberation, these devout followers invited people of all backgrounds to join a Catholic (from the Greek katholikos—“universal”) movement.”
Mohamad Jebara, The Life of the Qur'an: From Eternal Roots to Enduring Legacy

“Whatever You Focus On, You Make Room For – Whatever You Fear, You Empower!”
Eric D Cooper

Alice Tyszka
“I Look Up

Whenever I am lost,
I don’t look left or right.

I don’t attempt to control a path
I know I will navigate through
at some point.

I know.
I look up.”
Alice Tyszka, Loving this Life

Eric D. Cooper
“I am Mad at Hell - I’m Not Taking It Anymore!”
Eric D. Cooper, Set Your Mind on Things Above the Sun: How to Develop a Kingdom Mindset

Roseanna M. White
“[T]hose who need mercy most are those who deserve it least. And … even our enemies are so valuable to God that He sent Christ to die for them. Yet, how often do we focus on stopping them for our sakes rather than their own? How often to we pray *about* them instead of *for* them?”
Roseanna M. White, Worthy of Legend

Abhijit Naskar
“What's the first commandment - a fundamentalist preacher once yelled at me with utter condescension! I replied quite instinctively - love thy neighbor. He laughed in ridicule and said - if you had actually studied the bible, you'd know, the first commandment is, love thy God - love thy neighbor is the second.

I smiled and responded - and if you had paid any attention to my pal JC, you'd know - love comes first, nothing before that.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

Susie Larson
“.sometimes we're called to move past static trust and boldly decide to wrestle with God. Not because He's withholding a blessing but because we've go to wrestle through our reluctance to trust Him”
Susie Larson, Closer Than Your Next Breath: Where Is God When You Need Him Most?

Jennifer Spredemann
“It's more important to win a soul than an argument.”
Jennifer Spredemann

Stalina Goodwin
“When your adversary turns up the heat,
consider it a compliment and the proof that you not only belong to God, but are moving in the direction He has called you to. The enemy isn’t chasing anyone he already has.”
Stalina Goodwin, It Is Written: The Battle Ready Bible Study Journal

“A poor spiritual perception is the reason men do not hear God when He speaks once, yea twice to them!
For the spirit-filled believer, speaking in tongues and forming the habit of meditating on God's Word will sharpen your spiritual sensitiveness.
For those who are not Christians, you need to be born-again.
Your spirit need to be made alive to God.
Receive Jesus into your life as your savior and confess His Lordship over your life. When you do this, you will be in that spiritual state to hear from God and follow His leading”
Dr Rex al Opusunju

Marlissa P
“God is present and powerful in dead spaces”
Marlissa P

“Are you ready to take your prayer life to the next level and experience God's blessings through effective prayers? Do not settle for less! Be brave and tenacious, and persistently pursue and hold onto God's promises until they are fulfilled. In essence, be a prayer warrior and fight the good fight!”
Glory Tang

Marilyn Howshall
“The state of your relationships defines your character and reflects your true spiritual condition.”
Marilyn Howshall, Empowered—Healing the Heartbeat of Your Family

Douglas Wilson
“The issue is not the sale of goods to sinners, but rather the celebration of sin with sinners….You do not want your expertise in making things look attractive and winsome to be used in making iniquity look attractive and winsome. The reason these particular professions have become the battleground is that homosexual activists are demanding, not our co-participation in the same economy, but rather our approval. They will not stop until they have that approval, and we shall rather die than give it.”
Douglas Wilson, Same-Sex Mirage: Phantasmagoria at the Altar & Some Biblical Responses

Abhijit Naskar
“When you lose touch with "love thy neighbor", you end up with christian nationalism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

J. Aaron Gruben
“A man becomes more than a hero when he keeps on giving for someone else, with complete determination, in the face of any obstacle put out to stop him.”
J. Aaron Gruben, The Stalwart Supinator: Servant of the Streets!

J. Aaron Gruben
“Crazy men fly to the moon and make great inventions. They win battles and cure diseases. If someone can leave earth and come back again, or discover DNA, why can’t I fight crime? What’s stopping me from trying to make the world a better place? And if I fall, well…at least I tried.”
J. Aaron Gruben, The Stalwart Supinator: Servant of the Streets!

J. Aaron Gruben
“I don’t want to leave a mere mediocre life behind when I die. I don’t want to be safe and successful if it means I never took risks for a noble cause.”
J. Aaron Gruben, The Stalwart Supinator: Servant of the Streets!

J. Aaron Gruben
“A good deed in the shadows is still a good deed.”
J. Aaron Gruben, Juvament!: A Mythical Mess

J. Aaron Gruben
“Folk can talk of lovin’ someone all day, but it means nothing until they sacrifice for her. Love, Es, is oft an act more than a feeling.”
J. Aaron Gruben, Juvament!: A Mythical Mess

J. Aaron Gruben
“Chivalry is a thrilling journey into the wild unknowns of giving up oneself for Christ’s mission on earth.”
J. Aaron Gruben, Chivalry: An Ancient Code for Our Time

J. Aaron Gruben
“The deepest beauty of ancient code chivalry is that it is devoted to serving the real God in the real world. It gives us the wonder and adventure of upholding and loving a beautiful moral good which is solid and true.”
J. Aaron Gruben, Chivalry: An Ancient Code for Our Time

J. Aaron Gruben
“Daily dependability is not always exciting or epic, but it is heroic. The chivalrous person goes where he has to go and does what he has to do... That is true chivalric heroism. And that's how we truly prove our love for those in our lives. Mundane dependability is what true love looks like.”
J. Aaron Gruben, Chivalry: A Study for Little Knights

J. Aaron Gruben
“Gentleness is not being weak or fluffy. Gentleness is the power to control your strength, and to use it to protect and not harm those weaker than you.”
J. Aaron Gruben, Chivalry: A Study for Little Knights

J. Aaron Gruben
“The history of veterinary medicine as a professional career, especially at its inception, is an account made up largely of the stories of Christian men and women convinced that the domain of animal health is a calling God cares about.”
J. Aaron Gruben, A Theology of Beasts: Christians and Veterinary Medicine

J. Aaron Gruben
“You don’t have to be bit by a bug or bathed in chemicals to change the world. Be that everyday, normal person with the heart of a hero and spirit of a superhero.”
J. Aaron Gruben

“A man who cherishes and supports his woman, paves the way for his own prosperity. For a happy woman is a blessing, a partner, and a catalyst for success. By nurturing her heart, he cultivates a love that will flourish and bring joy, luck, and triumph into his life.”
Shaila Touchton

“The arrogant, evil, and violent, who manipulate with lies, shall not inherit the kingdom of God. For the Bible warns, 'For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work' (James 3:16). Let us turn from such wicked behavior and seek the humility and love of Christ, that we may find peace and salvation in Him.”
Shaila Touchton

“Be persistently kind, for making ten friends a year is easy. But nurturing one friendship for ten years is truly special.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo