Cynicsm Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cynicsm" Showing 1-3 of 3
Terry Pratchett
“You'd like Freedom, Truth, and Justice, wouldn't you, Comrade Sergeant?' said Reg encouragingly.
'I'd like a hard-boiled egg,' said Vimes, shaking the match out.
There was some nervous laughter, but Reg looked offended.
'In the circumstances, Sergeant, I think we should set our sights a little higher--'
'Well, yes, we could,' said Vimes, coming down the steps. He glanced at the sheets of papers in front of Reg. The man cared. He really did. And he was serious. He really was. 'But...well, Reg, tomorrow the sun will come up again, and I'm pretty sure that whatever happens we won't have found Freedom, and there won't be a whole lot of Justice, and I'm damn sure we won't have found Truth. But it's just possible that I might get a hard-boiled egg.”
Terry Pratchett, Night Watch

Sol Luckman
“When it rains it pours and when it shines you get melanoma.”
Sol Luckman, Beginner's Luke

“Its horrors are a cheap price to pay for rescue from the only alternative supposed, of a world of clerks and teachers, of co-education and zo-ophily, of 'consumer's leagues and associated charities, of industrialism unlimited and feminism unabashed. No scorn, no hardness, no valour any more! Fie upon such a cattleyard of a planet!”
William James