Fan Culture Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fan-culture" Showing 1-5 of 5
Denis Markell
“At this moment, I know that the answer has to be yes. I am defeated. By my own father. How Darth Vader.”
Denis Markell, Click Here to Start

“Fandom takes care of my cat when I go on vacation. I sit in the waiting room to take fandom home after wisdom teeth removals. Fandom comes to get me at LAX in the middle of the night when my flight is delayed for eight hours and my luggage has been sent to Australia by mistake. I bring Liquid Plummer to fandom when its toilet explodes. Fandom brings me ginger cookies and sits with me on my stoop when I stupidly lock myself out of my apartment. Fandom, friendom, and familydom all run on a gradient line in my brain.”
Allyson Beatrice, Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?: And Other True Adventures from a Life Online

“Past the age of four, it suddenly becomes unacceptable and weird to dress up as an elf, or fashion a cape out of an old blanket and pretend to "fly" down the sidewalk. It stops being cute at some point. However, it is acceptable for a fifty-two-year-old man to paint a bull's-eye on his giant gut and jiggle it while naked from the waist up in twenty-degree weather behind the goal post at a Packers game, while wearing a giant wedge of cheese on his head. People in traffic watching him walk into the game may point and laugh, but they're laughing with him. It's acceptable. He's a Great Big Fan Displaying Team Spirit!”
Allyson Beatrice, Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?: And Other True Adventures from a Life Online

Dash Shaw
“See? Verti gets it... Sometimes being a fan means demanding the work be of a certain quality level.”
Dash Shaw, Cosplayers 2: Tezukon

Dale Beran
“Were the future leaders of the United States who had won coveted tickets to the highest echelons of the neoliberal meritocracy — the ones who were supposed to take over the newspapers, high political offices, and corporations — really demonstrating in the quads not about the military-industrial complex, wealth inequality, or America's endless foreign wars, but cosplay?”
Dale Beran, It Came from Something Awful: How a Toxic Troll Army Accidentally Memed Donald Trump into Office