Father Of Lies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "father-of-lies" Showing 1-6 of 6
Criss Jami
“My belief is that, morally, God and Satan are vaguely on the same page. According to the common understanding of Satan's origins, 'holiness' is, metaphorically, frozen stiff in his veins: and at that a corrupted formula - i.e. legalism. The vital difference is that God is willing to offer grace for our sins; he delights in grace. God is the one and only holy and just punisher of sin, yes, but that is partly so because punishment for the sake of punishment is not something he loves. Whereas Satan, as the accuser, and as it is written, actually seeks God's permission to punish; he, being a seasoned legalist, delights in finding wrongs and will defy his own morality just to expose immorality. This is why both the anti-religious soul and the violently religious soul are, whether consciously or unconsciously, and sadly enough, glorifying their biggest hater: Satan is not only a lawless lover of punishing lawlessness, but also the sharpest theologian of us all. He loves wickedness, but only because he loves punishing wickedness.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Criss Jami
“Perhaps it is true that, by some definitions, Satan is more religious than God. Many of the particularly proud sinners are deceived into thinking that Satan is anti-religious, that he likes seeing people do immoral things simply because he likes immoral things. Doubtful; Satan likes for people to do immoral things so that he can blame them for doing immoral things. The Father of Lies laughs not with his teammates, but at them.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Charles Dickens
“Howsever they come, they didn't ought to come, and they come from the father of lies, and work round to the same.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Criss Jami
“Over the joke known as coronavirus
Let it be shown I chose Jehovah-jireh

So fire up the wires in the mire of the Father of Lies
While high above, the other side in love with lives
With flying colors hovers oh He comes and flies
And covers skies”
Criss Jami

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Just because Satan is the father of lies doesn’t mean that you have to adopt him as your daddy.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Satan is a relentless and cunning foe, always on the prowl, seeking to devour and destroy. With his vast knowledge of Scripture, supernatural powers, and legion of minions, he wages war against the saints, day and night, without reprieve. But let us not forget, his power is short-lived, and his kingdom is built on lies and deception. For in the end, it is the Spirit of God that will triumph over the spirit of darkness, and the truth of Christ that will shine victorious over the father of lies.”
Shaila Touchton