Family Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "family-love" Showing 1-30 of 146
Sanober  Khan
“my mother
is pure radiance.

she is the sun
i can touch
and kiss

and hold
getting burnt.”
Sanober Khan

Gillian Flynn
“I don't feel the need to explain my actions to her. I don't clarify, I don't doubt, I don't worry. I don't tell her everything, not anymore, but I tell her more than anyone else, by far. I tell her as much as I can.”
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

Jack Getze
“only a handful of pregnant women are like Emily; that is, they go to the hospital with pain and get the surprise of their life by delivering a child. Using Emily’s least-favorite math term, decimals, the number would be 0.0004 percent of all U.S. births. About fifteen hundred surprise babies a year.”
Jack Getze, Making Hearts

Susan Ee
“My litter sister looks up at me.
Mom was right. Her eyes are the same as they've always been. Brown eyes fringed with long lashes and steeped with the memory of sweetness and light, laughter and joy - trapped in this mangled corpse-like face.
"It's all right, baby girl," I whisper into her hair as I hug her. "I'm here. I came for you."
Her face crumples and her eyes shine. "You came for me."
I stroke her hair. It's as silky as ever.”
Susan Ee, World After

Ozzy Osbourne
“I love you all; I love you more than life itself, but you're all fucking mad.”
Ozzy Osbourne

Michael Scott
“Her hands flew to her mouth. 'Are we even twins?'
Josh rested his hand on her shoulder and brought his forehead to rest against hers, strands of their blond hair mingling. 'I will always be your brother, Sophie. I will always look after you.”
Michael Scott, The Enchantress

“The place of horror turns out to be no more than a green scoop, sometimes shadowed, sometimes shining with the bilberries and grass within it, as if a mouth had opened from which streamed a beam of light. So my uncle Robert's death, which had looked from a distance to be an all-consuming tragedy was, close-up, the story of a man finding release from his pain and how his brother had showed such defiant love. The past was a grave, a trap - and yet, also neither of these. Just light, coming and going.

At the wolf pit you imagine you will stare into a hole littered with bones, but what draws you to that place is not what you take from it. The wolf pit seems a delicate illusion. You walk towards it; there is nothing, just a curve of the moor; then it is a soft green light, and then it is nothing again.”
Will Cohu, The Wolf Pit: A Moorland Romance

Dan Gemeinhart
“A found family is every bit as beautiful as a born family. Even more so, perhaps. Stories are about choices, after all, and to choose to be family is as wonderful a story as can be told.”
Dan Gemeinhart, The Midnight Children

Clementine Darling
“The people who love you never stop loving you, don't you know," she said solemnly. "Never -- not even after they're gone".”
Clementine Darling, The Lost Children of Gloam's End

“What was love but one long act of forgiveness, of choosing to return, over and over again.”
Janika Oza, A History of Burning

Son, we are all products of operant conditioning. By daring to think outside the box,
“Son, we are all products of operant conditioning. By daring to think outside the box, you'll be judged. Stay the course. Heightened cognizance is meaningful only when freely sought out and discovered. Not when it is incrementally spoon-fed to you throughout your lifetime.”
A.K. Kuykendall

Emily St. John Mandel
“There's a low-level, specific pain and having to accept that putting up with you requires a certain generosity of spirit in your loved ones.”
Emily St. John Mandel, Sea of Tranquility

Grace Hitchcock
“He will always provide for His children, but it may not be in the manner we wish.”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Adrienne Young
“I didn't care that this crossed the line of keeping my distance or confusing boundaries. In that moment, I needed there to be no space between the three of us. I needed to feel us together, with no beginning and no end.”
Adrienne Young, The Unmaking of June Farrow

Isabel Allende
“The argument went on and on, and they became locked in a confused rhetorical exchange that left them exhausted, each accusing the other of being more stubborn than a mule. But in the end they kissed each other good night and both were left with the feeling that the other was an extraordinary human being.”
Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits

Elise Broach
“He was beginning to understand that some of the most irritating that his family did stemmed from the depth of their love. And suddenly it felt wonderful to be worried about and fussed over, to be reclaimed by their messy closeness.”
Elise Broach, Masterpiece

Jyoti Patel
“Bonds of family and love can withstand any storm and then life, even with its trials, can still be a beautiful and meaningful journey.”

John Michael Bauer
“I can remember Grandma telling stories about little nest makers leaving wards in the wid. The details would shift and change as she got older, but it always involved Saint Vinson's crystal spider and a wandering soul haunted by nightmares.”
John Michael Bauer, Besnowed

John Michael Bauer
“I can remember Grandma telling stories about little nest makers leaving wards in the wild. The details would shift and change as she got older, but it always involved Saint Vinson's crystal spider and a wandering soul haunted by nightmares.”
John Michael Bauer, Besnowed

Abraham Lincoln
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
Abraham Lincoln

Livia Blackburne
“I heard the story of how you dressed up as a man to join the army, and I was awestruck at your act of rebellion. I mean, I had long given up on behaving as a virtuous woman should, but what you did was something else altogether.” She took a large sip of wine. “It was only after I met you that I realized you were one of the biggest rule followers in existence.”
Mulan didn’t think “rule follower” was quite the right term, but she understood what Liwen meant. Mulan felt the binds of duty strongly. It was no rebellious streak that had sent her into the army, but her love for her father. Her absolute refusal to let him die a senseless death.”
Livia Blackburne, Feather and Flame

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“In Love, Nothing Is As Big As Family.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Elise Broach
“Sometimes it bothered him, but mostly it was pretty nice to know that his parents wholeheartedly believed he could do anything, yet were still bursting with pride when he did.”
Elise Broach

Jasmina Alexander
“I have learned that from children we can only expect what we did with our parents. If we receive less than that, it will have been our fault for bad upbringing. On the other hand, if we receive more, we should consider ourselves simply lucky.”
Jasmina Alexander, MY LIFE IN QUOTES

“When I asked Grandma about it she told me in her own way . . .she wanted me to know that each time I looked at my quilt it would remind me to be compassionate with other and identify with their struggles. I remember her exact words, same ones she repeated so many times: "Chile, Grandma never wants you to look at the bad in folks and go backwards. I wants you to look at the good in them and go forward. If you jest look at the bad you gonna fine zactly what you lookin' for. Even the worse folks got a speck of good, you jest gotta fine it.”
Phyllis Biffle Elmore, Quilt of Souls: A Memoir

“Even as people put their faith in psychiatrists and drugs, they never put the faith in the support that family and loved ones could give!”
A Victor Adharsh

Lisa  Shultz
“Even when raised by a loving parent, a young adult may be influenced to the point of hopping on the fast-moving trans train and leaving the loving family behind.”
Lisa Shultz, The Trans Train: A Parent's Perspective on Transgender Medicalization and Ideology

Emily      Grace
“Why would I want to wake up? What was the point in waking up to a reality where I may never see my brother again?”
Emily Grace, River Of Sorrows

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