Dragonlance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dragonlance" Showing 1-20 of 20
Margaret Weis
“You cannot hide from danger. Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died.

-Raistlin Majere”
Margaret Weis, The Soulforge

Margaret Weis
“A man with nothing to die for has even less for which to live.”
Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman

Margaret Weis
“If I am to be judged by those who come after me, let me be judged for the truth.”
Margaret Weis, The Soulforge

Tracy Hickman
“This wasn't in the histories", Raistlin murmured to himself, staring down at the little wretched bodies, his brow furrowed. His eyes flashed. "Perhaps", he breathed, "this means time has already been altered?"
For long moments he sat there, pondering. Then suddenly he understood.
None saw Raistlin's face, hidden as it was by his hood, or they would have noted a swift, sudden spasm of sorrow and anger pass across it.
"No," he said to himself bitterly, "the pitiful sacrifice of these poor creatures was left out of the histories not because it did not happen. It was left out simply because-"
He paused, staring grimly down at the small, broken bodies. "No one cared...”
Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, War of the Twins

Margaret Weis
“If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear the pain of loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater.”
Margaret Weis, Dragons of Winter Night

Margaret Weis
“And my eyes! I see through hourglass pupils and therefore I see time-as it affects all things. Even as I look at you now, Tanis," the mage whispered, "I see you dying, slowly, by inches. And so I see every living thing.”
Margaret Weis, Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Margaret Weis
“I say, did you hear me?" The old man shook a worn walking stick at the oak. "I said move it and I meant it! I was sitting on that rock" -he pointed to a boulder- "enjoying the rising sun on my old bones when you had the nerve to cast a shadow over it and chill me! Move this instant. I say!" The tree did not respond. It also did not move. "I won't take any more of your insolence!" The old man began to beat on the tree with his stick. "Move or I'll - I'll -" "Someone shut that looney in a cage!" Fewmaster Toede shouted, galloping back from the front of the caravan. "Get your hands off me!" the old man shreiked at the draconians who ran up and accosted him. He beat on them feebly with his staff until they took it away from him. "Arrest the tree!" he insisted. "Obstructing sunlight! That's the charge!”

Richard A. Knaak
“I am a knight of Solamnia. I am the hand of Paladine, of Kiri-Jolith and of Habbakuk on this world. You are on Krynn. You are mine, Queen of Darkness.”
Richard A. Knaak, The Legend of Huma

Margaret Weis
“ "Turn my back on the world..." the historian repeated softly and slowly, his head moving to face the mage. "Turn my back on the world!" Emotion rarely marred the surface of Astinus's cold voice, but now anger struck the placid calm of his soul like a rock hurled into still water.
"I? Turn my back on the world?" Astinus's voice rolled around the library as the thunder had rolled previously. "I am the world, as you well know, old friend! Countless times I have been born! Countless deaths I have died! Every tear shed - mine have flowed! Every drop of blood spilled - mine has drained! Every agony, every joy ever felt has been mine to share!
"I sit with my hand on the Sphere of Time, the sphere you made for me, old friend, and I travel the length and breadth of this world chronicling its history. I have committed the blackest deeds! I have made the noblest sacrifices. I am human, elf, and ogre. I am male and female. I have borne children. I have murdered children. I saw you as you were. I see you as you are. If I seem cold and unfeeling, it is because that is how I survive without losing my sanity! My passion goes into my words.”
Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman

Tracy Hickman
“It is your only way home, my brother! And maybe our only way out of here alive.”
Tracy Hickman

Margaret Weis
“The magic will not solve your problems. It will only add to them. The magic will not make people like you. It will increase their distrust. The magic will not ease your pain. It will twist and burn inside you until sometimes you think that even death would be preferable."
-Antimodes, "Soulforge”
Margaret Weis, The Soulforge

Margaret Weis
“Blasted doorknob of a kender”
Margaret Weis Tracy Hickman

Margaret Weis
“Why Is It That When You Wash Two Socks You Only End Up With One? Is There Life After Death? and Where Did The Other Sock Go?”
Margaret Weis

Margaret Weis
“Uh, Lunitaris idish, shirak, damen du!”
Margaret Weis, Brothers in Arms

Margaret Weis
“He listened gravely to the discussion of possible danger, but in truth, he paid little heed. Silvanoshei was young, and the young know they will live forever.”
Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman

Margaret Weis
“Wedding song (reprise)
But you and I, through burning plains,
through darkness of the earth,
affirm the world, its people,
the heavens that gave them birth,
the breath that passes between us,
this new home where we stand,
and all those things made larger by
the vows between woman and man.”
Margaret Weis, Test of the Twins

Margaret Weis
“I will do anything to save
Laurana, he swore beneath his breath, clenching his fist. Anything! If it means sacrificing myself or—
He stopped. Would he really give up Berem? Would he really trade the Everman to the Dark Queen,
perhaps plunge the world into a darkness so vast it would never see light again?
No, Tanis told himself firmly. Laurana would die before she would be part of such a bargain.”
Margaret Weis, Dragons of Spring Dawning

“He prepared himself for the first glyph. Taking a deep breath, he aligned his mind with his goals, his will with his desires, and started down the winding path of power. A bolt of white sent his senses reeling in pain, and his nerves caught fire. Yellow shafts rained down on him, contorting his body into impossible forms. Orange beams seared his brain, a flood of cold that broke his essence. Red coils destroyed his thoughts, spiriting them away to the infinite. Blue spears cut into his flesh....Standing alone in a universe of pain, he drew his will about him, gathering himself into a shining star of desire that kept his shattered form from falling to despair.”
Kevin Stein, Brothers Majere

“«Los elfos lo narran de otra manera, pero así es como pasó en realidad». Análisis de la historia, por Virumsortiticorporafurtimincludum. (Cuentos de la Dragonlance I vol. 2)”
Michael Williams

Margaret Weis
“«Si la verdad es la carne del guiso, el rumor es la salsa». (Kitiara Uth Matar)”
Margaret Weis, Raistlin, mago guerrero