Christian Parenting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "christian-parenting" Showing 1-14 of 14
John Eldredge
“The balancing act we parents attempt is convincing our children: 1. You are loved more than you can imagine. 2. The world does not revolve around you.”
John Eldredge, Love and War: Finding the Marriage You've Dreamed Of

Genny Monchamp
“Show your children God’s love by loving them and others as Christ loves you. Be quick to forgive, don’t hold a grudge, look for what’s best, and speak gently into areas of their lives that need growth.”
Genny Monchamp

Søren Kierkegaard
“The most dangerous situation for a child in regard to matters of religion:
The most dangerous is not that the father or the educator is a freethinker, or even a hypocrite. No, the most dangerous is if he is a pious, God-fearing man, and the child is intimately and deeply sure of it, but nevertheless senses that deep down in his father’s soul there is a hidden disquiet, as though fear of God and piety still were powerless to give peace. The real danger lies in the fact that on this point the child is almost compelled to draw a conclusion about God, namely that, after all, God is not infinitely loving.”
Soren Kierkegaard , The Diary Of Soren Kierkegaard

“As those of you with children know, rational parenting is like the Loch Ness Monster. We all hope it's out there somewhere, but we don't know anyone who has actually discovered it (and if we do come across someone who claims to have found it, deep down we think that person is a little off.”
Holly Sprink, Faith Postures: Cultivating Christian Mindfulness

“Until kids find something worth dying for, they don't have anything worth living for.”
Tim Kimmel, Why Christian Kids Rebel: Trading Heartache for Hope

Søren Kierkegaard
“The most dangerous situation for a child in regard to matters of religion:
The most dangerous is not that the father or the educator is a freethinker, or even a hypocrite. No, the most dangerous is if he is a pious, God-fearing man, and the child is intimately and deeply sure of it, but nevertheless senses that deep down in his father’s soul there is a hidden disquiet, as though fear of God and piety still were powerless to give peace. The real danger lies in the fact that on this point the child is almost compelled to draw a conclusion about God, namely that, after all, God is not infinitely loving.”
Soren Kierkegaard, The Diary Of Soren Kierkegaard

“The issue isn't--nor should it ever be--how weak our child is, but rather how strong our God is.”
Tim Kimmel, Why Christian Kids Rebel: Trading Heartache for Hope

“I know that a lot of Christian kids rebel. But as I said earlier, I'm convinced that most of them don't really want to. They just haven't been given a better alternative. The only true antidote for a life of rebellion is a life worth living.”
Tim Kimmel, Why Christian Kids Rebel: Trading Heartache for Hope

“Our children's rebellion is not the problem. It is the symptom. Why they are rebelling is the problem. And unless we address the "why," the external things we do in reaction to their rebellion will not make much of a difference.”
Tim Kimmel, Why Christian Kids Rebel: Trading Heartache for Hope

“Some of your children's rebellion against your spiritual lifestyle might be a necessary step in their finding an authentic relationship with God. But beware: If they find it, it might look quite different from what you've always thought it should be.”
Tim Kimmel, Why Christian Kids Rebel: Trading Heartache for Hope

“Calling a child "rebellious" has the equivalent effect of calling a child that is struggling in school "stupid." It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Tim Kimmel

Elizabeth Musser
“God doesn’t want us to rescue our children. He’s the Rescuer.”
Elizabeth Musser, Words Unspoken

“When Scripture guides, discipline shapes, and love abounds- there, we can find the heart and essence of biblical parenting.”
Prasanth Jonathan