Confusion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "confusion" Showing 151-180 of 666
“For so long I was afraid to stay close to anybody because I had so much anger and confusion inside me. I knew that I couldn't let anyone into my life until all that had passed. The problem I could never solve was how to relate to people in the meantime. Other people's love is frightening when you're suffering. It's overwhelming. When you're consumed with the effort of processing internal pain, it becomes impossible to do anything else. It's like holding your breath under water: you realise that you need to breathe but if you breathe at the wrong time, you drown. I only survived thanks to the people in my life -- people I repaid by letting them down.”
Ronan Hession, Panenka

Susan L. Marshall
“I am so distracted,
stuck somewhere between
the earth and sky,
unsure where to set my eyes.”
Susan L. Marshall, Fleur of Yesterday

Carissa Broadbent
“You aren't my prisoner,' he said. 'You're my queen.”
Carissa Broadbent, The Serpent and the Wings of Night

Rolf van der Wind
“Stuck in a blue, melancholic haze. I've known you for six years, intimately for four, and yet I still don’t know who I’m in love with. There’s nothing harder than saying goodbye to someone who broke your heart but whom you still undeniably love.”
Rolf van der Wind

Steven Magee
“You do not realize how bad the past relationship was until you have left and the fog of confusion clears.”
Steven Magee

أحمد مهنى
“إلى الزمن، معجزة الله الدائمة التي تداوي كل شيء وتكشف كل شيء... هل ينكشف لنا الطريق قريبا ؟
أحمد مهنى ..”
أحمد مهنى, ساعتين وداع

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...confusion leaves my thoughts jumbled within a chaotic pattern.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Robin S. Baker
“It [anger] presents itself as a huge umbrella that shields other emotions such as frustration, confusion, embarrassment, lack, insecurity, inferiority, violation, resentment, sadness, and guilt. There is always a root to the real issue that you are too afraid to step into a vulnerable space and address.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

Robin S. Baker
“If you’re currently confused about your path, start following what stirs excitement or curiosity inside of you. Take it step by step. It’ll lead you exactly where you need to be.”
Robin S. Baker

Robert Jordan
“Rand managed a weak smile. Of all things he might want to think about right then, the Mayor's daughter was far down the list. He did not need any more confusion. For the past year she had been making him increasingly jittery whenever they were together. Worse, she did not even seem to be aware of it. No, he certainly did not want to add Egwene to his thoughts.”
Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

Lucy  Carter
“Amid all of my diligence and ambition,
I’ve never received any answers,

I am left ignorant
about the family
that died
before I
knew them”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter
“Of course,
I have never been oblivious to the
of the clouds,
nor have I been oblivious to the
soft layers of white foam
that froth atop the water

Yet I can never bring myself to
forget the enigmatic secrets
that lie within them

The enigmatic secrets
hidden underneath the iridescent colors
and pillowy clouds
and foamy froth”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter
“Nothing particularly horrific ever happened to me in my lifetime. I was never exposed to violence and abuse, and my family was generally comfortable and supportive.

Yet here I was! Depressed about a couple of teenagers’ joking remarks!”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter
“Cause people in the movies

had the world’s weight

on their backs

People in the movies

had lives to defend

But all I ever had was

normal life as it is

Classes and teenagers,

it shouldn’t be so bad,
yet I still roll down

the deep end

That’s why I say

I wish something traumatic

could happen

to justify my sadness,

like nothing ever feels real”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The opportunity in many opportunities is the opportunity behind the opportunity which is seldom an opportunity.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Do you think I understand any of this, Poppy? None of this was supposed to happen. I had plans. Capture you and use you. Free my brother and, maybe, if the gods were good, prevent a war- or at least lessen the bloodshed.'

Casteel turned sideways, shoving a hand through his hair. 'That was the plan. And fuck if it didn't go off the rails the moment you walked into the godsdamn Red Pearl.' His eyes closed. 'And each time- every damn time- I spoke to you, each time I saw your smile or heard you laugh, and the more I got to know you, the less those plans made sense. And trust me, Poppy, those plans made way more fucking sense than this- than all of this.'

The breath I took got stuck as I grew incredibly still.

'I'm a Prince. A kingdom of people is counting on me to solve their problems- even the ones they're unaware of, but I... I couldn't do it. I couldn't give you to them, not even for my brother.' He turned to me, his eyes nearly luminous. 'All because when I'm with you, I don't think about the kingdom full of people counting on me. I don't find myself in the middle of the day, when it's too quiet, back in those fucking cages. I don't sit and think of everything I know they're doing to my brother. Beating him. Starving him. Raping him. Turning him into a monster worse than even they can imagine. When I'm with you, I don't think about that.'

I curled my hands against my chest- against my thundering heart as his features blurred. And finally, I felt him. HIs pain. His confusion. His wonder.

'I forget.' He quieted as he shook his head in confusion. 'I forget about him- about my people, and I don't even understand how that's possible. But I did. I do...'
'And truthfully, I have no idea how you can even bear my touch after my lies, after what I did and caused. All I do know is that I didn't plan any of this in the beginning, Poppy. I didn't plan on being drawn to you. I didn't plan to want you. I didn't plan on risking everything to keep you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Elif Shafak
“People need simplification. Nonsense, my dear. Our brains are wired for twists and turns!”
Elif Shafak, Three Daughters of Eve

Aesop Rock
“I never really understood who was actually buying them or how, but on the Fourth, the amount of explosions was absurd—and safety was not a priority. I’d find myself in the middle of it all, sh- exploding all around me, begging friends to break me off a couple firecrackers.”
Aesop Rock

Donna Karlin
“Clarity often seems to be an elusive creature in the maze of our minds. As we pursue it, we weave through the knot of thoughts, emotions, and distractions, seemingly made by an overly enthusiastic kitten. Yet the allure of mental clarity draws us in, only to reveal that confusion is often self-inflicted.”
Donna Karlin, Inquiring Minds Want to Grow: Harnessing the Power of Reflective Inquiry for Growth and Transformation

Gabriela Ponce Padilla
“I hated and loved understanding this is what happens, love gave way to hatred, forging love always meant forging hatred, fucking hell, but it isn’t so simple to differentiate the two in this amalgam, you get lost.”
Gabriela Ponce, Blood Red

“God is not the author of confusion but of peace.”
St. Paul, The Letters of St. Paul

Abhijit Naskar
“No pain, no lane - no doubt, no clarity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Donna Jo Stone
“Two boys of about eight years old ran alongside the road, taking advantage of the evening sunshine and chasing each other in the overgrown spring grass. Their feet crushed the leaves, releasing the tang of tender new growth.
She waited until the children passed, but no clarity came. Her thoughts remained as tangled as the weeds.”
Donna Jo Stone, Joann

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Our society seems something akin to an auditorium full of people holding drums. And the insanity inherent in this scene is that every person is clutching stacks of blank sheet music, no one knows what a metronome is, and none of these apparent musicians have a lick of musical experience. And in the deafening chaos of the acoustic bedlam that fills every corner of that room, every single person is voicing the incessant demand that everyone else in the room march to the beat of their own particular drum (even though they’re entirely uncertain as to what that beat is). And in the ensuing pandemonium, the beat that I’m going to march to is the one that marches me right out of that room.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Identifying myself as a fishing pole will not catch any fish.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“do i stay,
knowing it's all pain?
do i stay,
knowing there's none to gain?”
Rei Anthony Albon

Cherie Dimaline
“An animal that acted out of character was an animal you should avoid, like the bear. It was fear and confusion that had made it attack the people. Things like sickness or fear or greed made an animal act that way, and you did not want any part of it. It was impossible to know how to prepare when the next movements were not predictable.”
Cherie Dimaline, Tiger Lily and the Secret Treasure of Neverland

“Скидалося на те, що Аліса не могла зрозуміти, хто вона така і в якому світі хоче жити.”
Деніел Кіз, Flowers for Algernon

“I'm sorry'--like 'I love you'--like many phrases--means more than one thing, even on its surface. So people get confused what they're saying and what they're hearing when the words 'I'm sorry' are spoken...

But even when you're clear which kind of 'sorry' is in play, the words of an apology only mean what they are invested with. 'I'm sorry' is the vessel. What's inside the 'sorry' container makes all the difference.”
Shellen Lubin

“Pain now has become painless. Shame ceases to exist. The sadness I feel is a happy sort of sadness.”
Alex Athans