Companionable Quotes

Quotes tagged as "companionable" Showing 1-3 of 3
Lisa Kleypas
“Ridiculously, she wished she could write to her Christopher about the stranger she had just met.
He was so contemptuous, she would write. He dismissed me as someone who didn't deserve a modicum of respect. Clearly he thinks I'm wild and more than a little mad. And the worst part is that he's probably right.
It crossed her mind that this was why she preferred the company of animals to people. Animals weren't deceitful. They didn't give one conflicting impression of who they were. And one was never tempted to hope that an animal might change its nature.”
Lisa Kleypas, Love in the Afternoon

Caroline Linden
“I think Papa's quite fond of Willy, but he refuses to admit it."
"It's very much his loss," declared Lord Hastings. "Dogs are often better company than people."
"Yes, indeed!" Eliza beamed at him in delight. "Very much so.”
Caroline Linden, An Earl Like You