Confusion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "confusion" Showing 211-240 of 666
W.H. Auden
“So I wish you first a
Sense of theatre; only
Those who love illusion
And know it will go far:
Otherwise we spend our
Lives in a confusion
Of what we say and do with
Who we really are.”
W.H. Auden

Ciara Smyth
“Things felt more messy than ever. Could someone treat you badly and still love you? Someone could treat you badly and you still love them, so maybe the reverse was true too. But just because you loved someone it didn't mean you had to give them another chance. Or maybe that's exactly what it meant.”
Ciara Smyth, Not My Problem

Chloe Gong
“You destroy me and then you kiss me. You give me a reason to hate you and then you give me a reason to love you. Is this a lie or the truth? Is this a ploy or your heart reaching for me?”
Chloe Gong

Leigh Bardugo
“How was it that Genya had fallen so hard for someone so serious and so quiet and so seemingly oblivious to her gorgeousness? Or was that exactly why she had fallen for David?”
Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone

“What matters most? Truth, compassion, kindness, faith, clarity, hope and justice. Not insults and flattery. What matters least of all? Insults, hypocrisy, flattery, manipulation, confusion, deceit, stupidity. The things that matter most cannot be at the mercy to a criminal's overweening ambition.”
Cory Duchesne

Audre Lorde
“The only answer to death is the heat and confusion of living; the only dependable warmth is the warmth of the blood.”
Audre Lorde, The Cancer Journals

A. Trevena
“Unlike many other people, I can see the wood very clearly. It's the trees I have trouble with.”
A Trevena, Complete Worldbuilding: An Author’s Step-by-Step Guide to Building Fictional Worlds

Cécile Coulon
“Me voici dans un coin de mon âme ; vous n’imaginez pas le désordre qui règne ici.”
Cécile Coulon, Les Ronces

“The locker room is so quiet around them. Older girl walks away and Amber has to slowly continue changing her clothes and try not to shake from a more potent blend of confusion and embarrassment than I had yet experienced or imagined or knew to fear.”
Ani Baker, Handsome Vanilla

Blaise Pascal
“Multiplicity which is not reduced to unity is confusion. Unity which does not depend on multiplicity is tyranny.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Sherman Alexie
“Yes, I was bewildered. When was the last time a white American male was truly bewildered or would admit to such a thing? We had taken the world from covered wagons to space shuttles in seventy-five years. After such accomplishment, how could we ever get lost in the wilderness again? How could we not invent a device to guide our souls through the darkness?”
Sherman Alexie, War Dances

V.S. Naipaul
“Mimicry within mimicry, imperfectly understood idea within imperfectly understood idea: the second-year girl student in the printing department, not understanding the typographical exercise she had been set, and playing with type like a child with a typewriter, avoiding, in the name of design, anything like symmetry, clarity, or logic; the third-year girl student showing a talentless drawing and saying, in an unacknowledged paraphrase of Klee, that she had described the 'the adventures of a line'; and that fourth-year man playing with tools for the peasants. There are times when the intellectual confusion of India seems complete and it seems impossible to get back to clarifying first principles. Which must have been one of the aims of an institute of design: to make people look afresh at the everyday.”
V.S. Naipaul, India: A Wounded Civilization

Frank Herbert
“What are you saying? Each of us comes into being knowing who he is and what he is supposed to do.'
Moneo opened his mouth but closed it without speaking.
'Small children know,' Leto said. 'It's only after adults have confused them that children hide this knowledge even from themselves. Moneo! Uncover yourself!”
Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune

“I'm overwhelmed with that powerful blend of confusion and withering embarrassment that leaves a person motionless and forces a brain to move forward as if it hadn't witnessed the incident that fashioned the feeling.”
Ani Baker, Handsome Vanilla

Haruki Murakami
“The scene looked somehow divorced from reality, although reality, he knew, could at times be terribly unreal.”
Haruki Murakami, Men Without Women

“If fire is like a coin then each philosopher carries a coin. And currency moves.”

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It’s easy to make people think. Just smile at them and they’ll wonder what that was all about.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Nathalie Léger
“...everything is always muddled, everything is always unclear, inextricable, and perhaps never more so than at the moment when you think you're behaving with the most algorithmic lucidity...”
Nathalie Léger, The White Dress

Anthony T. Hincks
“Confusion lays in the heart of those that know the truth, but still insist on living with the lies.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Laurie Perez
“Sunny thought he could rally satisfaction by wringing the bare facts of his befuddlement out through the tight spinners of the Poet’s mind.”
Laurie Perez, The Cosmos of Amie Martine

“When you understand, there’s love and silence. When you don’t, there’s fear and confusion.”
Maxime Lagacé

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“In our world today ‘user-error’ seems to turn into ‘user-habit’ with the user in the habit of denying both.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Will  Smith
“Living is the journey from not knowing to knowing, from not understanding to understanding, from confusion to clarity. By universal design, you are born into a perplexing situation, bewildered, and you have one job as a human being: figure this shit out.”
Will Smith, Will

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Confusion is not a defense.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

László Krasznahorkai
“it’s precisely the infinite that casts light upon how the brain thinks, and how clever it is in showing us something that seems real when it’s merely an abstraction, namely that brain introduced or employed to great effect those methods of distortion, that dislocation”
László Krasznahorkai, Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming

Steven Magee
“Traveling around the island had revealed I was being affected by altitude changes. I had noticed on days out from the campsite that I would be fatigued the following day. Altitude testing showed this fatigue reaction would occur whenever I spent time above one thousand feet. The longer I was above one thousand feet, the more fatigued I would be the next day and it would often increase forgetfulness and confusion. Once I started avoiding traveling past several hundred feet in altitude, I was much healthier! I call this sickness “Altitude Hypersensitivity”, as it was previously thought that altitude sickness only occurred above 4,900 feet.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A word that I say might wound you. However, I would encourage you not to confuse the ‘truth spoken in love’ for a word ‘weaponized by hate.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Auður Jónsdóttir
“I bite her sentences in half to swallow individual words, forcing them down”
Auður Jónsdóttir, Stóri skjálfti

Anthony T. Hincks
“If you need to think on your words, them maybe your thoughts are too jumbled to have any meaning.”
Anthony T. Hincks