Exposed Quotes

Quotes tagged as "exposed" Showing 1-30 of 60
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Keep your innocence and ignorance aside, and expose yourself to dangerous situations, and understand the deeper secrets of life.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To be found is to be exposed. No wonder so many of us are still lost.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“There must be a German word for this feeling, when the elaborate contortions of your own thinking rose to the surface and became suddenly and unpleasantly visible. Like walking past a mirror in a crowded mall and thinking: Who is that dude with the terrible posture, and why is he cringing like he expects someone to punch him, I'd like to punch him—oh wait, that's me.”
Kristen Roupenian, You Know You Want This

Julieanne O'Connor
“When you let me see you, you give me permission to be seen.”
Julieanne O'Connor

Thalia Chaltas
“The foam cushions
on the old couch downstairs
in a hush,
like each of us,

small flecks of
hardening puffs
raining mute to the floor
when I flop down to study.

And the more the couch gets used,
the less foam it keeps--

just an uncomfortable frame,
springs and other inner workings

Thalia Chaltas, Because I Am Furniture

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we wish to identify the truly great things in life, we can identify them by the fact that no matter how much we are exposed to them or how often we’re privileged to engage them, they remain great despite what our perception of them might do to them.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, The Eighth Page: A Christmas Journey

Sylvia Plath
“Something is gone.
My sleeping capsule, my red and blue zeppelin
Drops me from a terrible altitude.
Carapace smashed,
I spread to the beaks of birds.”
Sylvia Plath, Ariel

Steven Magee
“It was common to be exposed to smashed mercury filled spectral calibration lamps in astronomy.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The route back to health is to retrace your steps through sickness to understand the toxins you were exposed to.”
Steven Magee

Opportunists are malicious people who reach their targets by stepping over others instead of seeking their support. They “do whatever it takes” to seize opportunity. “They find pleasure at the misfortune of others”-Schadenfreude. Even though succeeding May give them a sense of accomplishment, but their twisted ways will make them live in fear of being exposed one day. As my best friend told me a while ago: “ every person the opportunists step on will be a stone that makes them climb to the top. But in the end, once they reach the top of the mountain, they will look around and find no one next to them.”
Nadine Sadaka Boulos

Steven Magee
“Butter tea has been known for centuries to improve health in people exposed to high altitudes.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Osamu Dazai
“He murmured, 'You did it on purpose.'
I trembled all over. I might have guessed that someone would detect that I had deliberately missed the bar, but that Takeichi should have been the one came as a bolt from the blue. I felt as if I had seen the world before me burst in an instant into the raging flames of hell. It was all I could do to suppress a wild shriek of terror.”
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human

Billy Collins
“Building with Its Face Blown Off

How suddenly the private
is revealed in a bombed-out city,
how the blue and white striped wallpaper

of a second story bedroom is now
exposed to the lightly falling snow
as if the room had answered the explosion

wearing only its striped pajamas.
Some neighbors and soldiers
poke around in the rubble below

and stare up at the hanging staircase,
the portrait of a grandfather,
a door dangling from a single hinge.

And the bathroom looks almost embarrassed
by its uncovered ochre walls,
the twisted mess of its plumbing,

the sink sinking to its knees,
the ripped shower curtain,
the torn goldfish trailing bubbles.

It's like a dollhouse view
as if a child on its knees could reach in
and pick up the bureau, straighten a picture.

Or it might be a room on a stage
in a play with no characters,
no dialogue or audience,

no beginning, middle, and end–
just the broken furniture in the street,
a shoe among the cinder blocks,

a light snow still falling
on a distant steeple, and people
crossing a bridge that still stands.

And beyong that–crows in a tree,
the statue of a leader on a horse,
and clouds that look like smoke,

and even farther on, in another country
on a blanket under a shade tree,
a man pouring wine into two glasses

and a woman sliding out
the wooden pegs of a wicker hamper
filled with bread, cheese, and several kinds of olives.”
Billy Collins, The Trouble With Poetry - And Other Poems

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Maybe the thought of being found is far more terrifying than the reality of being lost. Therefore, we are quite adept at saying that we want the former, when in fact we’ve repeatedly chosen the latter.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“Modern architecture may be one of the most dangerous things you are exposed to on a daily basis.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Sea level adapted humans that are routinely exposed to high altitudes do not age well.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It seems that the need to ‘found’ is offset by the fear that we will be exposed in the finding. And in looking at our world, I sometimes wonder if that fear drives some sort of twisted intentionality about being ‘lost’ that will eventually eliminate any possibility of us ever being ‘found?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“Do sea level adapted humans that are regularly exposed to high altitudes eventually develop sleep apnea?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Doctors are one of the most exposed professions to wireless radiation.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Whenever I encounter a law enforcement officer, I am aware I am in the presence of a heavily wireless radiation exposed person.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“What do electromagnetic field exposures do to the human? They thicken the blood and make it sticky. Sticky blood cells are called “Rouleaux”. It seems that sticky blood eventually produces micro clots within the human that can be felt when they walk into an electromagnetic field that causes Rouleaux. There does seem to be a delay between being exposed to Rouleaux blood and feeling the effects, and that can be hours long.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“When I reviewed the range of toxins I had been exposed to in the workplace, I was not surprised to find I had lung disease.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Lynsay Sands
"Aye, but where the hell is---? Oh."
Claray peered over her shoulder to see the Wolf staring at her from some ten feet away. His gaze was fixed on her lower legs with a sort of heated interest that made her look down. It was only then that she realized that she was holding her skirts rather high. They were actually halfway between her knees and her nether region, leaving an indecent amount of leg on view.”
Lynsay Sands, Highland Wolf

Sarah J. Maas
“From the neck up, I was regal: my face was adorned with cosmetics- rouge on my lips, a smearing of gold dust on my eyelids, kohl lining my eyes- and my hair was coiled around a small golden diadem imbedded with lapis lazuli. But from the neck down, I was a heathen god's play-thing. They had continued the pattern of the tattoo on my arm, and once the blue-black paint had dried, they placed on me a gauzy white dress.

If you could call it a dress. It was little more than two long shafts of gossamer, just wide enough to cover my breasts, pinned at each shoulder with gold brooches. The sections flowed down to a jewelled belt slung low across my hips, where they joined into a single piece of fabric that hung between my legs and to the floor. It barely covered me, and from the cold air on my skin, I knew that most of my backside was left exposed.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Samantha Bee
“I didn't have the energy to scream at the flasher or yell for security. And besides, the 'security team' was just a bunch of tanned strippers in peekabook bikini briefs and heels. So I took matters into my own hands.

'Thank God you're here. Get on top of me right now and force-feed me all of that man meat!' I shouted at him. 'Your penis is irresistible to me! I must have it in my body right this minute!'

I started to back him into a corner. 'No, don't put it back inside your pants! I require all of the services you are offering me. I request that you inspect my vaginables and see if they meet your exacting standards!'

As I pulled my own pants down, he ran out of the building, never so scared in his life.”
Samantha Bee, I Know I Am, But What Are You?

John Joclebs Bassey
“School authority convinces the average youth that education can only be attained in an enclosed room, but the learned knows that traveling itself is part of education.”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

“The hoop-style petticoat swung above her knees. She flashed sheer white thigh-high stockings right up to the pretty blue bows. She swatted down her errant skirt. And nearly dropped the shepherd's crook. The triplets hadn't noticed the mishap, but Jake definitely had.
She felt his gaze from behind his mirrored aviators. He cocked his head and grinned. A teasing grin, so sexy and unsettling that she nearly tripped over her own feet.
He edged close, lowered his voice, and said, "Naughty wind peeked up your skirt."
"So did you."
"Nice legs, Peep.”
Kate Angell, The Café Between Pumpkin and Pie

“Steep steps, and the sway of her skirt couldn't be contained. Instead of side to side, it flounced front to back, flashing Jake from behind. She cringed.
He chuckled, deep and admiring. "Sexy thigh-highs. Those blue bows along the seams do it for me."
His compliment sent heat up and between her legs. Her composure slipped. The hoop skirt would be the death of her. She would never wear one again. Sheer will pushed her up the remainder of the stairs. Once on the landing, she struggled to turn and face him. The light overhead flickered and dimmed, needing a bulb replaced. Jake's face was shadowy, but she could make out his expression, equally intense and indulgent.
She would have immediately taken to her room, but his gaze detained her. All dark heat and sinful appreciation. His face was hard cut. His mouth curved, wicked by design. Tension stretched between them. Nerves overcame her. She felt inept with this man.”
Kate Angell, The Café Between Pumpkin and Pie

Ryker had fucking wings. Big leathery wings like a bat but with a deep gray-green coloring.
I fell backwards onto the floor of the loft, my ass hitting the wood but my eyes staying locked on Ryker. A comment from my second day here surfaced. Something about not wearing shirts because they got in the way. No fucking wonder they got in the way if he could pop out a pair of wings. The thin membrane that stretched to allow light through it was a lighter, paler gray than the rest, snagging on whatever breeze the morning brought with it and tempting Ryker to open them up wider to catch the wind. They were big enough to that he'd have to duck down quite a bit to even attempt entering the doorway of the cabin, even if he had them tucked in tight to his back.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Dragons

Greg Egan
“I'm not even sure why I'm so desperate to get rid of her - but I can't help feeling exposed up here. . . as if she might suddenly glance up and see me - see some part of me that my flesh always concealed.”
Greg Egan, Axiomatic

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