Claire Danvers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "claire-danvers" Showing 1-30 of 169
Rachel Caine
“Claire stretched out against the wall and kissed it. "Glad to see you, too," she whispered, and pressed her cheek against the smooth surface. It almost felt like it hugged her back.
"Dude, it's a house," Shane said from behind her. "Hug somebody who cares.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule

Rachel Caine
“Better be," Eve said. She mock-bit at his finger. "I could totally date somebody else, you know."
"And I could rent out your room."
"And I could put your game console on eBay."
"Hey," Shane protested. "Now you're just being mean.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule

Rachel Caine
“Eve: She told me last!
Shane: Boyfriend!
Michael: Landlord!
Eve: Crap. Right. Next time you sell your soul to the devil, I get first contact!”
Rachel Caine, Midnight Alley

Rachel Caine
“Hell,' Shane spit in disgust. 'I can't hit a girl. Here, Claire. You hit her.' He tossed her the bat.”
Rachel Caine, Glass Houses

Rachel Caine
“Oliver: You turned me down. So why, I wonder, did you decide Amelie would be a better choice?
Claire: She smells better. And she made me cookies.”
Rachel Caine, Midnight Alley

Rachel Caine
“Not nearly enough. Not recently, anyway.” And she was sad about that.
“I know,” he said, and kissed the back of her hand. “We’ll fix it. Get some sleep.”
“Night,” she said, and watched him walk toward the door. “Hey. How’d you get in?”
He wiggled his fingers at her in a spooky oogie-boogie pantomime. “I’m a vampire. I have secret powers ,” he said with a full-on fake Transylvanian accent, which he dropped to say, “Actually, your mom let me in.”
“Seriously? My mom? Let you in my room? In the middle of the night?”
He shrugged. “Moms like me.”
He gave her a full-on Hollywood grin, and slipped out the door.”
Rachel Caine, Carpe Corpus

Rachel Caine
“Silver nitrate and water in a super soaker," he told her. "My own invention. Ought to be good at twenty feet, kind of like wasp spray."
Oh. "You get me the nicest things."
"Anybody can get jewelry. Posers”
Rachel Caine, Fade Out

Rachel Caine
“Bishop was all done with the witty conversation. 'Will you swear?'

And Myrnin said, shockingly, 'I will.' And he proceeded to, a string of swearwords that made Claire blink. He ended with, '—frothy fool-born apple-john! Cheater of vandals and defiler of dead dogs!' and did another twirl and bow. He looked up with a red, red grin that was more like a leer. 'Is that what you meant, my lord?”
Rachel Caine, Feast of Fools

Rachel Caine
“As she turned to concentrate on the portal, Eve tugged on Claire's shirt. "What?"
"Ask him where he got the boots."
"You ask." Personally, Claire wanted the vampire bunny slippers.”
Rachel Caine, Fade Out

Rachel Caine
“I'm worried he's going something crazy."
"He lives in a hole in the ground, dresses funny and occasionally eats his assistants," Eve said. "Define crazy."
Claire closed her eyes. "Okay. I think he wants to put my brain in a jar and wire it into the machine."
Dead silence.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“Don't diss me, Danvers. I'm warning you.'

'I'm not dissing you,' Claire sighed. 'I'm ignoring you. There's a difference. Dissing you implies I think you're actually important.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“Michael rose to his feet and padded down the last few steps silently, came up behind Kim, and leaned over her to say, “I vant to drink your blood” in a heavy, fake-Dracula accent. She shrieked, flailed, and a zombie ate her brains on-screen.

You sabotaged me!” Kim yelled, dropped the controller, and smacked him hard on the chest. “I can’t believe you just totally sabotaged me!”

Can’t let him lose,” Michael said, as Shane hit the high score and the victory music sounded. “Gotta live with the dude.”

They high-fived.

You’re seriously going to take that as a win,” Kim said. “When he totally cheated for you.”

Yes,” Shane said. “I seriously am.”
Rachel Caine, Fade Out

Rachel Caine
“I love arguing with you, Claire. You always surprise me. And occasionally, you even make sense.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“Is this your bedroom?" she asked, and turned to look at him. Myrnin straightened and jammed the big red floppy hat back on his head. The feathers waved back and forth.
"Don't get any ideas," he said. "I'm far too young and innocent for that kind of thinking.”
Rachel Caine , Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“Anybody else think that was weird?' Shane asked as they got into the car. Eve sent him an exasperated glance; the three of them were, of course, in the backseat. Amelie had the front, with Michael.

'Ya think? In general, or in particular?'

'Weird that we got through the entire thing, and I didn’t have to hit anybody.'

There was a moment of silence. Michael said, as he started the car, 'You’re right, Shane. That is strange.”
Rachel Caine, Fade Out

Rachel Caine
“I'll do it!"
"No, you won't," Shane and Michael said, at virtually the same time. Shane continued. "You're barely on your feet, Claire. You don't go anywhere, not without me."
"And me," Michael said.
"Hell," Eve sighed. "I guess that means I have to go, too. Which I may not ever forgive you for, even if I don't die horribly.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule

Rachel Caine
“Who are you calling?" (claire)
Pizza hut" (shane)
Loser" (claire)”
Rachel Caine, Feast of Fools

Rachel Caine
“Hey, Mikey? You get her hurt and I'll end you.'
'You let anything happen to Eve and I'll do the same,' Michael said. He'd just finished kissing Eve, too. 'While you're at it, don't get yourself killed, either, bro.'
'Ditto. And don't kiss me.'
Claire cocked her head at him, exasperated. 'Seriously, Shane? Ditto? That's the best you can do?'
Shane and Michael exchanged identical looks and shrugs. Guys.
'Let me show you idiots how it's done,' Eve said, and hugged Claire fiercely. She kissed her on the cheek. 'I love you, CB. Please take care of yourself, okay?'
'I love you, too,' Claire said, and suddenly her throat felt tight and her eyes burned with tears. 'I really do.'
Shane and Michael watched them with identical expressions of blank bemusement, and finally Shane said, 'So basically, it's what I said. Ditto.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“Are you armed?" Oliver asked her.
She glanced down at her backpack and instantly, instinctively held back. "No."
"Lie to me again and I'll put you out on the street and do this myself."
Claire swallowed. "Uh, yeah."
"With what?"
"Silver-coated stakes, wooden stakes, a crossbow, about ten bolts . . . oh, and a squirt gun with some silver-nitrate solution."
He smiled grimly at the dark windshield. "What, no grenade launchers?"
"Would they work?"
"I choose not to comment.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“[Myrnin to Claire about their costumes of Pierrot and Harlequin, respectively]
"Don't they teach you anything in your schools?"
"Not about this."
"Pity. I suppose that's what comes of your main education flowing from Google.”
Rachel Caine, Feast of Fools

Rachel Caine
“I had a good teacher."
"Better not have been Myrnin or I'll have to kick his predatory ass."
"I mean you, dummy.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“She came awake, stomach rumbling, and opened her eyes to see a plate being held right under her nose.
When she reached for it, Shane snatched it back. 'Nuh-uh. Mine.'
'Share!' she demanded.
'Man, you are one grabby girlfriend.'
She grinned. It always made her feel so fiercly warm inside to hear him say that- the girlfriend part, not the grabby part.
'If you love me, you'll give me a taco.'
'Seriously? That's all you got? What about you'll do sexy, illegal things to me for a taco?'
'Not for a taco,' she said. 'I'm not cheap.'
'They're brisket tacos.'
'Now you're talking.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“Did he just say--?"
"Yes," Claire said, smiling. "Yes, he did."
"Whoa. Guess I'd better stay alive, then.”
Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule

Rachel Caine
“Parents had some kind of sin radar, Claire thought. They always called when you were in the middle of something you just knew they'd consider wrong. Or at least risky.”
Rachel Caine, Midnight Alley

Rachel Caine
“Welcome to Morganville.You'll never want to leave.And even if you do...well, you can't. Sorry about that.”
Rachel Caine

Rachel Caine
“What's possible?' she asked.
'Anything,' he said absently. 'But that’s not what I was talking about. Oh, hello, Claire. You’re in good time. I need an extra pair of hands.'
'As long as I keep them attached,' she said, which earned her a startled stare.
The things you say to me, you’d think I was some sort of monster.”
Rachel Caine, Bite Club

Rachel Caine
“He's not doing anything he shouldn't be doing, right?"
"Like what?"
"Like hitting on you."
"Ew. No, of course not. He doesn't see me that way."
Michael shook his head and went back to his coffee.
"What? You think he does?"
"Sometimes he looks at you a little... oddly, that's all. Maybe you're right. Maybe he just wants you for your blood."
"Again, Ew! What's with you this morning?"
"Not enough coffee.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Rachel Caine
“You humans, always eating. I'll make you soup. You can eat it while you keep working." Myrnin set aside his book and walked into the back of the lab.

"Don't use the same beaker you used for poisons!" Claire yelled after him. He waved a pale hand. "I mean it!”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

Josephine Angelini
“Is that how tall you are without those ridiculous shoes?' he said derisively. I think I was born bigger than that.'

'I bet you were. Five feet of fat head and two inches of a**,' Claire muttered, standing up.

'Claire!' Helen blurted out, shocked. Lucas's shoulders were shaking with laughter. Jason pretended to take the joke OK, but Helen suspected his feelings were hurt.”
Josephine Angelini, Starcrossed

Rachel Caine
“Myrnin, who hadn't said much, suddenly reached out and wrapped his arms around her.

She stiffened, shocked, and for a panicked second wondered whether he'd suddenly decided to snack on her neck... but it was just a hug.

His body felt cold against hers, and way too close, but then he let go and stepped back. "You've done very well. I'm extremely proud of you," he said. There was a touch of color high in his pale cheeks. "Do go home now. And shower. You reek like the dead."

Which, coming from a vampire, was pretty rich.”
Rachel Caine, Ghost Town

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