Dystopian Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dystopian" Showing 241-270 of 856
Steven Decker
“We do not sleep,” said Aya. “These bodies do not require it. All they need is food to provide them with energy. Sleep is not needed.”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“The world was becoming a very puzzling place for me. I didn’t understand why bad people were allowed to tell good people what to do. What kind of world would allow that to happen?  ”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“I longed to have my mama come to me and sing me a song that settled me down while she rubbed my back, quieting my restless mind and pouting heart and helping me fall asleep, knowing I was loved.”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“No,” said the doctor. “It’s something I’ve never seen before. Something I don’t think anyone has seen before.”  ”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“Have you been having the dreams?” asked Dani.”
Steven Decker, The Balance of Time

Steven Decker
“We theorize that if these disruptions continue to happen, eventually the separate realities will begin to compete with our primary reality for dominance, and there will end up being no safe reality to live in.”
Steven Decker, The Balance of Time

Eli Wilde
“Finch turned around. The slap of his bare feet on the bare floorboards as he walked to the door reminded me of the heartbeat of someone beaten down by life. Finch wasn’t beaten down yet, but his feet thought he was.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Eli Wilde
“These skeletons are not like the ones in the bunker,” Macy said. “These are beautiful and not strange at all. Can we take one down and put it in the car with us? It would be good company. And probably talk to me more than you do.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Eli Wilde
“I didn’t have time to teach her anything other than how to talk more interestingly and, maybe, how to dream.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Eli Wilde
“Do you see anything when you dream or are your dreams as empty as your eyes?”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Eli Wilde
“Can Isaac eat my foot if we have to cut it off? He could make a soup from it, so we don’t waste it. You know what he’s like about not wasting food.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Patrick G. Cox
“James Heron dreamed he was once more in the abandoned tunnels on Mars. As he walked, the barren rocky landscape transformed into hills of tangled vegetation. Lightning played in tall cumulus clouds in a darkening sky, and the sky was definitely an Earth sky, not a Martian one. He seemed to have companions, but their clothing was strange—very old fashioned, in fact, as if they belonged in the nineteenth century.
He didn’t recognise the landscape, but it seemed to be on Earth, and the group, several youths and a few older men, appeared to be suffering from the heat, plucking their shirts which displayed damp patches of perspiration. A short distance ahead of him walked a heavily built man who evidently was not enjoying the walk in the heat, his face flushed crimson and perspiring profusely.
The sky darkened and large drops of rain pelted the group, and they increased their pace. His view changed slightly as someone behind him called something he could not quite hear. The lightning seemed to be getting closer, and he and a companion—a youth, he noted ran for cover. He could smell the rain on the wet earth, and the fragrance of the vegetation intensified. He could feel the tension of the group—their fear perhaps?
Suddenly there was a blinding flash that seemed to engulf him—and then he jolted awake bathed in perspiration.”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

Patrick G. Cox
“I’ll talk to him any way I want to. Sure, you could try roughing me up, but you might want to stop and think about that, because you won’t always be in that uniform, and you won’t always have your buddies around, and this island—well, it’s an island. If you don’t know it as well as we do, and you don’t know the places to avoid, such as the beaches the pleurodons like, let’s just say a man with enemies could find life a little tricky here.” He stared the man down.
“Are you threatening me, Grover?”
“Not a threat. Just a warning. This planet is a wild, untamed place. It can be harsh and cruel when you least expect it.”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

Jayden Jelso
“I thought I knew what I wanted... I wanted answers. But when they came, I didn't know what to do with them.”
Jayden Jelso, Talon

Jarod Kintz
“Those with nothing to say said nothing when The Censorship began, and later, when they had something to say, it was too late, because they could say nothing.”
Jarod Kintz, There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't

Jayden Jelso
“He gripped the little book tightly, staring at its dark blue cover, its silver designs, and its ribbon bookmark. Imprinted on the front
in gold lettering was the Greek word μπλεβιβλιο. Bluebook.”
Jayden Jelso, Talon

Ray Bradbury
“A book is a loaded gun in the house next door.”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Jayden Jelso
“For so long, he’d tried to achieve happiness, to obtain it without anyone else. But what if happiness wasn’t an achievement? What if it wasn’t obtained?
What if it was a choice?”
Jayden Jelso, Talon

“She decimated humanity for her own chance at living it.”
Jennifer Lauer, THE GIRL IN THE ZOO

J.W. Lynne
“I want to scream. I want to fling myself down and beat my hands against the ground. This isn’t how things were supposed to be. This isn’t how this story was supposed to end.

It feels like a lifetime ago that my family and I embarked on our simulated mission. I wish I'd known what would happen next. I wish I could go back in time and grab my family and run far away ... all the way to the moon. But, of course, that's impossible.

And now it's too late to run.”
J.W. Lynne, The Darkness Outside

J.W. Lynne
“Screams. Screams. Everywhere. Everyone is scared. But I don’t know who “everyone” is. Their voices sound young, so I guess they’re kids, like me. I don’t hear any older voices. So either the grownups aren’t scared, or there aren’t any grownups with us anymore.”
J.W. Lynne, The Unknown

Bert-Oliver Boehmer
“The scholars had lied. Dying was not a benevolent passage, it was torment for the body and mind.”
Bert-Oliver Boehmer, Dark Cascade

Mary Usufzy
“Four hooded figures emerge from the shadowy depths of the sea. They carry no weapons or arms to defend themselves. With a careful tread, the four quietly make their way from the water to a nearby brick building, which is emblazoned with the Crown’s insignia. Night cloaks their secret wanderings, but the golden moon spills its rays over their heads.”
Mary Usufzy, The Heir of Illgarat

Mary Usufzy
“Besides, you can’t change a corrupt system from the inside. You’ve got to cut its roots before any change happens (Cedric Fuentes)”
Mary Usufzy, The Heir of Illgarat

Mariano Rajoy
“Hay que fabricar máquinas que nos permitan seguir fabricando máquinas, porque lo que no va a hacer nunca la máquina es fabricar máquinas”
Mariano Rajoy

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“If you don't like my kisses, honey,
Here's what I will do:
I'll go see a girl in purple,
Kiss this sad world toodle-oo.
If you don't want my lovin',
Why should I take up all this space?
I'll get off this old planet,
Let some sweet baby have my place.”
Kurt Vonnegut Jr., 2BR02B

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“Everything was perfectly swell.”
Kurt Vonnegut Jr., 2BR02B

Katherine Kempf
“Mimameid wasn’t built to keep people out. It was built to keep people in. It was built to be a fortress, to keep our people safe behind our walls, but The Celts have changed that.”
Katherine Kempf, The Mimameid Solution

Katherine Kempf
“If you ever need help - if there is ever a time when you need me, come here. Meet me at the clootie well. Nothing can touch us here, meurgerys.”
Katherine Kempf, The Mimameid Solution

Katherine Kempf
“What she felt was the pull of home.
And it felt so raw, like the landscape of the North Country being pulled free from the receding ice. The frozen layers that protected her heart were melting away. The wild North was calling to her.”
Katherine Kempf, The Mimameid Solution