False Teachings Quotes

Quotes tagged as "false-teachings" Showing 1-8 of 8
C. JoyBell C.
“In our day and age, global society has been saturated with the wrong teaching of false positivity. The denial of darkness never equates the abundance of light. And the denial of your actual character never equates to the reality of your best character. People today are afraid to work on themselves and on their actual realities, they believe that outward appearances are enough. Outward appearances have become everything in our current day and age. People don't see what they are actually like, nor who they actually are, in reality. They live in a phantasmic version of reality. It has to stop. In the phantasmic version of reality, there is no chance to experience true love, true goodness, and true metamorphosis. The caterpillar does not become a butterfly by telling everybody it has wings. It actually buries itself in darkness and grows those wings.”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“We all have thorns in our flesh. All of us. Love is when we stay and help someone pluck out their thorns one-by-one and they do the same for us. Love is also when we pluck the thorns out of our own flesh, one-by-one. But today, the world teaches us that we shouldn’t even see those thorns, that we should only see the petals. As a result, we don’t know how to love ourselves and we don’t know how to love others. Stay with the darkness, and bring that darkness into the light. It’s there, look at it.”
C. JoyBell C.

Shannon L. Alder
“The most spiritual people I’ve ever met were not “givers” they were communicators. You don’t give people crumbs. You give them the whole piece of bread when that is what they are asking for, in order to be healed. Christ was never about hiding behind a Facebook page, an email, a prayer circle, a bible, or a church. He was about talking, listening and healing-- face to face. He walked among sinners and ate with them. He devoted his time to people that were brokenhearted, difficult to like and fake as the religious beliefs they clung to. So, why is it that so many people profess to believe in Christ, yet they have forgotten what real love is----communicating?”
Shannon L. Alder

Lisa Bedrick
“The first verse that comes to mind that refutes all of Calvin’s points is “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Whoever means whoever. Not just some, not just the elect; that means that anyone who wants to come to God and repent may do so. There is not a certain group that is predestined for hell and they can't do anything about it. How then would God be just? Knowing God’s nature, and that he IS love, I simply cannot believe that and believe it to be a completely false teaching.”
Lisa Bedrick, On Calvinism

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Study the bible thoroughly before a pseudo-holy criminal mislead you!”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Classic Quotations From The Otherworlds

Criss Jami
“A spirit ushered by false teachings is like a body nourished by sweets. The adult, as opposed to the child, will come to understand reasons one cannot live a healthy existence on nothing but candy; so likewise, the Christian must come to understand that one cannot know and love the will of God under false doctrine.”
Criss Jami, Healology

“Opinions are never facts.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“A church where greed is preached and profiteering priests reign is a den of thieves, not a house of God. When shepherds prioritize wealth over wisdom, souls are sacrificed for silver, and the sacred is sold to the highest bidder. Such priests are wolves in sheep's clothing, feeding on the flock rather than feeding the flock. Let us beware of these false prophets and seek the truth that sets us free, for the love of money is the root of all evil, and Christ's church must not be a marketplace for the mercenary.”
Shaila Touchon