Epic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "epic" Showing 1-30 of 341
“I'm a little bit naked, but that's okay.”
Lady Gaga

George R.R. Martin
“A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.”
George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

James Dashner
“I was just kidding, shuck-face," Minho said. "Let's all go over there. She could have an army of psycho girl ninjas hiding in that shack of hers."

"Psycho girl ninjas?" Newt repeated, his voice showing he was surprised, if not annoyed, by Minho's additude.”
James Dashner, The Scorch Trials

“They came for him near midnight, seven hard-faced men arriving simultaneously in a matching set of Zis 101s, the black-lacquered saloon car so shamelessly modeled on the American Buick Roadmaster, and so capriciously favored by the sinister flying squads of the NKVD.
Ironically, the arrest when it came did not shock Batya. He had prepared for it.”
KGE Konkel, Who Has Buried the Dead?: From Stalin to Putin … The last great secret of World War Two

Tom Hiddleston
“It’s in our nature to want to watch our human frailties played out on a huge, epic canvas. Ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods: a huge pantheon expanding into centuries of dynastic drama: fathers and sons, star-crossed lovers, warring brothers, martyred heroes. Tales that taught us the danger of hubris and the primacy of humility. It’s the everyday stuff of everyman’s life, but it’s writ large, and we love it.”
Tom Hiddleston

Billie-Jo Williams
“Hurricanes couldn’t remove you from my mind. You’re my world and I’m incapable of not loving you.”
Billie-Jo Williams

Barry Kirwan
“It has no eyes. Zack, why doesn’t it have any eyes? ”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“Beef had hit $300 a kilo. Not that he could recall the last time he’d tasted real beef.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“Your life is a beer glass Micah, but you want champagne”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“They must train you pretty good not to react to shit like that. Must take stuff out of you.” Vince’s eyes intensified then broke her gaze. ‘Actually, it’s more like they put stuff in.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“People rarely search for bodies in ceilings…”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“Vasquez faced off Vince. “We’ll meet in hell for sure.” Vince didn’t blink. “I have a condo there waiting for me. You’re welcome for tea. Now, give the order, Colonel.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“She stared at her console, wanting to punch it. Her dream, running to save her life, to save everything, was all going to come true down on the planet’s surface. And when it did, she knew this time she wasn’t going to wake up.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“He wondered what his father had been thinking in those last final moments as he was slipping away, whether the heroism, the honour, the war, or maybe, just maybe, the smaller people in his life, his family.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“Take it from me, kid, sometimes it’s okay to run. You run as fast as you damn well can.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“Perhaps Mozart’s Requiem would be fitting music for the end of the world. She began to hum Dies Irae, recalling its first performance in Vienna.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Marissa Meyer
“Once we have total power, what's to keep us from becoming villains ourselves?”
Marissa Meyer, Archenemies

J.C. Marino
“In every journey comes a moment... one like no other. And in that moment, you must decide between who you are... and who you want to be.”
JC Marino, Dante's Journey

Marisha Pessl
“Those around you can have their novellas, sweet, their short stories of cliché and coincidence, occasionally spiced up with tricks of the quirky, the achingly mundane, the grotesque. A few will even cook up Greek tragedy, those born into misery, destined to die in misery. But you, my bride of quietness, you will craft nothing less than epic with your life. Out of all of them, your story will be the one to last.”
Marisha Pessl, Special Topics in Calamity Physics

Pseudonymous Bosch
“Before we do, I suggest you take a break. If you need to go to the bathroom, this is a good time. If you're sleepy, go to bed and save the next chapter for tomorrow. For the magician's story, you must have all your wits about you. No wandering minds allowed.”
Pseudonymous Bosch, The Name of This Book Is Secret

John Flanagan
“Uphill? There's nothing up the hill," Colly said, trying desperately to work out where this conversation was going.
"As a matter of fact, there is. There's a bluff about twelve meters high, with a river running below it. The water's deep, so it'll be quite safe for you to jump." In his brief glimpse of the river, Halt had noticed that the fast-flowing water cut under the bluff in a sharp curve. That should mean that the bottom had been scoured out over the years. A thought struck him. "You can swim, I assume?"
"Yes. I can swim," Colly said. "But I'm going jumping off some bluff just because you say to!"
"No, no. Of course not. That'd be asking far too much of you. You'll jump off because if you don't, I'll shoot you. It'll be the same effect, really. If I have to shoot you, you'll fall off. But I thought I'd give you a chance to survive." Halt paused, then added, "Oh, and if you decide to run downhill, I'll also shoot you with an arrow. Uphill and off is really your only chance of survival."
"You can't be serious!" Colly said. "Do you really-"
But he got no further. Halt leaned forward, putting a hand up to stop the outburst.
"Colly, take a good, long look into my eyes and tell me if you see anything, anything at all, that says I'm not deadly serious."
His eyes were deep brown, almost black. They were steady and unwavering and there was no sign of anything there but utter determination. Colly looked at them and after a few second, his eyes dropped away. halt nodded as the other man's gaze slid away from his.
"Good. Now we've got that settled, you should try to get some sleep. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.”
John Flanagan, The Kings of Clonmel

Lian Hearn
“I am not made for despair”
lian hearn

Tom  Baldwin
“Fine architecture is man’s tribute to the land it has been built on. So are the untouched, pristine lands he preserves for posterity.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Steven Decker
“As they reached the concert grounds in front of the Great Pyramid, Dani was captivated by the magic of the entire scene. A full moon was rising, casting a gentle shine over the entire area. Spotlights shone on Cheops, the Sphinx, Khafre, and Menkaure, and a vast swarm of hundreds of bats swooped above the stage, devouring mosquitoes as if they were protecting the legendary band from harm at this site of ancient power.”
Steven Decker, Time Chain

Steven Decker
“Dani felt Annette’s hand reaching for hers, and she took it, glancing over at the woman. She saw tears streaming from Annette’s eyes, and she realized that this heroic servant of the human race did not want to send these people away to the future. But it was her duty, above all others, to protect humanity. To do everything in her power to insure that our species continued on.”
Steven Decker, Time Chain

C. Toni Graham
“I think we should keep an open mind because I’ve always believed the world is full of things we can’t explain.”
C. Toni Graham, Crossroads and the Himalayan Crystals

Tom  Baldwin
“When compared with what I have in mind for it, your property is blighted, dangerous, deteriorated, infectious, unhealthy, substandard, crime-infested, and irreparable. Once I have proven that, I will move in, and you will be moved away. You must leave so I can thrive.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Tom  Baldwin
“Immediately after that fate-filled evening in May, the phone booth in its entirety had been confiscated by the Homicide Unit as embodying significant criminal evidence of murder. More accurately, though, the booth was like an envelope encapsulating the entire crime scene, including splattered skull fragments.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Mark Millar
“She was like John Rambo meets Polly Pocket; Dakota Fanning crossed with Death Wish 4.”
Mark Millar, Kick-Ass

Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
“Live? Our servants will do that for us..”
Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Axel

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