Damaged Quotes

Quotes tagged as "damaged" Showing 1-30 of 107
“Instead of saying, "I'm damaged, I'm broken, I have trust issues" say "I'm healing, I'm rediscovering myself, I'm starting over.”
Horacio Jones

Jodi Picoult
“And that was the greatest heartbreak of all- no matter how spectacular we want our children to be, no matter how perfect we pretend they are, they are bound to disappoint. As it turns out, kids are more like us than we think: damaged, through and through.”
Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

Angela N. Blount
“Everybody’s damaged. It’s just a question of how badly, and whether you’re healing or still bleeding.”
Angela N. Blount, Once Upon a Road Trip

Dean Koontz
“Most people tend to think the best of those who are blessed with beauty; we have difficulty imagining that physical perfection can conceal twisted emotions or a damaged mind.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas

Mark Barrowcliffe
“...an obsession is a way for damaged people to damage themselves more.”
Mark Barrowcliffe, The Elfish Gene: Dungeons, Dragons And Growing Up Strange

Tracy Letts
“I don't know what it says about me that I have a greater affinity with the damaged. Probably nothing good.”
Tracy Letts, August: Osage County

Julie   Johnson
“No amount of soul searching would fix my past. There was no magical Band-Aid I could stick on my heart, no special glue I could use to make myself whole again. I had shattered to pieces like a fragile vase on concrete; some fragments could be roughly cobbled back together, but many of my vital parts had simply turned to dust, pulverized and scattered by the first gust of wind.”
Julie Johnson, Like Gravity

Libba Bray
“Sometimes I see things, I think. Out of the corner of my eye, taunting me, and then it’s gone. And dreams. Such horrible dreams. What if something terrible happened to me? What if I am damaged?"
The rain is a cool kiss on my sleeve as I link my arm with hers. "We’re all damaged somehow.”
Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty

Mark Z. Danielewski
“Because the enormous narcissism of their parents deprived Will and Tom of suitable role models, both brothers learned to identify with absence. Consequently, even if something beneficial fortuitously entered their lives they immediately treated it as temporary. By the time they were teenagers they were already accustomed to a discontinuous lifestyle marked by constant threats of abandonment and the lack of any emotional stability. Unfortunately, "accustomed to" here is really synonymous with "damaged by.”
Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves

Nina D'Angelo
“She’s wild, unpredictable and dangerous as hell. Not just to my sanity, but to my health. She’s the kind of girl you know you’ll want forever with and forever will still not be enough. But she’s not the type of girl to give forever to you willingly. I’m pretty sure you’d have to drag it out of her kicking and screaming.” - Dominic Delaney -Damaged”
Nina D'Angelo, Damaged

Taylor Stevens
“Lumani had never managed a failed delivery because, in the end, no matter how skilled or how hard they fought back, pressure applied in the right places caused even the strongest men to fracture.
But this one? He'd watched her. Studied her. Observed what maybe even Uncle, the reader of people, had missed. This one was already fractured, and the lines between her broken pieces were not fissures but scar material stronger than whatever had once filled those spaces.”
Taylor Stevens, The Doll

“The library knows that it is a temporary fix. We have a stamp for the inside front cover: BROKEN SPINE NOTED. It is like a bracelet worn by a diabetic. When you return the book with this message stamped inside, we know you're not the one responsible for this horrible thing. It was some other bastard before you. The book has a preexisting condition.”
Don Borchert

Nina D'Angelo
“Don’t fall in love with me,” She whispered harshly, a sob catching in her throat. “I know you probably think I’m egotistical saying this, but I need your promise that you won’t do that. If you want to stay friends – or whatever the hell we’re heading towards, you have to promise me you won’t love me – not now, not ever.” - Stephanie Carovella, Damaged.”
Nina D'Angelo, Damaged

Lana M. Rochel
“I truly love my friends but the idea of being a damaged woman if you’re alone.”
Lana M. Rochel, Looking For Your Tribe: Intellectual Poems

“I had one true love, and it broke me. Now I don't dare to be with anyone else.”
Tadas Petrovas

Steven Magee
“Rebuilding of hurricane Ian damaged homes will likely be muted, as 80% of owners did not have insurance.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Roofing repairs were a feature of hurricane Ian.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Hurricane Ian’s flooding trashed the interiors and belongings of many homes.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The hurricane Ian aftermath left many people unemployed.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Hurricane Ian damaged vehicles may have mechanical, electrical, fire, health and safety issues.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Many schools were closed after hurricane Ian.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“At the age of 52 I damaged the ulnar nerve in my right arm during a 2 hour altitude test at 9,200 feet. I was left with a numb little finger and a weakened right hand.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

Steven Magee
“There is not a lot you can do with a damaged child, you raise them as best you can.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“There are six definite causes of depression: 1. Negative social interactions.
2. The chemical balance can be off in the body. 3. Living at altitude, called the ‘Hypoxia Blues’. 4. A damaged blood oxygenation system. 5. A damaged body. 6. A toxic environment.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I will never understand war veterans, as they love putting up flags to honor the government that damaged their long-term health!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“A series of altitude tests I had done in a day on Hawaii island damaged my right ulnar nerve. I had been to view the volcano at night at 4,000 feet. It was freezing cold up there!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Rainbows mark the people that have not developed correctly.”
Steven Magee

Jane Washington
“You’re not ready, Skayld. You say you aren’t damaged, but you are. You’re terrified of forming emotional attachments. You might be ready to sleep with Helki, because his idea of an emotional connection is two people … I don’t know … setting something on fire together, or making something bleed together.”
Jane Washington, A Castle of Ash

Stephanie Garber
“This was not the same young man who’d practically bled heartbreak all over the knave of his church. Something inside of him was broken.”
Stephanie Garber, Once Upon a Broken Heart

Mark Z. Danielewski
“Unfortunately, 'accustomed to' here is really synonymous with 'damaged by'.”
Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves

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