Day Quotes

Quotes tagged as "day" Showing 721-750 of 775
Charles Bukowski
“There is always somebody about to ruin your day, if not your life.”
Charles Bukowski, Pulp

Daniel Willey
“The first few moments of the day are some of the most important as they can determine the mood for the rest of the day.”
Daniel Willey

Israelmore Ayivor
“Don't despise the little steps you know you can take every day. There are tiny miracles in each and every one of them.”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Elizabeth George
“Remember to say what you mean, but don't say it meanly.”
Elizabeth George, A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children

Terry Pratchett
“There are the people of the day, and the creatures of the night. And it's important to remember that the creatures of the night aren't simply the people of the day staying up late because they think that makes them cool and interesting. It takes more than heavy mascara and a pale complexion to cross the divide.”
Terry Pratchett, Soul Music

Roman Payne
“We look up to see if it is day or night.
If stars burn cool and moon does shine,
We take to smoke divine and wine.
If breath of sun does belch its heat,
we boil coffee and prepare to eat.”
Roman Payne

Marie Lu
“There's no question that the Republic has done some horrible things to us all, that they might still be doing those things. But... maybe I've also been seeing the things I want to see. Maybe now that the old elector is gone, the Republic's soldiers have started to shed their masks too.”
Marie Lu

Sophie Kinsella
“I can never resist telling people good news. I mean, why not brighten someone else's life too?”
Sophie Kinsella, Twenties Girl

Stacey T. Hunt
“The problem with catching dreams is you forget how truly incredible they are when you live with them everyday.”
Stacey T. Hunt

James A. Murphy
“What is the one thing that gets you up every morning? The one thing that keeps you going every day, every month, every year? Let me get you started. My one thing is this, ‘I'm one day closer...’ One day closer to a goal, an outcome, or the results I'm after in my life. This is my way of remembering the importance of focusing on the life I desire and living a life of gratitude! So, what’s your one thing…?”
James A. Murphy, The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily Meditations

James A. Murphy
“Have you ever noticed how we often live on the surface of our lives? Each day is like the previous day. Time passes, and we continue to feel like we’re living a life less than we deserve. So, dive deeper into your life, and discover what lies below the surface….”
James A. Murphy, The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily Meditations

Eric Samuel Timm
“A day is too precious a treasure to forfeit.”
Eric Samuel Timm, Static Jedi: The Art of Hearing God Through the Noise

Elizabeth George
“Begin each day with God. It will change your priorities.”
Elizabeth George, A Woman's Daily Walk with God

Mary Butts
“All night the earth and the heavens followed their usual arrangements. Stars passed: an immense tide hung over them. A silent sea raced back with the sun, its wave turn-over small, delicate and comfortless. The most glorious of all stars hung above the sun's threshold and went out. An hour later the sun governed the earth again, mist-chasing, flower-opening, bird-rousing, ghost-driving, spirit-shepherding back out the various gates of sleep.”
Mary Butts, The Taverner Novels: Armed with Madness and Death of Felicity Taverner

Xi Chuan
“Night is the sleep of seven wax moths
Dawn is the singing of five mermaids
Noon is the scratching of three field mice
Dusk is the shadow of a crow”
Xi Chuan, Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Life is merely one very long day that routinely gets dark to give people a sensible excuse to keep their eyes closed for 8 hours.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: day, life, sleep

James A. Murphy
“How are you going to spend your day today? The key word being spend. Our time is one of the most precious gifts in our lives. Once today is over, that's it. Think about how you really want to spend your day. Tomorrow, today will be history. It's your life, your history. How do you want to write the history of your life today…?”
James A. Murphy, The Waves of Life Quotes Companion Journal

William H. Gass
“Every day he thought would last forever, and the night forever, and the dawn drag eternally another long and empty day to light forever; yet they sped away, the day, the night...”
William H. Gass, Omensetter's Luck
tags: day, night, time

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“There dwells a life in every star;
With brother spheres it rolls afar
Its self-elected, radiant way.
Still throb within the great earth-ball
The forces which conduct us all
From day to night, from night to day.
- - -
Das Leben wohnt in jedem Sterne:
Er wandelt mit den andern gerne
Die selbsterwählte reine Bahn;
Im innern Erdenball pulsieren
Die Kräfte, die zur Nacht uns führen
Und wieder zu dem Tag heran.

Zahme Xenien VI.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Xenien

Elizabeth George
“Each new day is another chapter in the unfolding promise of deliverance and life.”
Elizabeth George

Church Johnson
“Her eyes are brown like the morning sand breaking in a new day.”
Church Johnson, Controversial Love
tags: brown, day, eyes

Eric Samuel Timm
“God invites us to start and continue each day with Him. I have found it wise to accept His request.”
Eric Samuel Timm

Eric Samuel Timm
“With full mugs and expectant hearts-
Acknowledge His presence.
Give Him your day, each day.
Every day.”
Eric Samuel Timm, Static Jedi: The Art of Hearing God Through the Noise

Jim George
“Spiritual maturity is a lifelong pursuit. We grow in spiritual maturity moment by moment, day by day, year by year.”
Jim George, A Man After God's Own Heart: Devoting Your Life to What Really Matters

Elizabeth George
“The most important thing you must decide to do every day is put the Lord first.”
Elizabeth George

Israelmore Ayivor
“The day you stop learning is the day you begin to die. Lack of knowledge is the fundamental principle for killing "alive and kicking" dreams.”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Israelmore Ayivor
“Whatever you find to be very difficult for you, believe it that it’s never difficult if you do something little about it every day!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Kristen Lamb
“Every day is precious. You will never live THIS day again. It is ONE event in human history. Why not make it count? Time is a nonrenewable resource.”
Kristen Lamb

“The world has two faces :
The day or the bright moment when
we naturally stay alive (awake).
The night or the dark moment when
we naturally remain dead (sleep).”
Rohan Nath

Jennifer Megan Varnadore
“Just know the night won’t last forever, and the daybreak is just around the corner. The rain only lasts so long, until it has to stop again. There won’t always be sorrow. Tomorrow is another day for daylight.”
Jennifer Megan Varnadore