Cornelia Funke Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cornelia-funke" Showing 1-30 of 44
Cornelia Funke
“Which of us has not felt that the character we are reading in the printed page is more real than the person standing beside us?”
Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Funke
“Hope. Nothing is more intoxicating.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

Cornelia Funke
“My children were all made from paper and printer's ink...”
Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Funke
“It was much easier for him now that he was smaller to negotiate his way through his crammed shop but he still tried to swagger past the shelves like he used to in the past. The attempt looked so strange that Scipio started to mimic him behind his back. "What's the silly giggling about?" Barbarossa asked when Prosper and Renzo bust out laughing.”
Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Funke
“Farid callaba. Sus oídos amaban la voz de Lengua de Brujo. Era la voz que lo había sacado de su otra vida mísera, pero amaba más a Dedo Polvoriento, sin saber por qué.”
Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Funke
“the sly smile hides the broken heart”
Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Funke
“We both know what fun it can be to get right into a book and live there for a while, but falling out of a story and suddenly finding yourself in this world doesn't seem to be much fun at all.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

Cornelia Funke
“...well, who says that all gods are kindly? Most of them are stern and cruel, wouldn't you agree?”
Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

Cornelia Funke
“Jealousy still gave him a pang. The heart was a stupid thing.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkspell

Cornelia Funke
“She began spending days on end in bed. She ate too little and then too much. Her stomach hurt, her head ached, her heart fluttered inside her. She was cross and absentminded and began crying like a crocodile over the most sentimental stories--because of course she went on reading. What else was there for her to do? She read and read and read, but she was stuffing herself with the letters on the page like an unhappy child stuffing itself with chocolate. They didn't taste bad, but she was still unhappy.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

Cornelia Funke
“The wrong boy. But what did the heart care about that?”
Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Funke
“Too late had she realized what he was sowing in her. Love. Worst of all poisons.”
Cornelia Funke, Reckless

Cornelia Funke
“Happy was not a word Nerron usually used to describe himself. It was, in his eyes, an emotional state only possible when paired with stupidity.”
Cornelia Funke, Reckless IV: The Silver Tracks

Cornelia Funke
“We will never have the wealth of experience our immortal creators have. Yet I find comfort in the thought that this limited lifespan gives our minds, at times, refreshing freedom.”
Cornelia Funke, Reckless IV: The Silver Tracks

Cornelia Funke
“They have become so lost in their own darkness that they see nothing but darkness in everything.”
Cornelia Funke, Reckless IV: The Silver Tracks

Cornelia Funke
“Heavens, what a plague love was! Anyone who claimed otherwise had never yet felt that wretched trembling of the heart.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkspell

Cornelia Funke
“Didn't she feel, deep down inside, that her longing was sapping her strength and her appetite, even her pleasure in books? Longing.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

Cornelia Funke
“...but she did nothing to make her face prettier, since it was her opinion that beautiful women might be desired but were never respected, certainly not feared.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

Cornelia Funke
“He simply didn't see the world as it really was, that was the explanation - neither the world nor the people he felt so sorry for. Because if you did see them for what they were, what on earth would make you want to fight and even die for them?”
Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

Cornelia Funke
“The hate he felt still tasted like love, but that didn't tame it.”
Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

Cornelia Funke
“Humans so liked to choose the wrong men as their leaders.”
Cornelia Funke, Reckless

Cornelia Funke
“Oh, that's not easy,' he mumbled. "Two souls in one heart. I hope the human in you won't prove to be stronger in the end. They find it so much harder to make peace with the world.”
Cornelia Funke, Fearless

Cornelia Funke
“Love was a luxury you paid for with far too much pain.”
Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Funke
“Men! A few nights of coughing and they see the reaper standing by their bedside.”
Cornelia Funke, The Golden Yarn

Cornelia Funke
“Don't get caught in your own thoughts, Fox. They would make her blind and deaf.”
Cornelia Funke, The Golden Yarn

Cornelia Funke
“She did sometimes fear she might never again completely trust the touch or the smile of a man.”
Cornelia Funke, The Golden Yarn

Cornelia Funke
“Outside, the lights of Moskva gave the night sky a grubby glow, and even the moons wore veils of human haze.”
Cornelia Funke, The Golden Yarn

Cornelia Funke
“Men are always on the side of power. Even the Dark Fairy had to learn that. They will always betray us for power, so why shouldn't we do the same? If only it didn't make our hearts so cold.”
Cornelia Funke, The Golden Yarn

Cornelia Funke
“The most painful aspect of exile was how home became a dream, cleansed of all that was bad. One never returned to the dream one had nurtured over centuries, but to a reality that would always look shabby compared to the romanticized memories.”
Cornelia Funke, The Golden Yarn

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