Drunk Quotes

Quotes tagged as "drunk" Showing 211-240 of 443
Kamand Kojouri
“I have drunk the night
and swallowed the stars.
I am dancing with abandon
and singing with rapture.
There is not a thing I do not love.
There is not a person I have not forgiven.
I feel a universe of love.
I feel a universe of light.
Tonight, I am with old friends
and we are returning home.
The moon is our witness.”
Kamand Kojouri

“I like dogs better than men and cats better than dogs and myself best of all, drunk in my underwear looking out the window.”
Bukowski, Charles

Kamand Kojouri
“Make me drunk.
Make me drunk, Beloved.
I crave your drink.
Break these thought chains
and tear these garments.
I crave your nakedness.
I’m speaking to you.
I’m speaking to you, Beloved
Take me to the depths of your ocean.
I’m thirsting for your drink.
I have followed the scent
of your intoxicating perfume
and having arrived at this altar,
I sacrifice my body for your soul.
Oh Beloved, make me drunk.
Make me drunk!”
Kamand Kojouri

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“… With great alcohol comes great irresponsibility.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

L.M. Montgomery
“I wonder if perfume could set a man drunk.”
L M Montgomery, Kilmeny of the Orchard: Special Edition

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Like shyness, cowardice cannot swim in alcohol.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Olawale Daniel
“Getting drunk with success and sick with ambition only leads to one route; destruction!”
Olawale Daniel

Shirley Jackson
“For one thing, it had suddenly come to Natalie that when people were sober they repudiated everything they had done when they were drunk, and when they were drunk they repudiated everything they had done when they were sober.”
Shirley Jackson, Hangsaman

Liana Liu
“Then all at once I'm crushed by sadness. Because I realised none of this is actually me or permanent or real. I don't belong here; I can't belong. It was only the alcohol that made me believe - for a brief moment - that I could.”
Liana Liu, Shadow Girl

Jussi Adler-Olsen
“Her boozy breath was day-old, but of quality of Origin. Malt whisky, Carl guessed. The air was so thick with it, an expert would probably be able to determine the vintage.”
Jussi Adler-Olsen, Disgrace

Ahmed Mostafa
“Headaches are for sloths as hangovers for drunks.”
Ahmed Mostafa

Paula Hawkins
“I don't remember things. I black out and I can't remember where I've been or what I've done. Sometimes I wonder if I've done or said terrible things, and I can't remember. And if...if someone tells me something I've done, it doesn't even feel like me. it doesn't feel like it was me who was doing that thing. And it's so hard to feel responsible for something you don't remember. So I never feel bad enough. i feel bad, but the thing that i've done --it's removed from me. It's like it doesn't belong to me.”
Paula Hawkins, The Girl on the Train

Leo Tolstoy
“He had suddenly felt that wealth, and power, and life - all that people arrange and preserve with such care - all this, if it is worth anything, is only so because of the pleasure with which one can abandon it all.
It was that feeling on account of which a volunteer recruit drinks up his last kopeck, a man on a drunken binge smashes mirrors and windows without any apparent reason and knowing it will cost him his last penny; that feeling on account of which a man does (in the banal sense) insane things, as if testing his personal power and strength, claiming the presence of a higher judgement over life, which stands outside human conventions.”
Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

Rafy Rohaan
“Yesterday I was drunk.
I wandered in darkness and—
mumbled poor definitions of love.
Today I am sober,
I am sleepless,
I am speechless.”
Rafy Rohaan

Hanna Abi Akl
“Through drunken holiness
I still heard your voice”
Hanna Abi Akl, Diary in Poems

“Drunks are subjected to hysterics. Sometimes they are very angry such that they can beat their spouse without any mistake of hers; sometimes they're so happy that they won't even mind if the worst of the enemies insults them.”
Shiv Sangal, S

“Such is the life of a person who drinks and makes the life of people working in his environment, hell.”
Shiv Sangal, S

Steven James Taylor
“When Alice was young, she had no idea what a jag even was. In those early days of their love affair, Alice found Ted’s rogue demeanor attractive. He was a Snow. But he was a rebel. He stood up to his stern father, and no one in the Snow family did that. The Snows were all too afraid of losing their entitlements. Ted had a relaxed swagger in his walk. Alice loved his confidence, the fashion of his easy laughter. She had no idea, not even a suspicion, that it was drink that fueled his swagger as well as his gumption. He was almost always drunk. But she was a teenager and a dreamer, and she loved his seeming fearlessness. He was handsome as well, with soft eyes that had a happy mischief to them. His thick, curly hair bounced as he swaggered. He was a picture. She thought he was hardy and strong, but it was the heat of the alcohol that made his cheeks flush apple red. He appeared to be the picture of health, but indeed, he wasn’t. He never was.”
Steven James Taylor, the dog

Angela Panayotopulos
“She raised her middle finger to their smiles. She downed vodkas and cocktails and stumbled through the crowds and the streets, occasionally stretching up to touch a star in the black ice cap of the sky, shaking her hand and blowing on her fingers when it burnt her.”
Angela Panayotopulos, The Wake Up

Jackson Lanzing
“Oh, no, nope, shoot. Are we about to human mate?”
Jackson Lanzing, Joyride Vol. 2

Kelsey Brickl
“Thus, in the boy’s mind, drink and destruction braided together. Intoxication, he concluded, was a swift and effective catalyst for havoc.”
Kelsey Brickl, Wolves and Urchins: The Early Life of Inspector Javert

Andre the BFG
“A little work with an ordinary household screwdriver can provide a handy and non-confrontational way of limiting the beer consumption of your partner. Simply remount the door on the other side after his 10th can of lager and he won't be able to figure out how to open it before the commercial break finishes.”
Andre the BFG, Andre's Adventures in MySpace

Graham Greene
“All the same you needed to be a little drunk to die.”
Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory

Jeff VanderMeer
“I had a wakefulness that I could not shake, and I was still drunk.”
Jeff VanderMeer, Annihilation

Riley Redgate
“It's sad, the thought that everyone I know is so repressed, they have to get, like, oh my
God, totally wasted to have an excuse to act the way they want to act.”
riley redgate, Seven Ways We Lie

J.D.  Crighton
“The short, but powerful police officer left a saloon and went straight for the police station, set out to do exactly what he planned even if no one believed a drunk like him.”
J.D. Crighton, Detective in the White City: The Real Story of Frank Geyer

Raymond Chandler
“Mr. Cobb was my escort," she said. "Such a nice escort, Mr. Cobb. So attentive. You should see him sober. I should see him sober. Somebody should him sober. I mean, just for the record. So it could become a part of history, that brief flashing moment, soon buried in time, but never forgotten — when Larry Cobb was sober.”
Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Did you beat me with a hammer while I was sleeping?"


"Then why do I feel like this?"

She still hadn't moved from her spot on the floor.

"Apparently you can't hold your Sprite, buddy.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron

Cory O'Brien
Cory O'Brien, Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology

“When you drink with a drunkard.
Take when his heart is content.

Papyrus Prisse, pp. 1-2
Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms