Dystopian Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dystopian" Showing 31-60 of 856
“I don't want to be caught with my pants down.”
March Lions, The Last Sunset

A.R. Merrydew
“With one hand disturbing a colony of parasitic life forms in his uncombed hair, he yawned loudly.
     ‘Morning Steve,’ Thomas said scratching his grubby face. His breath drifted across the space between them making Steve’s nose twitch involuntarily.”
A.R. Merrydew, Our Blue Orange

A.R. Merrydew
“He grabbed at Rupert’s earphones and gave his colleague a very serious look. ‘What do you know about share dealing?’
Rupert placed a finger on his chin and mulled over the question with a studious look. ‘Now you come to mention it,’ he said, ‘I know absolutely nothing.’
Norman grabbed his arm and began dragging his bewildered companion to the nearest lift. ‘Then we need to find out, and find out fast.”
A.R. Merrydew, Our Blue Orange

A.R. Merrydew
“     ‘That has to be Mr Davis,’ Semilla said with an air of complete confidence as she stared at the inferno rising above the roof tops.
     ‘How can you be so certain?’ Burt questioned looking slightly pensive.
     Semilla gave a shrug. ‘Let’s face it he’s been in the vicinity of one or two little disasters lately.”
A.R. Merrydew, Our Blue Orange

William Kely McClung
“Great. Abducted by aliens. She’d never live this one down. She wondered if they would dissect her. Maybe grab a steak of the tender parts and cook her up. Any sex stuff was too weird and horrible to think about, though it had been awhile. What the hell did she know? Brad Pitt. Surely, he wasn’t entirely human. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.”
William Kely McClung, LOOP

William Kely McClung
“No foot, but strapped to his thigh was what looked like a wooden table leg. It looked ridiculous; the idea was completely idiotic. A naked pirate who couldn’t even afford a proper peg leg.”
William Kely McClung, LOOP

William Kely McClung
“She was hot. You could take a poll, write a book, break down all the reasons, the intellectual and physical gifts that shaped her personality, and whatever that intangible part was. Write poems about it, document it all in photos and movies, try to stay woke, but the reality was, what it all came back to, she was hot.”
William Kely McClung, LOOP

William Kely McClung
“He’d seen combat and had been through two divorces, hadn’t thought of himself as a fearful man. But that was ten minutes ago.”
William Kely McClung, LOOP

William Kely McClung
“There might be some lost tribe somewhere on the planet who hadn’t been exposed to the movies and books of the genre, but these eight men—Mills was the oldest at 28—had grown up in a world where reanimated dead who shambled along eating brains were part of the fabric of everyday life. Where zombie movies equated to drinking games, late night laughs, and getting laid.”
William Kely McClung, LOOP

P.D. Alleva
“Don’t make deals with your food. It may come back to haunt you.”
P.D. Alleva, The Rose Vol. 1

Suzanne Young
“You matter.”
Suzanne Young, The Treatment

Amy L.  Bernstein
“Rags hate clutter the way healthy people hate cancer: it was offensive, invasive, and should be eliminated quickly and surgically.”
Amy L. Bernstein, The Potrero Complex

Ira Levin
“Being happy or unhappy - is that really the most important thing? Knowing the truth would be a different kind of happiness - a more satisfying kind, I think, even if it turned out to be a sad kind.”
Ira Levin, This Perfect Day

E.M. Forster
“You talk as if a god had made the Machine," cried the other. "I believe that you pray to it when you are unhappy. Men made it, do not forget that. Great men, but men. The Machine is much, but not everything.”
E.M. Forster, The Machine Stops

Suzanne Young
“It's taken me all this time, all this loss, to realize what really matters is now.”
Suzanne Young, The Treatment

Alexandra Bracken
“Those rabbits stopped fighting the system, because it was easier to take the loss of freedom, to forget what it was like before the fence kept them in, than to be out there in the world struggling to find shelter and food. They had decided that the loss of some was worth the temporary comfort of many.”
Alexandra Bracken, The Darkest Minds

Dennis K.  Hausker
“Abdul and Mohamed sat down, chilling the conversation at the table. They spoke in Urdu, unaware Lily understood them. When her expression changed subtly, Abdul noticed and switched to speaking English with a mundane comment.”
Dennis K. Hausker, Secrets: in a corrupted society

Richard Due
“Some people are just sad when there aren't talking squirrels.” —Lily Winter”
Richard Due, The Moon Coin

Brian Van Norman
“Rule # 1: keep the crowd’s interest.”
Brian Van Norman, Against the Machine: Evolution

A.R. Merrydew
“We are stood on the spot where a vast army of legionnaires were sent through a time portal with this very device,’ Jack said holding out his arm and displaying the XXL strapped safely to his wrist.”
A.R. Merrydew, The Girl with the Porcelain Lips

A.R. Merrydew
“She stood panting as adrenalin fired up her muscles. Flipping open the safety catches on both of her laser pistols, she set them for maximum delivery. Anything or anyone on the receiving end of these weapons would never survive, even as atoms.”
A.R. Merrydew, The Girl with the Porcelain Lips

Steven Decker
“For now, I had escaped. I was free. And I wanted to know what freedom really felt like, at least for a while.”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“I don’t think so, said the captain. Their ship is clearly outfitted with weapons systems that it did not have when it left Terrene over 600 years ago. And they are pointed directly at us.”
Steven Decker, The Balance of Time

A.R. Merrydew
“My name is Jenny,’ the prototype curtly informed Theodore, with a stance that advertised her statement to perfection.”
A.R. Merrydew, The Girl with the Porcelain Lips

Steven Decker
“Now I’m not blaming anything on her—I take full responsibility for my own actions— but it was Annette’s betrayal that began my slow spin downward to insanity.  ”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Steven Decker
“I was dreadfully concerned that this creature meant to harm me, but then a thought entered my mind. I am the one who moved Annette, Charles. And now, I will take you on a journey of your own.   ”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Eli Wilde
“I saw something sticking out of Sloan’s leg after he fell. I didn’t know what it was and didn’t want to ask. Maybe I thought we were the same inside as we are on the outside, a bit like a carrot or something like that.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Steven Decker
“We know about the wildlife for God’s sake!” screamed Aideen. “We’re being attacked by a feckin’ pack of chimpanzees right now! Get us out of here!”
Steven Decker, The Balance of Time

Steven Decker
“Around two or three times a year, we would notice the wind blowing harder than usual, which meant a giant wave was coming.”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Victoria Aveyard
“As much as I want to pull away, I just can't do it. Cal is a cliff, and I throw myself over the edge, not bothering to think of what it could do to us both. One day he'll realise that I am his enemy, and all this will be a far-gone memory. But not yet.”
Victoria Aveyard, Red Queen