Stephen King Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stephen-king" Showing 1-30 of 816
Stephen         King
“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Stephen         King
“FEAR stands for fuck everything and run.”
Stephen King, Doctor Sleep

Stephen         King
“Give me just enough information so that I can lie convincingly.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“God is cruel. Sometimes he makes you live.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“Eddie discovered one of his childhood's great truths. Grownups are the real monsters, he thought.”
Stephen King, It

Stephen         King
“Writers remember everything...especially the hurts. Strip a writer to the buff, point to the scars, and he'll tell you the story of each small one. From the big ones you get novels. A little talent is a nice thing to have if you want to be a writer, but the only real requirement is the ability to remember the story of every scar.
Art consists of the persistence of memory.”
Stephen King, Misery

Stephen         King
“The mind can calculate, but the spirit yearns, and the heart knows what the heart knows”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“Am I weird?"

"Yeah. But so what? Everybody's weird.”
Stephen King, The Body

Stephen         King
“I'm one of those people who doesn't really know what he thinks until he writes it down.”
Stephen King, 11/22/63

Stephen         King
“But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. [...] True sorrow is as rare as true love.”
Stephen King, Carrie

Stephen         King
“As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another. Why do you think we invented politics and religion?”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”
Stephen King, Dark Tower Set

Stephen         King
“A person who doesn't learn from the past is an idiot, in my estimation.”
Stephen King, 11/22/63

Stephen         King
“If it's ka it'll come like a wind, and your plans will stand before it no more than a barn before a cyclone”
Stephen King, Wizard and Glass

Stephen         King
“We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt. And in the end, we will stand.”
Stephen King, The Drawing of the Three

Stephen         King
“the man in black travels with your soul in his pocket.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Stephen         King
“If I show up at your house ten years from now and find nothing in your living room but The Readers Digest, nothing on your bedroom night table but the newest Dan Brown novel, and nothing in your bathroom but Jokes for the John, I’ll chase you down to the end of your driveway and back, screaming ‘Where are your books? You graduated college ten years ago, so how come there are no damn books in your house? Why are you living on the intellectual equivalent of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese?”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“He supposed that even in Hell, people got an occasional sip of water, if only so they could appreciate the full horror of unrequited thirst when it set in again.”
Stephen King, Full Dark, No Stars

Stephen         King
“Sometimes [...] real love is silent as well as blind.”
Stephen King, The Stand

Stephen         King
“Life is fair. We all get the same nine-month shake in the box, and then the dice roll. Some people get a run of sevens. Some people, unfortunately, get snake-eyes. Its just how the world is.”
Stephen King, Full Dark, No Stars

Stephen         King
“Oh Christ, he groaned to himself, if this is the stuff adults have to think about I never want to grow up”
Stephen King, It

Stephen         King
“What if I fall?', Tim cried.

Maerlyn laughed. 'Sooner or later, we all do.”
Stephen King, The Wind Through the Keyhole

Stephen         King
“I changed it. I had to. Do you know why?" She studied him, her eyes grave. "Because that was then and this is now. Because the past is gone, even though it defines the present.”
Stephen King, Doctor Sleep

Stephen         King
“At the end of her life she was aware of heat but not pain. She had time to consider his eyes, eyes of that blue which is the color of the sky at first light of the morning. She had time to think of him on the Drop, riding Rusher flat out with his black hair flying back from his temples and his neckerchief rippling; to see him laughing with an ease and freedom he would never find again in the long life which stretched out for him beyond hers, and it was his laughter she took with her as she went out, fleeing the light and heat in to the silkly, consoling dark, calling to him over and over as she went, calling bird and bear and hare and fish.”
Stephen King, Wizard and Glass

Stephen         King
“I loved you then and I love you now and I have loved you every second in between.”
Stephen King, Lisey's Story

Stephen         King
“Mrs. Cole was a perfect democrat. She hated all kids equally.”
Stephen King, It

Stephen         King
“I was being paid to do what I loved, and there's no gig on earth better than that; it's like a license to steal.”
Stephen King, Bag of Bones

Richard Bachman
“Then you can blame it on your parents,' I said, smiling. 'Won't that be a relief?”
Richard Bachman, Rage

Richard Bachman
“Wahnsinn ist, wenn man nicht mehr die Nähte sehen kann, mit denen die Welt zusammengenäht ist.”
Richard Bachman, Rage

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