Dark Fantasy Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dark-fantasy-romance" Showing 1-30 of 77
Chiara Forestieri
“… I’d procured a small collection of
mismatching teeth from each male
that had violated her. One day, I would present my little treasure trove of teeth
as a gift to her… A token of my undying love
and readiness to f*cking murder
anyone who dared to wrong her...”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Joanne Ganci
“One is always on time if time doesn't matter to them, little mouse”
Joanne Ganci, Blue in Wonderland

Chiara Forestieri
“Truly, monsters are made, not born. And I wanted every crooked, broken piece of her. It was no coincidence that they aligned perfectly with each and every shattered piece of me.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Isla Davon
“Did he think I would listen and apologize, complying quietly like the girl of yesterday? Well unfortunately for him, she's no longer here, and he's stuck with me. They all are.”
Isla Davon, The Blackened Blade

Chiara Forestieri
“I’ll happily play the villain if you’re my reward, Mareina.” - Malekai Theikos”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“Truly, monsters are made, not born. And I wanted every crooked, broken piece of her. It was no coincidence that they aligned perfectly with shattered piece of me.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“I will always come for you, Mareina. I will always be there to save you. Whether you wanted me to or not, I would crawl on hands and knees through the fires and chasms of every hell to save you.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“You may not want to want me, but it doesn’t change the fact that you need me. That you ache for me. Just as I do for you. Soon enough, I’ll get you to bloom for me, little rose.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Andrzej Sapkowski
“Several years later, Dandelion could have changed the contents of the ballad and written about what had really occurred. He did not. For the true story would not have moved anyone. Who would have wanted to hear that the Witcher and Little Eye parted and never, ever saw each other again? About how four years later Little Eye died of the smallpox during an epidemic raging in Vizima? About how he, Dandelion, had carried her out in his arms between corpses being cremated on funeral pyres and had buried her far from the city, in the forest, alone and peaceful, and, as she had asked, buried two things with her: her lute and her sky blue pearl. The pearl from which she never parted. No, Dandelion stuck with his first version.”
Andrzej Sapkowski, Sword of Destiny

Courtney Shack
“Until I die, my darling. And even then I will love you beyond the grave.”
Courtney Shack, Lady of Roses and Ruin

Chiara Forestieri
“How about during the day and the evening you can hate me all you want, and we can burn one another with all the ire we can muster for one another as much as we desire… But at night… Here… Whether it’s in our bed or a pallet of furs on the forest floor… Where it’s only us, and the space between us is reduced to this blissful barrier of flesh-the only thing that separates my soul from yours-let us seek solace in one another as we are meant to…”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“You can try to run as far as your heart can take you, but no one will ever be able to fill that longing you have for me in your soul. Not even your pretty fae warrior.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“Where I’m from, our scars are a great source of pride because it means we were strong enough to survive. Beauty is not diminished by our scars but enhanced.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“For a hundred years, you’ve been my light in the dark, Malekai.” “And in the glaring brightness of harsh reality, you’ve been my blessed, dark reprieve.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“I still feel compelled to make you aware of the fact that… If you ever dared to try and take her from me, I will find far more creative ways of inflicting suffering upon you before you succumbed to death…”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Cilli
“Darlak si corrucciò quando lei incominciò a roteare le armi senza sosta. «Tu morirai», decretò, scandendo ogni sillaba.
«Bene». La regina incrociò le lame dietro la nuca, più spaventosa che mai. La polvere nera che le orlava gli occhi divenne così intensa da rendere impossibile guardarla senza stramazzare al suolo e tremare. «Vieni a prenderti la mia vita».”
Chiara Cilli, La Regina degli Inferi - La saga completa

Chiara Cilli
“Morwen fece un respiro intenso, sollevando il mento con fare solenne. «Ti do un giorno di tempo, poi verrò a prenderti».
«Non tornerò da te». Il giovane fece un cenno verso Kamria. «O da lei».
«Andrer». La regina fece una pausa molto significativa, e l’intera Terra Oscura tacque. «Non verrò per riportarti con me».”
Chiara Cilli, La Regina degli Inferi - La saga completa

Chiara Cilli
“«Come fai a resistere?», domandò con una nota di sconcerto.
Lui fece un sorrisino. «A cosa?»
«A me», fu l’oscura replica. «Come puoi toccarmi e non bruciare? Come puoi guardarmi e non tremare? Come puoi starmi accanto, pur sapendo chi sono? Come puoi sorridermi, pur sapendo che uccido e non mi importa? Come puoi baciarmi e non aver paura che io possa divorarti?»”
Chiara Cilli, La Regina degli Inferi - La saga completa

Chiara Cilli
“«Cominciamo con una domanda facile», sogghignò la donna. «Quanto reggi il dolore?»
Galadir fissò la strettoia buia da cui erano venuti. «Abbastanza».
«Allora dovrò farti molto male per sentirti urlare».”
Chiara Cilli, La Regina degli Inferi - La saga completa

Chiara Cilli
“«Tu desideri il Male, Galadir», replicò severa. «Il Male assoluto. E sei uno stupido, se continuerai a starmi accanto. Perché, al contrario di me, non ammetti che c’è l’immenso rischio che io possa perdere il controllo da un momento all’altro e ucci…»
Di slancio lui le prese il viso tra le mani e le chiuse la bocca con la sua. «Voglio te, Morwen. Te. Non per quello che rappresenti, non per quello che incarni. Adoro la tua forza, la tua sensualità, il modo in cui streghi chiunque con un solo sguardo e come ti preoccupi per me. E so che ogni volta che ti bacio c’è il pericolo che la tua passione si trasformi in smania di morte e che tu mi uccida. Ma morirei ogni secondo per l’eternità, pur di averti».”
Chiara Cilli, La Regina degli Inferi - La saga completa

“Odin taught me to fear the dark because monsters like him lurked there.”
Nica, The Horseman of Death

“Death isn’t the opposite of life. It isn’t appalling or serene. There’s nothing devious to it, nor appeasing. It isn’t my nightmare, nor is it my end.
Death is only the beginning.”
Nica, The Horseman of Death

Kelly Cove
“To those that take comfort from the darkness.”
Kelly Cove, The Lands Defying

Kelly Cove
“A lifetime isn't enough to be in her presence, isn't enough to sate my craving for her.
The Alpha of the Elites fell into her eyes, and he was captured at first glance.
and he will happily stay there.”
Kelly Cove, The Lands Defying

Kelly Cove
“I hurt you, so I hurt me. You bled so I will bleed. You were torn so I will tear, and you were scarred so I will fucking scar," he growls, his eyes coming back to mine as a tear falls from my eye. "There is no you, there is no me, there will forever be an us. Equal in every way.”
Kelly Cove, The Lands Defying

Kelly Cove
“Then what do you need? Tell me and I will do it. Tell me how to make it better, tell me how to take your pain away, tell me how I can go back and tear my own fucking heart out before I ever touched that fucking whip!”
Kelly Cove, The Lands Defying

Kelly Cove
“We are one in ways no other can be. I'm a selfish bastard when it comes to you, so I won't accept anything less.”
Kelly Cove, The Lands Defying

Kelly Cove
“He's seen me at my worst, seen me at my lowest, and yet he's still here, wanting me anyway.”
Kelly Cove, The Lands Defying

Kelly Cove
“It's scary to fall, not knowing if you will be caught.
But the thing is, you have no say in it when it happens.
An invisible force pushes you off that cliff, and all you can do is hope there are hands waiting for you at the bottom.
And that's more terrifying than anything else.”
Kelly Cove, The Lands Defying

Ryen Santana
“The insatiable hunger for power that consumes humanity will inevitably lead to the destruction of our world, but I am not willing to sit idly by and watch it happen without indulging in the chaos first.”
Ryen Santana, The Ravens of London

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