Costume Quotes

Quotes tagged as "costume" Showing 1-30 of 41
Charles Baudelaire
“It is at despair at not being able to be noble and beautiful by natural means that we have made up our faces so strangely.”
Charles Baudelaire

Dan Wells
“You're a punk?'
'What do they call people from the eighties?' I asked.
'Oh,' she laughed. It was a beautiful laugh. 'I'm my mother, actually. I mean, these are her clothes from High School. I guess I should tell people I'm Cyndi Lauper though, or something, because dressing up as your mother is pretty lame.'
'I almost dressed up as my mother,' I said, 'but I was worried what my therapist would say.'
She laughed again, and I realized that she thought I was joking. It was probably for the best, since telling her the second half of my mom costume - a giant fake butcher knife through the head - would probably freak her out.”
Dan Wells, I Am Not a Serial Killer

“He giggled like a puppy being tickled by a kitten wearing a duckling costume.”
Jim Benton, Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers

Natsuki Takaya
“Shigure Sohma: [got Tohru a maid costume for White Day] I can't wait to for her to call me master while wearing this.

Hatsuharu Sohma: Just don't get arrested, okay?”
Natsuki Takaya

T.J. Klune
“I am Lulu Deerdancer and I am twenty-nine years old and I am perfectly legal to enter this here homosexual establishment and partake in beverages and repetitive techno music.”
“Because you both have been here before.”
“Yes,” I said.
“Hmm,” the bouncer said.
Then Paul sneezed and his mustache flew off his face and landed on the cheek of the bouncer.
The silence that followed was slightly awkward.
“Huh,” Paul said. “I guess that’s easier than shaving. It’ll certainly revolutionize the facial hair industry.”
T.J. Klune, The Queen & the Homo Jock King

Utibe Samuel Mbom
“Style sets you apart from others. It is your eternal trademark. With style, you are the bona fide owner of your art.
No one else creates like you, and you create like no one else.”
Utibe Samuel Mbom, The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Event Ushering Agency

Terry Pratchett
“His eyeless skull took in the line of costumes, the waxy debris of the makeup table. His empty nostrils snuffed up the mixed smells of mothballs, grease, and sweat. There was something here, he thought, that nearly belonged to the gods. Humans had built a world inside the world, which reflected it in pretty much the same way as a drop of water reflects the landscape. And yet... and yet... Inside this little world they had taken pains to put all the things you might think they would want to escape from - hatred, fear, tyranny, and so forth. Death was intrigued. They thought they wanted to be taken out of themselves, and every art humans dreamt up took them further in.”
Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters

Yukio Mishima
“Venne un giorno, agli sgoccioli della primavera, che sembrava lo scampolo che un sarto avesse staccato da una pezza d'estate, oppure una prova in costume della stagione ventura.”
Yukio Mishima

August Wilhelm von Schlegel
“But, as in sculpture, they were fond of dispensing as much as possible with dress, for the sake of exhibiting the more essential beauty of the figure; on the stage they would endeavour, from an opposite principle, to clothe as much as they could well do, both from a regard to decency, and because the actual forms of the body would not correspond sufficiently with the beauty of the countenance. They would also exhibit their divinities, which in sculpture we always observe either entirely naked, or only half covered, in a complete dress.”
August Wilhelm Schlegel, Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature

Amit Kalantri
“Every girl should have at least two things, fun and fashion.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Halloween trickster.
Spiders on string.
Children in costume.
Startle and scream.

Halloween treater.
Apples on sticks.
Caramel. Chocolate.
Come, take your pick.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

“A splash of light snuck beneath the a dressing room door. He heard a groan. A shuffle. A bump. A heavy sigh.
"Uh, too tight."
He walked toward the back, stopping outside the dressing room. The door was cracked a fraction. He rested a shoulder against the wall, and glanced inside. Grace as Catwoman blew his mind. A feline fantasy.
The three-way mirror tripled his pleasure. He viewed her from every angle. Hot, sleek, fierce. The lady could fight Batman in her skintight black leather catsuit and come out the winner.
After a moment she scrunched her nose, slapped her palms against her thighs. Stuck out her tongue at her reflection in the mirrors. He saw what had her so frustrated. Sympathized with her disappointment. Her costume didn't fit. The front zipper hadn't fully cleared her cleavage, which was deep and visible. She wore no bra. She gave a little hop, and her breasts bounced. Full and plump. He felt a tug at his groin. Superhero lust.
He cleared his throat and made his presence known. She caught his image in the corner of the glass, and reached for the fitting room chair, positioning it between them.
Like that would keep him from her. He should've looked away, but couldn't. He sensed her embarrassment. Her panic. Flight? She had nowhere to go. He blocked the door. He wasn't leaving until they'd talked.
"Archibald's going to love your costume," he initiated.
She didn't find him funny. Her gaze narrowed behind the molded cat-eye mask with attached ears. Her fingers clenched in her elbow-length gloves. Inspired by the movie The Dark Knight, she'd added a whip and a gun holster. Her thigh-high stiletto boots were killer, adding five inches to her height. Her image would stick with him forever.
She backed against the center mirror, and nervously fingered the open flaps over her breasts. A yank on the zipper broke the tab. The metal teeth parted, and the gap widened, revealing the round inner curves of her breasts. A hint of her nipples. Dusky pink. All the way down to the dent of her navel.”
Kate Angell, The Cottage on Pumpkin and Vine

Jarod Kintz
“The best costume is a Security Guard outfit, because it's guaranteed to get you into any party—even if you're not on the guest list. And that's always fashionable. After I put my ducks to bed on Friday nights, I go out partying—even though I’ve not been invited.”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

Lynne Ewing
“Vanessa stood on the stage now giving out CDs and T-shirts to outstretched hands. She was dressed as a devil, in a slinky red dress. Glitter made her perfect tanned skin shine. Her blond hair was held back by devil horns and a long sinuous tail twitched behind her. She had lined her large blue eyes with tiny silver gems for this night.”
Lynne Ewing, The Sacrifice

Ana Claudia Antunes
“I'm a light bearer dressed in a sleep wear.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, Pierrot & Columbine

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Don't try to find one's worth by his costume, you are not his customer”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Mia P. Manansala
“She sat on the couch with Longganisa, my adorable dachshund, on her lap. Longganisa was wearing the newest outfit that Naoko Sato, my friend Yuki's daughter, had designed for her---a reindeer costume, complete with an antlered hood. You'd think Longganisa would hate it, but she was all about cute head coverings. Anytime the hood slipped off, she'd butt her little head against your hand until you pulled the hood back up, and then she'd bask in her maximum cuteness. I loved my vain little girl.”
Mia P. Manansala, Blackmail and Bibingka

“Even when faced with unspeakable loss, Marie Antoinette tackled her difficulties as she always had - by choosing costumes that emphasized her resilience of spirit.”
Caroline Weber, Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution

“[My Halloween costume] was so that people opened their doors and took candy from me.”

“My Halloween costume was so bad that people opened their doors and took candy from me.”

“Dressed in red pants and a red shirt with red make-up and a stem on my head, I was too skinny. Most people thought I was a firecracker, a red unicorn, or a devil with one horn. It didn’t help that my worm got smeared with red paint, so I looked like a chili pepper with a Xenomorph from Alien bursting from my stomach.”

Christopher Manske
“A portfolio can only be “seen” as the data representing the holdings in each account, which means that your monthly investment statement is not actually your portfolio of stocks and bonds. Instead, the investment
statement is more like the wrapper or costume between you and your money.”
Christopher Manske, Outsmart the Money Magicians: Maximize Your Net Worth by Seeing Through the Most Powerful Illusions Performed by Wall Street and the IRS

Christopher Manske
“When something—a mirror, an inaccurate measurement, or a costume—comes between us and the things we observe, facts can become less apparent, or they can get hidden away.”
Christopher Manske, Outsmart the Money Magicians: Maximize Your Net Worth by Seeing Through the Most Powerful Illusions Performed by Wall Street and the IRS

Barbara Ehrenreich
“Costuming serves different, even opposite, functions for different people. For most, the wearing of team colors allows a fan to blend in with a mass of other similarly clad fans; it would be unwise to flout the color coding by inadvertently wearing the opponent's colors while sitting in a section of the bleachers occupied by home team fans. But for others, costuming - and in some cases, uncostuming, as with the Yalies who run naked through the stadium at the annual Harvard-Yale game - is a valid, some might say exhibitionist, bid for attention.”
Barbara Ehrenreich, Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy

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