Friends Quotes

Quotes tagged as "friends" Showing 2,731-2,760 of 3,831
Charlotte Eriksson
“A big group of daily friends or a white painted house with bills and mirrors, are not a necessity to me—but an intelligent conversation while sharing another coffee, is.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Shannon L. Alder
“Sometimes your inability to let go has nothing to do with real love and everything to do with what that person represents in your life. Why do you give them so much importance? Why do you believe that God doesn't love you enough that he would not bring someone else into your life? Why do you put up with less than you deserve?”
Shannon L. Alder

J.R. Rim
“Your true friends echo your own philosophies back at you.”
J.R. Rim

Oliver Markus
“Men know that most women want to have an emotional connection with someone before they sleep with them. Men know that a lot of women think it's romantic to be friends first, and then the friendship blossoms into a relationship. Men know that they have to jump through all these hoops first, before they can get laid. And that's really all romance and courtship is to a man: hoops he has to jump through to get laid.”
Oliver Markus, Why Men And Women Can't Be Friends

Shannon L. Alder
“A best friend is someone that will stand in your storm and tell you the lightening is beautiful just to make you realize that your heart was worth getting soaked.”
Shannon L. Alder

Viola Shipman
“The Puzzle Piece Charm

To A Life Filled with Friends Who Complete You”
Viola Shipman, The Charm Bracelet

“Three things in life you will never have to chase: True friends, true love and your destiny!”
Alex Haditaghi, Softly, As I Leave Her

Sondra Faye
“I only want to be famous to my friends.
book: stuff i think about”
Sondra Faye

“If it does not make me strong, we do not go along.”
Luimar Silva

Ryan Britt
“The message to me was simple: you might change your whole life and lose love, but real good friends are REALLY fucking hard to come by, specifically if you live a life of intergalactic adventure.”
Ryan Britt, Luke Skywalker Can't Read: And Other Geeky Truths

Enock Maregesi
“Mbegu tunazopanda leo ni mazao ya msimu ujao. Ukipanda mbegu mbaya utavuna mabaya. Ukipanda mbegu nzuri utavuna mazuri. Ukitenda mabaya leo kesho yako itakuwa mbaya. Ukitenda mazuri leo kesho yako itakuwa nzuri. Okoa kesho leo kwa kupanda mbegu nzuri na kuzimwagilia kwa imani na upendo kwa watu. Mungu ataleta mvua, jua na ustawi wa mazao yako. Panda mbegu ya msamaha kwa maadui zako, uvumilivu kwa wapinzani wako, tabasamu kwa marafiki zako, mfano bora kwa watoto wako, uchapakazi kwa kazi zako, uadilifu kwa waajiri wako na kwa wafanyakazi wako pia kama unao, ndoto kwa malengo yako, na uaminifu kwa marafiki zako wa ukweli. Kila mbegu irutubishwe kwa mapenzi huru yasiyokuwa na masharti yoyote, au mapenzi huru yasiyokuwa na unafiki wa aina yoyote ile. Usifiche vipaji vyako. Ukiwa kimya utasahaulika. Usipopiga hatua utarudi nyuma. Usiwe na hasira, wivu au ubinafsi.”
Enock Maregesi

“Friends will always be there for the party. REAL friends will be there after the party...”
Bray Love

Saru Singhal
“Good friends laugh at you, laugh with you, but never laugh behind your back.”
Saru Singhal

“A fake friend is someone that ridicules your feelings, steps on your emotions and gossips about you behind your back”
Karon Waddell

Michael Chabon
“In any case, it is not love, but friendship, that truly eludes you.”
Michael Chabon

Eve Dangerfield
“He’s more how Satan would look if he needed to seduce you into drowning a baby.”
Eve Dangerfield, Locked Box

Maureen  Brady
“As we move away from the old role in which we were helplessly entrapped as a victim, we make friends with the people who affirm us. Their enthusiasm about us mirrors the positive experience we are having.”
Maureen Brady, Beyond Survival: A Writing Journey for Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse

Todd Stocker
“Never underestimate the value of good friends.”
Todd Stocker

Deyth Banger
“I can always win in Tic Tac toe for example one strategy can be used serveral times and one moment he will find that I'm using this strategy and in the other day he will forgot aobut this and I just repeat the same - But from this point of view it's kind a useless and taking time. I want to find new path ways, the same is with chess I can win always the same way but one moment it come the rule or the thought - hey I want this to return and I will give you to return. I hate this moment it's kind a noobish or kind a bot way!”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“What are the differences between me and you, I stand up and continue you just stay down and don't move and you think that nobody will touch. But when you are down, you always easy to be attacked - You will find down "IT" :D :D”
Deyth Banger

Rachel L. Schade
“No words would ever be more powerful than the presence of a friend.”
Rachel L. Schade, Silent Kingdom

Elena Ferrante
“I soon had to admit that what I did by myself couldn't excite me, only what Lila touched became important.”
Elena Ferrante

“Charles Kindleberger explained the self-perpetuating feeding frenzy that develops when speculators start making money: 'There is nothing so disturbing to one’s well-being and judgment as to see a friend get rich'.”
Zac Bissonnette, The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute

“I wanted to see Chameleons, Then I saw my friends!”
Sohail Umar

“Something that trash for me, might be diamond for you.”
Sohail Umar

“Who can find a faithful friend?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Friends for life, friends forever.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Deyth Banger
“Today, some chess games can't go in 40 minutes. One game not every time can finish fast, sometimes it's difficult to win and the ways are odd.”
Deyth Banger

Jesse Andrews
“Greg: Scott, great horde.

My realization was that I could never *actually* live a life where I had to be constantly doing things like praising a dude's horde.

So that made me feel better about myself.”
Jesse Andrews, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Alok Jagawat
“Truth can win you many enemies, but it also rewards you with some die-hard friends”
Alok Jagawat