Fantasy Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fantasy-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 127
Margaret  Owen
“He looked at you the same way you look at roads. [...] Like where they go frightens you, and you love them for it.”
Margaret Owen, The Merciful Crow

“He was aware that darkness could take root in pristine gardens, and even good men could fall to shadow.”
Ella Rose Carlos, A Long Lost Fantasy

“War was a terrible, fickle thing–an eternal, horrendous nightmare for those who lived it, and a thing easily forgotten by those who didn’t.”
Ella Rose Carlos, A Long Lost Fantasy

“There is a joy to be found down every path, Nischia. The teachings I was raised on do not give me belief. But the quest for joy in this life of ours does. One cannot exist without the other.”
Joshua Walker

Briar Boleyn
“... her eyes closed in deep contemplation as if she were listening to the winds of fate themselves.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Giovanni  Cacioppo
“Time has been a meticulous cleaner of your memory,” he said to the tree again, “but your return can only mean that events are turning.”
Giovanni Cacioppo, Lost Dreams

Stephanie Garber
“Beware of getting swept too far away.”
Stephanie Garber, Caraval

Peter Hackshaw
“Through the Dethwold, behind the wall of sleep, there is a castle between worlds and a walkway of stars leading to it.”
Peter Hackshaw, The Darkest Core

Peter Hackshaw
“I wonder what whispers, those whispering wisps whisper. What whisper them whispering wisps?”
Peter Hackshaw, The Shadow Sect

Peter Hackshaw
“Their cider ain't no good either... Them apples got the sooty blotch.”
Peter Hackshaw, The Shadow Sect

Peter Hackshaw
“I've seen death's bastard face many times. Ain't come for me yet, the prick.' - the old mumblecrust.”
Peter Hackshaw, The Darkest Core

“ "...a large white stag leaped onto the road in front of Johann. Deer often roamed the grassy fields along the forest’s edge, but the youth had never seen one like this before, one so magnificent. Its sapphire eyes stared until they locked on his, drawing him into a vastness unfathomed, stirring in him a desire for something more. Something adventurous and exciting. Extraordinary or even supernatural. A longing for truths yet unknown.”
Raymond Keith, The Inn at the Forest's Edge: A Fantasy Novelette

E.C. Bröwa
“Gli Dei delle Stelle crearono tre Mondi, tre realtà parallele e distanti tra loro, nel tempo e nello spazio, ma legate in modo indissolubile, mondi in cui tutti gli esseri potevano vivere in pace e armonia, tra loro e con la terra che popolavano.
Gli Dei delle Stelle avevano grande sapienza, conoscevano tutti i segreti dell'universo, sicuramente crearono altri mondi e altri esseri in realtà sconosciute, ma questo è un discorso che ci porterebbe troppo lontano…”
E.C. Bröwa, Nel mondo del tempo

“All paths must end, but not always in sorrow.”
Sarah Brown, The Amulet of Nethelar: Book One of The God Amulets Trilogy

“Because love, at its root, is hope. Hope for tomorrow. Hope for what could be. Hope that the someone you entrusted your everything to will cradle and protect it. And hope? That shit is harder to kill than a dragon.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Arianna Fox
“Of course, it will be hard. It'll probably be the hardest thing you've ever done." She pauses. "But it will work. I know it will.”
Arianna Fox, Sabre Black

Loren Tuxford
“Aurelia plunged headfirst into a white expanse of emptiness.

There was no time to close her eyes.

After a single aching heartbeat,
a great shape appeared, looming below.
It was an impossible shape, woven out of
shifting light, shimmering, polished scales,
and wickedly spread blades reaching
out towards her.

There was a jolt.
There was pain.

Then there was nothing.”
Loren Tuxford, Nightfall in the Forest of Betrayal

S. A. Matey
“Herein lies a story all creatures know
The root of the root, the seed left to sow
A history of yearning, of great sorrow and pain
Told to me as a warning, told to you just the same. 
In the beginning, the Father-Graven had two sons
Who tore the boundless heavens apart 
In salted stardust, Geiin birthed a world
And Mithre corrupted its heart.
The world fell to a night deep and starless 
The spirits of men filled fully with darkness
Geiin ascended and in his wake
Left four brothers, each an Anathema remade:

A Father to rule dumb creatures
A Father to keep Ieris living and green 
A Father to be mankind’s healer 
& a Father to balance, sort, and cleave. 

What was faultless turned to rust 
A world once beautiful turned to dust 
At the end of all things but this stands true
All spirits return to one of two
Geiin or Mithre, holy or shrewd
Until the end we will slay what has strayed
Hear this song and be afraid
Never again let Anathema see light of day.”
S. A. Matey, Prince of Glass: Remastered

S. A. Matey
“...helplessness would not win Vasily a war. Helplessness had to be turned to rage. The kind that could topple mountains, the kind that could dethrone kings, the kind that could burn a whole realm down to the ground.
The kind that never, ever went away.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, many said about men of power. But Vasily knew a different kind of truth.
Heavier still, was the hand that wields the sword.”
S. A. Matey, Prince of Glass: Remastered

S. A. Matey
“When they were well out of her earshot, Taein swiveled back and glowered at Vince. “You’ve got to throw those away.”
Vince, bouncing awkwardly in the saddle as his draft kept time with Lorrin, looked aghast. “Taein, she gave us muffins.”
“She probably poisoned them, you imbecile,” Taein hissed. 
“Why would she do that?” Vince asked, fumbling to keep a hold of his reins and manage a pair of blueberry-dotted muffins at the same time. 
“Because she knows I’m the one that stole from her, years back!”
Vince paused before popping an entire muffin into his mouth. “You’re far too paranoid, Taein,” he said as he chewed. “These are blueberry muffins. Suit yourself, but I ain’t throwing these away even if they are poisoned.” 
“Well, don’t go blaming me when you keel over. You were duly warned.”
“Me, paying recompense for your poorly-executed crimes? When has that ever happened?” Vince chuckled.”
S. A. Matey, Prince of Glass: Remastered

S. A. Matey
“Taein was bleeding in ways that no man could sustain for long, but he had a job to do. The path ahead had to be finished, before all this blood like water ran out and the grave closed over him at last.”
S. A. Matey, Prince of Glass: Remastered

Briar Boleyn
“I felt a rush of fiery rage and a longing I had never felt before. I felt the fury of a small child who sees the injustice of the world and wants to reach out and stop it any way they can.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“My future had been set for me before I was old enough to question it.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“I spotted dark kohl around her eyes and there was a splash of red on her wide mouth. She looked rakish, glamorous, and completely and utterly dashing.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“I knew I was walking into danger. Not the sort that carried a crossbow or a sword. No, this was another kind entirely. One which might set me aflame rather than the other way around.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“I'm sorry, did I distract you that time? Was it my hair? Or my rare female strength? I suppose both can be disarming when you’re not used to them.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Rod Judkins
“Art is not an escape into fantasy; it's an escape into reality.”
Rod Judkins, Lie like an artist: Communicate successfully by focusing on essential truths

Shana Targosz
“You followed death into the Underworld. but death is also following you.”
Shana Targosz, River of Spirits

Brandon Sanderson
“I love memories. They are our ballads, our personal foundation myths. But I just acknowledge that memory can be cruel if left unchallenged.

Memory is often our only connection to who we used to be. Memories are fossils, the bones left by dead versions of ourselves. More potently, our minds are a hungry audience, craving only the peaks and valleys of experience. The bland erodes, leaving behind the distinctive bits to be remembered again and again.

Painful or passionate, surreal or sublime, we cherish those little rocks of peak experience, polishing them with the ever-smoothing touch of recycled proxy living. In so doing - like pagans praying to a sculpted mud figure - we make our memories the gods which judge our current lives.”
Brandon Sanderson, Tress of the Emerald Sea

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