Fictitious Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fictitious" Showing 1-5 of 5
Erik Pevernagie
“Consumption can be a remedy against boredom and may convey a sense of fictitious power and supremacy, by standing out from the crowd through the extravagance of the expenditure. As it becomes an addiction, however, it might be cured, if the right medication is administered : humbleness and mindful discovery of the others. (“Buying now, dying later”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Auguste Comte
“From the study of the development of human intelligence, in all directions, and through all times, the discovery arises of a great fundamental law, to which it is necessarily subject, and which has a solid foundation of proof, both in the facts of our organization and in our historical experience. The law is this: that each of our leading conceptions -- each branch of our knowledge -- passes successively through three different theoretical conditions: the theological, or fictitious; the metaphysical, or abstract; and the scientific, or positive. In other words, the human mind, by its nature, employs in its progress three methods of philosophizing, the character of which is essentially different, and even radically opposed: namely, the theological method, the metaphysical, and the positive. Hence arise three philosophies, or general systems of conceptions on the aggregate of phenomena, each of which excludes the others. The first is the necessary point of departure of the human understanding, and the third is its fixed and definitive state. The second is merely a state of transition.”
Auguste Comte, Cours de philosophie positive 1/6

“The real acts of a real devil you know have been made acceptable by the fictitious actions of a nonexistent devil that you do not know.”
Mike Klepper

Jose R. Coronado
“Majesty and its scepter is the symbols it represents I stand for! No more worries about big brother worrying about my whereabouts. Having complete discretion of my own businesses in and outs. Truly the best way out of all the deceit is honesty, imaginable created illusories, the G in the middle represent God in geometry. It's freedom of the bondage through enlightenment of mentality. Free as a bird in the realm of immortality cause I live in a world of reality.”
Jose R. Coronado, The Land Flowing With Milk And Honey

Awdhesh Singh
“The fictitious characters of movies undermine our personal relationships with others. we are constantly under pressure to fit into the mould created by fiction, and we find it impossible to satisfy our partner as none of us have the ability to come to the level of the ideals set by the hero or heroine in the movies. we often crushed under such fallacious expectations which create frustration and anger between the partners.”
Awdhesh Singh, Myths are Real, Reality is a Myth