Falling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "falling" Showing 61-90 of 310
Cormac McCarthy
“The abyss of the past into which the world is falling. Everything vanishing as if it had never been. We would hardly wish to know ourselves again as we once were and yet we mourn the days.”
Cormac McCarthy, The Passenger

Leigh Bardugo
“It felt like falling. Zoya was the stone, and there was no bottom to the well, no end to the emptiness inside her.”
Leigh Bardugo, King of Scars

“Let us not to keep ourselves in a position to where we have to find someone else to explain what we ourselves believe.”
VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis

“I tumbled wildly through the air. The ground was so far away I could see the entire island: the misty stone mountains and verdant jungle surrounded by white sand and teal ocean. I was higher than a flock of birds, higher than a human had any right being. And it would have been extraordinary and beautiful had I, you might recall, not been falling to my very imminent and no doubt painful death. I did scream now, quite loudly.”
Shannon Chakraborty, The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The sky’s not the thing that’s falling. Rather, it’s my attitude.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jeanette Winterson
“Everything we do is falling. Even walking is a kind of controlled falling. But that's not the same as failing.”
Jeanette Winterson, The Gap of Time

Amy Zhang
“She did not fly.
She fell.
She thought, Hello, gravity, and tried to spread her arms so that it would catch her.”
Amy Zhang, Falling into Place

“you return like autumn,
and i fall every time”

Ali  Marie
“Obviously, I have wondered when I would die. However, I never would have thought that I would be seventeen, falling off a cliff into the depths of the sea. That was it, right? Was this how I would die?”
Ali Marie

“I think there is a reason they call it falling in love. It’s the moment, at the top of the roller coaster, when your heart hangs in your throat. It’s the time between when you jump from the cliff and when you hit the ocean. It’s the realization that there’s no ground beneath your feet when you miss a step on the ladder, when the branch of the tree breaks, when you roll over and run out of mattress.

Here’s what they do not tell you about falling in love: there’s not always a soft landing beneath you.

It’s called falling, because it’s bound to break you.”
Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan, Mad Honey

Elizabeth Jane Howard
“[...] se ti lasci sopraffare da un'esperienza brutta o dolorosa e decidi di non esporti mai più alla possibilità che accada di nuovo, è come smettere di attraversare la strada per timore di essere investiti.”
Elizabeth Jane Howard, Falling

Abhijit Naskar
“Fall, fall and fall again, to fall without stopping is rising.”
Abhijit Naskar, Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World

Steven Magee
“By the end of 2015 I was now falling asleep during conversations with people and I would have to excuse myself and go to bed. Going to bed at various times of the day because I could not stay awake was normal.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“Something I had been curious about was the use of prescription drugs while on CPAP. Since I had a wide range of prescriptions, I decided I would take them all before I went to bed to see what happened. The nighttime low oxygen events went much higher! I was seeing over five minutes of low oxygen with much lower oxygen excursions. This matched what I saw when I was initially placed onto CPAP in February 2016. As 2016 went on, I started to get increasingly fatigued as I was placed onto more prescription drugs. I eventually started falling asleep in my car while driving!”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Mehmet Murat ildan
“It is nice to find a place of shelter for those who cannot hold on to a place in the void and fall down, but it is much better to build the shelter yourself!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A branch that falls from a tree can only be a widow-maker if you’re under it at the point that it falls, and you were married before it fell. Otherwise, it’s just a happenstance meeting with a branch.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Sharon Olds
“I am falling,
and I do not feel that there are rocks, below,
I think I may go on falling, like my own
flesh, for the rest of my life”
Sharon Olds

Sylvia Mercedes
“I fall. I fall and fall, air whipping my face, my shredded arms and legs. It’s almost a relief. A relief to know that everything is going to end in just another instant, when my body hits the water, when every bone breaks, and I sink beneath the waves. I’ll be dead then, and the pain flaring through my senses from all those deadly cuts will be over. The fear of the future will be over as well, and my ten years of enslavement. All will be done.”
Sylvia Mercedes, Entranced

George Gissing
“The whirlpool![...] It's got hold of me, and I'm going down, old man—and it looks black as hell.”
George Gissing, The Whirlpool

“Be more than a star. Even the stars fall.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

H.S. Crow
“When describing love, why are we always falling? Why not say instead that we are rising, or growing in love?”
H.S. Crow, Lunora: A Book of Sand

H.S. Crow
“If falling means keeping you alive, then every world will incinerate under my hands.”
H.S. Crow, Lunora: A Book of Sand

“To fall, is not an independent phenomenon in itself, but a natural “side-result” of walking, and cannot be separated from moving. So, the problem is not falling, but rather not walking due to fear of falling.
If you fall on your way to Heaven, don't be afraid; just get back up and say: never again!
And continue forward.”
Jeyhun Aliyev Silo

Grace Hitchcock
“I didn’t know you enjoyed tree climbing.'
'Tree reading actually. It’s an art which should not be conducted while lethargic….”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Love never fails, it's the people who fall in it.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...feet keep me from flight while arms keep me from falling.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Gina Barreca
“To get anywhere, a woman must fall. You can fall by being tipsy, getting ahead of yourself, by missing a step. You can fall because there was a blind alley, a sharp curve, a slippery surface, or a stumbling block. You fall because somebody pulls the rug out from under you or because the whole time as you stood, believing you were on solid ground, there was a trapdoor directly beneath you.”
Gina Barreca, Fast Fallen Women: 75 Essays of Flash NonFiction

Gabriela Ponce Padilla
“Let the living fly. The machine must fall. The machine in the air must fail at some point, emptiness always prevails.”
Gabriela Ponce, Blood Red

Carissa Broadbent
“He smelled like the sky- he tasted like falling.”
Carissa Broadbent, The Serpent and the Wings of Night

“Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too — even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling.”
Morrie Schwartz, Tuesdays with Morrie