False Gospel Quotes

Quotes tagged as "false-gospel" Showing 1-4 of 4
Criss Jami
“Idolatry is not only excessive reverence, but also excessive abhorrence - that other side of the coin which runs the risk of establishing a false gospel under the implication that, for example, if you hate this certain individual, you're a good person no matter what; or if you love this certain individual, you're a bad person no matter what.”
Criss Jami

Zachary  Wagner
“Why is the superficial, legalistic approach of purity culture often so ineffective in curbing toxic masculinity in Christian men? Because it deals in a truncated, false gospel. Rules and regulations for sexual behavior don't make men new. Rather, the renewal of our minds and bodies by the Holy Spirit is the solution to the broken masculinity that plagues our culture and churches.”
Zachary Wagner, Non-Toxic Masculinity: Recovering Healthy Male Sexuality

Ruth Chou Simons
“Losing yourself doesn't sound like burdensome striving, but that's the lie the Enemy wants you to believe. That IS the false gospel of this generation: that we can save ourselves through ourselves. That with enough practice, enough resources, and enough work, a perfectly executed version of your life is accessible. This generation is declaring, "Be your own boss and make yourself happy. Save yourself!"... It baffles me that our culture is obsessed with the contradictions of this ideology and equates them with freedom.”
Ruth Chou Simons, When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace

Ruth Chou Simons
“Now we are getting to the heart of how the Gospel differs from the moral grid. As one writer put it, 'The main thing between you and God is not your sins, but your damnable good works.' Ouch. And herein lies the whole reason why we must cease striving through good works: they do not save. If there is a gospel of self-improvement, it is a damning one. It is a gospel that is not good news at all. It will wall you if, shrivel you up, and destroy your sensitivity to God's pursuit. This is why it must be utterly destroyed and replaced with the true gospel of life-transforming grace.”
Ruth Chou Simons, When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace